You thought French were humans think again search " French toilets on google images
French can no longer post on Sup Forums, that includes French leafs
You thought French were humans think again search " French toilets on google images
French can no longer post on Sup Forums, that includes French leafs
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Looks so uncomfortable.
Toilets on par with the poo in loos.
You can't even read doing that, god Franch sucks.
we don't have that kind of toilets it is pretty rare
And this is turks toilets btw
Google says its French mate
Time stamp with toliet for proofs
>Needing toilets
It's legal to piss on the street there so people just do that.
France is the pee-equivalent of India, there's piss all over the damn place.
I was at the 2015 world championships in france. I had to shit so bad before our semi final when I encountered this fucking pathetic excuse for a toilet. The floor was wet and muddy so I couldn't take my gear off all the way, and it was extremely difficult not to shit into the bottom of my pants. Fuck france.
>low cost
>puts you into the proper shitting position
>no touching for public use
>needs to be cleaned less
what's the problem?
I don't understand this thread. Is this next level Aussie shit posting? Jesus how many times do you need to lap the leaves.
French leaf here. This is the way public washrooms should be. It means we don't get aids from sharing toilets with a gay or nigger