>mod refuses to ban commie raid
Really makes your neurons fire
I dont like the idea of banning people but they dont need 4 fucking threads up at the same time.
For all the newfags/reddit fags. Click catalog and type in the search bar for any threads already made.
Flooding is against the rules and should be treated as such. A ban isnt in order but a warning and thread prune of some of those threads. 2 of the same is ok, more is ok if the old ones are full but never fucking 4 of the same damn thread.
Sup Forums isn't a safe space
but you shouldn't make more than one thread for the same thing
If you want mods banning everyone, go to 8pol or back to Red dit, you fucking newfag pieces of shit.
I actually dont mind redditfags coming over. Either they'll tire themselves out or they might actually get redpilled and join us.
Mods are fucking kikes though.
Mods are fucking faggots. I don't have a problem with /lefty/ generals, so long as there is only ONE.
But when that mod tried to excuse not killing the shitty "Sup Forums BTFO" and "how can white bois even compete" threads? What the fuck? That's your job here. I would do it for free and still do a better job.
fuck off raidfags
Get over to cripchan /leftypol/ and ask politely in their raid thread wtf they're playing at
>If you want mods banning everyone
never seen this strawman before
we don't need faggy safe spaces here. just ignore the commie aspie tards.
Not plebbit it's /leftypol/, they're laughing their asses off about it. Theres even a thread where a 4ch/his/ fag is asking them to stop raiding them
>asking leftists to stop being cancerous
I'm kind of banned and I'm not a tech wiz so I don't do IP changes or proxies.
I can already tell you what their up to: post-election ass pains
>m-mods a bunch of faggots are violating my safe space pleace ban them q.q
Kill yourself you fucking faggot. Sup Forums isn't your hugbox, cunt.
The funny thing is that a Janitor saw the spam from Lefty/pol/ and removed them, then the mods went full fucking retard and reversed the decision
They are that utterly incompetent, I wish I know how this site functions with this moderation
Well when I said 'ask politely' I actually meant tell the libtard faggots to FOAD
the mods need to work harder to delete the fucking shit on this board. Just browsing the front page a few times every 5 minutes will reveal so many posts they need to remove.
Yet they leave up shit despite reporting. Clear rule-breakers
they also need to filterban BTFO
he's right, you know.
>▶ >▶
It's not about safe spaces it's about letting raiders fuck with us with no payback. Don't want them banned, want them asshurt.
>safe space
never seen these buzzwords before
same mod shitposting on Sup Forums no doubt
Their "raiding" is literally drowned into the piss and shit of average Sup Forums-tier bait-threads that make up modern Sup Forums and based on how fucking few there are of the threads, it's almost certainly just some bored NEET baiting all the fucking retards on this board.
Well maybe you should consider going to Tumblr or something you raging cunt. You people are worse than fucking SRS.
Well it makes for a more robust political discussion otherwise it's just a circle here.
never seen that non-argument before
Are you that autistic faggot who complains about non-arguments when there's no arguing going on?
>asking leftists to stop being cancerous
Centrist reporting in. That would go about as well as asking rightards to stop being self-serving twats.
No its an organised leftypol raid, go to cripchan, the threads are using the same retarded hammer & sickle Sup Forums logo. They are posting caps of their raid threads here
The site functions very well because of the revenue generated by this sort of moderation. Make no mistake - janitors are your friends, not anybody who gets paid by Hirohito Mariomamamia.
>organised raid
>has less of an effect than casual robot shitposters
Kek, give them 2 weeks here the cunts will all be goosestepping
this place has been kiked. join us over at 8 chan.
The mods there actively promote this kind of thing. It think that Jim and 2ch are trying to fuck over Hirohito as much as possible to try to drive traffic to wheelschan, because muh ads. Which would be great except for how shitty and echo-chambery every board there is and how dead they all are.
Yeah, I use 8ch too but the "cuckchan fuck off REEEEEEE' gets old real quick for newfags, pic related
Well there's no love lost between Jackie Sup Forums and Jim, so...
I don't mind 8ch/pol/ but fuck those guys are the final form of weaponised autism, no funs, and the place is slow as fuck.
really makes you think.