48 days until Trump is inaugurated

>48 days until Trump is inaugurated

Anime will finally be real

I just see it as 20 days after currentyear+1 until he's inaugurated.

And he's already starting to be moderate. Trump won't change shit

Even if Trump turns out to be shit, he's better than Hillary.

-1 vote in Wisconsin
muh rigged elecshoons

did you assume he will build that wall or repeal obongocare? he cares about his brand and profiting more through shady schemes

where are we in the checklist?

corrupt businessman trying to get out of his huge debt using presidential power
wew laddy

>caring about politics
>not just wanting the guy from The Apprentice to be POTUS

we? who we my nigger?

48 days until the left-wing counter culture will come into full force.

Yeah he cares so much about his brand he severed all the ties from it but his name.

How retarded are you?

UMmmmm, yeah, no. Stay delusional, drumpftards. Hillary won the popular vote by literally millions and the electoral college guys know it. Many of drumpfs electors said they would change their vote.
Look at this petition. Still think you can win? Yeah, didn't think so. Hillary worked for this her whole life. We're not about to let some crazy racist, sexist, xylophobic gay-hating homophobe take the White House.

>maybe T-Trump won't be so bad

Hm? Come again? They're dead in the water once he's president mate. They jumped the shark pre-election and any jokes would only be seen as insensitive about him being president. They're in a fucking hole they themselves dug backing the wrong horse.

I literally unironically heard someone say "too soon" when someone made a pretty weak trump joke to a group of liberals.

but he didn't do it yet
and making ivanka ceo will not mean anything


i meant the "things Trump will never do" checklist

Listen here kid, Trump won.
You can't get him off.
That's not how the election system works in the us, popular vote mean nothing.

kek. your tears will be delicious, drumpftards

No, bargaining is where they look for ways for Clinton to win


Compared to a washed up political puppet owned by corporations

Wew. Trump atleast cares about his country.

I will be taking a screenshot of this. Looking forward to having the last laugh.


>It's a God High King Warrior Emperor Trump personally saves the white race episode

shit I really shoulda bought the camo hat. or is that a knockoff?