Why do these countries shitpost the most on Sup Forums?

Why do these countries shitpost the most on Sup Forums?


Hyper liberals or anglo criminal scum.


liberals, cunts and cucks. in that order

point proven



There seems to be a correlation between shitposting and forced liberalism/multiculturalism

point proven again

Australia isn't that liberal

You best bow to your leaf god, Juan Julio Castro-Sinclair you fat piece of burger shit.

>implying the shitposting trio isn't Canada, Australia and Finland
Now the cucked country trio includes Sweden along with Germany and UK.

They lack freedom so they try to bring down people which have freedom

Germans shitpost a lot less, and brits aren't that bad on here.

Finland barely posts at all.


I know it's been pushed on all of western countries but they seem to stand out the most (After America)

True asnwer. Because having a leaf on your flags is a (You) magnet for some reason and once you had a taste of them, there is no turning back.

Your prime minister is a drama teacher who does absolutely nothing but suck LGBT and muslim cock.

Here's a (You)

Fucking leaf

Canada is trying to compete with Australian quality shit posting by trying to cause a shitpost flood.

Canada = Quantity
Australia = Quality

Sweden as a country is literally a meme. They aren't even shitposting, they actually believe what they are posting.

And UK's capital's mayor is a muslim :^)

Jag bajsbrevar aldrig, din jävla amerifet

because we have nothing else

I bosting informative bosts but by limiting my autism I try to convene non finns in a more simplistic way.

Aussie shitposts are often in good humor and good spirit.

Sweden stirs feelings of pity more than anything else.

But Canada... day of the rake when?

What are you saying? That your prime minister sucks London cock?

Should germans be added to this list? They seem to have quite a bit of shitposters.

I do it just because my flag gets me guaranteed butthurt replies every single time.
It's great

No. The one true shitpost king is Oz. The others are just fagposters.