Do you hate him because he's progressive and tolerant? Do you even know what his policies are or is this just a giant circlejerk? Are you just jealous because he doesn't look like Drumpf the orange cheeto man? Explain
Give me one reason why you hate Justin Trudeau
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He's not progressive enough for me. He's a fucking white male. Why doesn't he step down as prime minister and let a lesbian muslim womyn of colour take his place?
I love him because he's hot.
His does some retarded shit only because he wants more votes, not because it makes sense. He made his cabinet gender balanced only because there were votes to gain from it. They should have picked the most competent person for each seat instead of giving it to them only because of their gender.
And don't even get me started ont that law about gender neutral pronouns.
>Implying being progressive and tolerant isn't enough reason to hate someone
How is that working out for Sweden?
Besides, Trudeau is a joke. Just listen to him.
This she needs to check her white privilege also boxing is dangerous for womenz
>highschool drama teacher
>snowboard instructor
>shitty boxer
>incredibly dumb
he is totally unqualified for the job and got memed into office because dumb cunts vote with their pussy's and DUDE WEED LMAO
thats what 5 reasons that all disqualify him?
Because he said Canada has no national identity. Whether you want to joke about it or not that is something the leader of a country should not say.
Second, he got into leadership riding the corpse of his father, I would be more qualified to run the country than he is if you were to base it off of merit.
He was a substitute drama teacher for his one job so I don't know what you can say about that. We need a conservative or NDP leader to step up and not be absolutely retarded and we will be in good shape. Hopefully the election gave their heads a shake.
Also he got the young vote by promising to legalize Marijuana and that was a pretty low path to take since we knew he was just telling them that as an empty promise for votes.
Is it really fair to bring him up... his dad just died guys...
He's an effeminate cliché-spouting dork who is quite clearly completely out of his depth.
He has the intellectual heft of cotton candy.
>Because it's 2015
Trustin Judeau is an all-around bad leader, sold all their gold, didn't do shit when wildfires ravaged country. SAD!
>memed into office
hoo boy have I got a president for you
why hate on him? hate the people that elected him.
i hear he gives refugees 3600$ a month, let the normies suffer
You deserve more (you)
He's pro-islam, pro feminism pro faggotry pro diversity he deserves to be killed
He's weak and spineless but to his supporters he's the best thing ever, just like Trump.
>Not clenching your fist fully when punching
Enjoy your fucked up wrists
Who is this woman?
>thinking donald won because of shitposting pepes on pol
>not realizing he won because he convinced the rustbelt that globalisation is a race to the bottom
get woke cuck
>we knew he was just telling them that as an empty promise for votes.
He didn't he is just this honestly stupid.
We need new parties. Liberals are in bed with the Globalist Catholic Sunni Globalist Jew alliance. Cons are in bed with the Builderbergs. NDP are fucking commies.
This idiot turned us into the worlds laughing stock. At least people feel bad for Sweden for being so stupid, we had a prime example of why this shit isn't going to work and we wen't SURE THAT LOOKS GOOD BRUH
weed isn't legal yet
He is just a puppet who use muh minorities to get easy and after he just suck corporate dick. Liberals need to be exterminated. Especially the liberal party of Quebec
You're welcome.
>empty promise for votes.
There's literally no reason why it has to be. He has a majority government and literally nothing stopping him.
There is zero excuse.
last one
Do you know what his policy's are and what he is trying to push through?
No you fucking don't you Swedish pile of shit. He is a fucking hypocrite and a coward. He says shit thinking everyone and the media is on bored. He is trying to pass "My feels" laws nobody gives a shit but when he praises Castro everybody fucking loses their mind.
I fucking hate him and the idiots in our country. I remember hearing more then once of bitches voting for him just because he looked good.
Makes sense though that you want to suck Mr.Selfies small cock as him and Sweden get together like fucking peanut butter and jam. Fuck he is making Canada like Sweden you fuckwhat.
He's a terrible leader. I have a friend in the armed forces and he's told me a lot of guys are looking to get out ASAP.
But not only that, he fails to inspire, men hate him. Women love him. That should be more than enough. But if it isnt, then simply listen to the shit this faggot spouts. He makes zero sense, and he's destroying this country in the process. I hope we enter a war soon. Cause this country needs to be wiped off the map. We've failed and as such, deserve to perish.
he's a cool rich guy that spent most his time job hoping. he lived in a van in whistler and was a ski instructor for a while. he's prolly is just going along with what obama thought he should do cause he's cool too
When I look at his face, I see someone who is genuinely stupid.
Not like when you call your enemies "stupid" as an insult. He literally seems like someone whose IQ is lower than 90. It doesn't seem like he fully understands the written statements he reads to the public.
Canadians and Swedes deserve each other, honestly. But Canada will never catch up to your level of cuck. I'm sure you're proud of that and will continue to provide them with a role model in proper cuckoldry.
His government uses my tax dollars to give away to minorities and foreign governments in an attempt to give Canada a false sense of moral superiority.
Meanwhile, he runs a defecit and plunges the country further into debt. Charity is for those with excess.
i hate him because weed is still illegal.
fuck you, weedman. you couldn't even fulfill your easiest promise. turncoat shitheal.
He's a name surfer who had difficulty forming complete sentences.
how can a president make weed legal anyway?
you need at least 51% of the parliament to approve it or something.
are people that stupid?
>Are people that stupid?
Why is he shadow boxing? Doesn't he know, that if you punch your enemies, you get knocked out?
Of course. You know how many liberals were in the fetal position scared they were going to be lined up on the street and executed because Trump won?
They ascribe God like powers to the country's leader.
His country produces people like this:
>Quite humorous, until you remember that one time you went to visit in 2012 when you heard Canucks saying things like this in public for some reason despite them not being aware of any Americans being around, making you realize that they really do have an unhealthy hateful obsession of people that barely think about them, which then makes reading this comment some what pitiful.
wew lad, because growing up as son the prime minister and being an MP for 8 years and winning the support of your entire party to run as leader definitely make you totally unqualified.
This is like saying that Trump is extremely qualified because he won his party's nomination.
I'd say Trumps pretty qualified, considering he won the election. Now republicans can push their policies through for the next 4 years - 8 years, and that's really all that matters in the end. Both Trudeau and Trump will ultimately act as their parties want them to and fall in line, campaign promises be damned. The leaders real job is to be charismatic and get elected.