I'm in the middle of an Arrastão (bandits block tunnels during traffic jams...

I'm in the middle of an Arrastão (bandits block tunnels during traffic jams, steal half a dozen cars and mug 20 to 40 people for half an hour). Two guys on a motorcycle are just 2 lines in front of me.

I'm so scared. Hold me, Sup Forums. Why does this country suck so bad?

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Because you don't have guns, my little Brazil nut. And are posting in Sup Forums instead of calling the cops.


>Arrastão (bandits block tunnels during traffic jams, steal half a dozen cars and mug 20 to 40 people for half an hour)
It's kind of funny this is such a common occurence there that there's a word for it.
Is it true there's jungle people there who will sell you their kids on the cheap like in muh porno stories.

It's no use. 8km of grindlock for police to come.

Favelas two sides of the tunnel.

im so scared. they are screaming really loud

people are running out of their cars

Are there even cops there?

>brazil nut

let this be a thing.

so cute.

You need to embrace democracy

Cops don't stop arrastões, they only prevent it.

Imagine if cops came and started gun fighting the bandits in the middle of a tunnel.

everyone would die


wanna start shooting yet?

Haha third worlders

Little girl crying on the car to my right.

Their car is next.

If i take my cellphone to take a picture, do you think they might assume it is a gun?

post pics and then shoot them, and then post pics again

if i thought you had a gun and i was fucking shit up like that i would just shoot you

Be careful bro, keep us updated

Holy fuck

why don't you have a fucking GUN

>it's illegal

bullshit! who cares! you live in fucking BRAZIL. get whatever you can to protect your ass -- legal or not.

Take a picture of the guys robbing you and post it user.

I don't have a gun.

If i had one, i'd be sued if i used it illegaly.

im crying like a bitch

i just bought this phone

Lmao this

little late now but you could always look into air rifles and maybe doing some custom work to it

I'll try, but im scared as fuck.

it might flash and they'll think it's a gun and shoot me

the guy has an AR-15 and the guy going to the car windows (it is a black guy) has a handgun

No. Post their pictures then let them take the car, you can find them later if you take a picture.

Nice bait thread jailson

They come with 4p at a time down from the favella's (I spent 3 weeks there in july). Your guns will do fuck all ya fucking inbred burger. You're more likely to die from a heart attack than to do something even remotely heroic. And shit yourself, why are you people always shitting yourselves

This is what guns are for. Why don't you have one?

Then Cops catch him with the illegal weapon and bam, execute him

Keep us posted Pablo

ok, guys

here it goes

time to take a pic

they are with their backs turned

hide your fucking phone you idiot
when they ask you where is your phone tell them you had it stolen
hand him everything else

Be a hero user.

any bets?

Quickly shove your phone up your ass before they see it and steal it.

yeah what he said

Go Kurt Russell on their asses.

Where's the pic you fucking goblin?

hide in the tailgate

Push for gun liberalization.

Vote for the death sentence for brutal criminals.

Kick out the corrupt politicians (you seem to be doing that already).

Stop the overreaching welfare programs.

Gotta pay up, user.
They're protecting you against the other tunnel robbers and making you have a safer travel home after work.
Stop being so ungrateful, ain't that entertaining?

Stay safe user :(

there wont be one, this guy is full of shit

>havent been robbed yet
Yeah sure thing
Obvious bait. Just go fuck your self. Fucking role players you guys have you containment board.



Brazil had a womyn in charge. No one under the age of 18 goes to prison because cute innocent kids. That's pretty much the most retarded law EVAR

OP bro imma need to see some pics

shit mate, good luck

Why arent the Japanese Tohos Revolutioning up and killing the native scum?

If OP doesn't deliver, I sincerely hope one day he gets raped by a wild pack of niggers.

I need a proof tho. You're living in niggerland what are you afraid of?

