What does Sup Forums think of this guy?

What does Sup Forums think of this guy?


As long as he keeps waking up people to the JQ he's fine by me.

he's pretty douchey

How so? Just curious

>make the kikes scream louder with crowder
Hes too racist even for me Tbh

meh, hes not bad i suppose

Anti Trump cunt.

He was mocking him all the way upto the election, he was a cruz fagboy till the end.

He's like Shapiro--attacks the easy prey but won't go after the big issues. Also he's not funny.

He's good but way too extreme for my taste. After he said Jews were vermin that must be exterminated from Earth and started talking about forming right wing gangs to go beat up minorities I stopped listening

He tries to make jokes it's snl tier


The night trump was elected he said totally serious: "see? there isnt any demographic problem. repubblicans won"


he's annoying and has always been annoying

plus hes a fucking leaf

Normie potatobrain. Some of his comedy sketches have been funny.

I think it's obvious he's struggling with his sexuality

Even David Duke disavowed him. This guy is beyond extreme.

sieg heil desu senpai

He's a strange animal with good taste in music

he's a Zionist

Cuckservatice riding the anti-SJW for ez bucks
Doesn't know what he's talking about half the time and goes for the lowest hanging tree
It's funny when he makes fun of the Young Genocide Deniers though

I like him and im considering buying a subscription to his daily programing for $99 a year.

Oddly cute

He's way too hardcore for me.

If he's who I think it is his cenk and ana impersonation is God tier

Is he the new leader of the altright or

white. power.

Didn't he post a bunch of shit against the jews on twitter? I didn't even know he existed until that and I went to check out his podcast and it's normiecore anti-SJW shit.

I like him,
Milo is worse


I'm currently awaiting my mug.

He's pretty good. But the worst part of his show is how the guests have to get interrupted every 5 minutes because of commercials. They make points and he goes OKOKOKOKO HOLD ON WE GOTTA GO TO COMMERCIAL WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK HOLD ON
It'd be much nicer if they just went on for a while without stopping for commercials but I guess that's just how his radio show is set up.

He's funny

Pretty funny.
I liked the Detroit report.


retard. every few weeks he posts about how he waited until after marriage to have sex with his wife because it's the right way.

He likes to think he is the main conservative channel on youtube, meanwhile even amateur channels like mark dice fucking destroy him.

I really don't get the charges of him being a racist. May not care for his humor all the time, but I listen pretty regularly and never heard anything remotely racist from him.

Is mark dice any good?

Too alt-right for me desu

And then there's this fagget

It is the right way.


he's an establishment republican

Pseudo-Alt right arrogant type who thinks he is a know it all like Molyneux

He's great but his producer needs to shut the fuck up

Zionist goy rato dick rider

>waiting to spread your genes and memes

It's against life itself.

Generally cuckservative but is good for shitting on SJWs and using as a fact source against liberals
But the best thing he produces is his Young Turks skits

>only wanting to spread your genes to the best mates to create the best offspring
>against life itself

Secret gay repressing his homosexuality