>be me
>was a shitlib at 16
>21 now and completely redpilled
>go to mosque unironically try to redpill other kebabs
>name the kikes using us as attack dogs
>doesn't work after years of trying
>growing more and more secular
>becoming more depressed and less fulfilled
>mfw i can't hang out with aryan fascist shitlords cause i'm inferior or my own people since im pretty much an outcast because of my high IQ
Muslim shitskin user- Sup Forums has changed me
does the white homeland have room for a shitskin ambassador? i can't stand these degenerates
move to Bosnia
>21 now
>fully grown man whose opinions will no longer change and evolve
oh buddy..
*tips kufi* how can you be redpilled and a muslim? literally opposites
haven't found proof islam was socially engineered by kikes to control us or anything remotely close to that would need proof to go full blown atheist as of now its a coin flip between the abrahamic religions
Im 50 spic and I feel the same. My fellow spics have denied me for my redpilled views. I just say I'm 100 so Sup Forums will accept me.
Protip: Look at middle east what "benefit" Islam brought to mankind. Islam encourages stupidity, that is proven fact.
If you were truly redpilled you'd realize Islam is a barbaric, subhuman, ideology which following marks you as deserving of death.
You could always follow your genetical urges and blow yourself up, but this time in a mosque since you switched sides.