White supremacist? No, white determinist? YES!

Who the fuck are leftists, Jews, and non-whites to tell us who we have to live with in our towns, cities, and states? That's up to US. The MAJORITY.

Somali scum in Minnesota? Why? Did the PEOPLE of Minnesota vote for that shit?

FUCK no.

Fuck all those leftists and non-whites crying "racism" for whites that want to maintain their own culture.

We have a right to determine our own destiny, and anything else is tyranny.

Other urls found in this thread:


>people trying to go into argentina

White genocide is a GOOD thing.


Yes, now go out and do something about it.

Problem is, how do you argue for white states/communities without sounding close-minded, xenophobic and racist?

>without sounding close-minded, xenophobic and racist?

Well you just gotta say fuck it... The people who push this shit are genocidal. No reasoning with them. Make them bleed

nobody in africa is happy


White people didn't choose this, the people didn't choose this, EVERY SINGLE WHITE COUNTRY has been forced to take in millions of third world immigrants.

plenty of dirty mexicans have come here

you can take them back whenever you want

our best chance really is to just fuck... and fuck... and fuck some more. make more white people

Lmao even Mexico is whiter than Argentina


I ate a local restourant today, an argentinian girl was the server, not only hungry for the mexican cock but starving for the mexican bucks, face it, argy, your people are hungry and starving, willing to go to fucking mexico for money.

Stop picking on argentina

The immigration act of 1965 was never voted upon, it was pushed through for a very specific purpose without the consent of the people and should be overturned.

>ID is get
>doesnt obtain digits


Oh boy will you be surprised when you see these digits

>going to mexico
Hahaha México are the muslims of América.

>how do you argue for white states/communities without sounding close-minded, xenophobic and racist

By arguing that the entire concept of "racist" and "tolerance" was created by Marxists to win the support of minority groups against majority groups.

It's genius, when you think about it, because it plays on the emotions and morals of people since most have a desire to be "good". This is why they're currently winning.

In the meantime, history shows that failure to defend your culture is likely to mean the END of your culture.

See: north and south Americans vs Euro's, north Africa vs. Muslim hordes, white south Africa vs. blacks, the country formerly known as Rhodesia, the Greek colonies along the shores of Asia, and on, and on, and on....




At least try to look American, Paco.

>México are the muslims of América.

This is true...

t-thank you sempai

>an argentinian girl was the server, not only hungry for the mexican cock

You're trying to prove yourself as white talking in the same way niggers talk to Whites in America.

>lolol you mad argies? argies women love this big mexican cock

Basically you're saying we are whitter than you m8.

>Bolivia talking shit
Did you eat chiken recently, friend?
Your president told me that it turns you into a faggot.

I implied we were shit, I am just saying that you are so fucked your people come here for a quick buck.
The nigger part was hyperbole, acting like a nigger on the internet is fun, I suposse that you argentinians, being niggers all the time, wouldn't understand.

Thanks for making my day, user


You realize that there's nothing wrong with being racist. In fact, it's healthy and good.

Actually you (Mexicans) are always talking about how everyone want to get fucked, you guys are literally muh dick.

And stop deluding yourself, there are almost no Argies in Mexico. No one want to go to your shitty country.

Now, go build the wall, okay?

>Implying that being a nigger is worse than being mexican

How are you feeling, user?

Thanks Argentina for contributing to the cause by creating OP's image.

>canada is great
i can see why hes a comedian

Here is an interesting website for you: peoplemov.in/
The boxes on the left represent emigrations.
The boxes on the right represent immigrations.

Here are some quick numbers:
> Argentina
> Emigrants: 950k
> Immigrants: 1.5M (3.65%)

> Mexico
> Emigrants: 11M
> Immigrants: 725k (0.65%)

Holy shit. I was expecting it to be bad, but not that bad.

Normalize it.

As it was before marxist subversion.

Trust me, Am native

I would do this


Nothing will be achieved until this cancerous institution is defunded.

minneapolis is almost unsalvagable, the marxists have too much power and the somalis have 4 wives with 6 kids each

How dare you say this fucking racist

Fire is your friend....

Self preservation is NOT racism, and that's the point that needs to be driven home.


huh, what a coincidence its always nonwhites moving to white countries

Imagine that!