Just say ''Eu sou alemao'' and they will be very friendly. Trust me I'm a doctor

Op is kill?

fake and gay. duh

shit, RIP in peace OP


>Call the cops

If only you knew how bad things really are

yuh, he dead

Thats what we gonna get in 20 years

hide it in your butthole



Get in your trunk OP! They'll just see an empty car and you can emergency release when they leave!


He's never coming back, is he?

I will witness you.

Now cracks a noble Brazil Nut. Goodnight, sweet prince; and flights of angels huehuehau thee to thy rest.



>I'm a roleplaying faggot

I don't think they have AR's tho maybe m16, but still fake and gay af.

>it's such a usual occurrence that there's a word for it

RIP in pizza, OP

I feel truly sad for OP, since he probably lost his cellphone and other belongings to thieves who will sell it only to get money for entertainment, such as drugs, bikes and hookers. And yet the country is full of leftists who would defend the bad guys.

With that said, he's almost asking for it by living in Rio.


when you looked at the picture on your phone were either of them a succubus?? asking for a friend.


What does F mean?

F as in "fuck man..."

He was a brave huemonkey. FFFFFFFFF


more casey anthony

>progressive tripfag
Fuck off frognigger


Are you dense? If you're really Brazilian you know these guys carry heavy weaponry.

It's probably some big gun (for you) and OP called it AR-15 because it looks like something he might have seen in vydia.


is this a real thing? you just all sit there in your cars waiting for your turns to be robbed?

wtf is wrong with you?

>risking prision in south america
not even Milo yearns cock that much

"Arrastão" loosely translates to "big drag"

It was initially a term for a lot of thieves, together side by side, stealing everyone in a given area (say, a beach or a street) much like a wave dragging out your belongings.

what the fuck is going wrong in this country?


fucking hell brazil

I hope you don't end up on liveleak!

>Los jóvenes negros de Brasil que viven en las periferias de las grandes ciudades son las principales víctimas de la violencia, no sus responsables como cree la opinión pública, que reclama más represión contra esta población, dijo a Sputnik Nóvosti la especialista Eufrásia Souza das Virgens.

>“Ese clamor por el aumento de la represión no se corresponde a ninguna estadística oficial; se debe a una ola conservadora que vivimos no solo en Brasil, sino en el mundo entero”, señaló Souza, coordinadora de los Derechos de los Niños y Adolescentes de la Defensoría Pública del Estado de Río de Janeiro.

>De las 56.000 víctimas de homicidios que Brasil registró en 2012 más de la mitad, 30.000, eran jóvenes de 15 a 29 años.

>De ese total, el 90 por ciento eran hombres y el 77 por ciento negros, según los datos del Mapa de la Violencia recogidos en el informe de Amnistía Internacional “Usted mató a mi hijo”, divulgado el año pasado.

>Mientras, tan solo el 0,2 por ciento de los adolescentes privados de libertad lo están por cometer crímenes violentos.

>La discriminación racial y las desigualdades resultantes hacen que la población negra, y en particular los jóvenes negros, vivan una “situación de discriminación estructural, en la cual sus derechos de acceso a la enseñanza superior, salud, trabajo, vivienda digna, entre otros, se han visto gravemente afectados”, dice el informe.


But that the fact that it actually happens is fucking aweful. Even the gangs here have decency to not do that kind of stuffs.

on the side of the road dead

"Why do Americans love there guns so much?"

>Muh racism



They probably shot op for taking pictures. F

didn't you read man, its actually a black genocide perpetrated by the brasilian police because we are living a conservative wave in the world that is pushing us to racism!!

nothing is falling down!!! the system works perfectly, you are just a racists who hates seeing dark-skinned people with flip-flops walking near your daughters!!

Because self-defense is the ultimate act of love.

Fuck my shit up famm

What if a gang just decided to go full police state in their territory?

Maintain security and borders within their turf to ensure their residents are safe/protected and insulated from this bullshit. I imagine if they didn't get buttfucked by corrupt police then they'd have the support of the people.

Just do it. Don't be a faggot. We all die some day.