Pol's thoughts on Styxhexenhammer666


So far all I know is that he is a libtard who is in the occult. I think the red pill is half way down his throat.

Ive noticed that whenever something on pol is being talked about he will make a video about that topic in about an hour.

Thats about all

>tfw too intelligent for his channel

His election coverage was top notch

Styx is a fucking God stfu he rambles like a college profesor with no cuts in his videos spitting out historical and political insights like a damn gattling gun. He's a civic nationalist which is truly the most fair and sensible approach to governance

Nice shilling styx

I love him but he's said he doesen't like friendships and that he deosen't give a fuck about people who support him.

Can't nix the Styx.

You guys might want to know that he is going to come out as a tranny within the next couple years. He has all the telltale signs. Don't be too shocked.

t. tranny

I want to see him get into a fist fight with John Micheal Greer

I like how he gets to the point quick. It's point after point after point, unlike Stefan who does long set ups before he says something insightful.

He's good. All that occult bullshit is unfortunate baggage, perhaps, but he's yet another voice out there to sideline the mainstream media sources, and is prepared to tackle all kind of subjects they wouldn't dare touch. If I was a billionnaire, I might even consider sending him a few pesetas on his Patreon.

His election coverage was also extremely accurate. Styx has opened my mind and is spearheading the new media movement

I disagree with him on some issues being more far fight on race but I agree with him for the most part

Hey Styx! Big fan here. That's about all, peace out.

>unlike Stefan
Christ, yeah. That Molyneux waffles ridiculously. He's terrible at doing dialogue shows too, so I don't know why he bothers. Fuck's sake, even if the other guy's an idiot, at least hear him out.

>tfw too intelligent not to watch his channel

Need to reserve my judgement until I have more information. Do you happen to know his stance on the problem with the jews?

I like him cause I can agree with 90% of what he says, politically, never cared to watch his religious videos.

Honestly styxhexxenhammer is the demon king of pol

if Sup Forums is talking about something its in the news. most of our stuff that has links other people get in their news feed same time

i have yet to see him or stef give a aggregated answer so its not like they are just parroting whats said here

he's got like 3 redpills stuck in his throat,

they can't get any further down because he filled up on crazypills and occultism

that being said, his election coverage is good, his political commentary I can enjoy and he seems like a swell guy :)

He believes in racial differences but is a little too apathetic on inevitable demographic issues even if he acknowledges them.


I think he just acknowledges a lot of them have power in the media and banks. Nothing too radical.

Honestly he browses here all the time, so I wouldn't doubt he'll see this thread
If you can see this Styx, tell is how you found Sup Forums

he's ok

boring blowhard

>comfy as fuck
>largely libertarian, but I actually respect him
>his analysis on new events in US politics is usually outstanding
>isn't fully red pilled yet. But worth watching
I like styxie

hes obsessed with being as centrist as possible and hes a fucking faggot

What are the tranny signs he's displaying?

He was a little off in the fine analysis, but yeah he was very good overall. It's funny, and I will say this, but I don't give a fuck about the lamestream media anymore. That's about all, peace out.

If only he worked out and didn't have twigs for arms.

He's pretty cool. I like his insight and his videos on the Occult are a nice break.


They are prolly butt buddies

So the not fully red pilled comments are correct.


back to...

He's a little bit insane. He thinks that he saw a literal demon come through his wall when he was a child, and that he is watched over and protected by them today.




nah, Styx is like the anti peak oil version of him.

Kind of like how you're obsessed with being as far right as possible and a fucking faggot.

This isn't as uncommon as you think.

He's center right, but thinks being a "on the fence" will get him internet pussy. I listen and enjoy this faggot tho.



children see a lot of weird stuff, their brains arent fully formed yet

styx is cool and i think he should listen to noagenda because hes like noagenda lite right now, they usually have good info that comes from their base of supporters/friends that Sup Forums cant even get a hold of like the ex-ambassador to north korea

>His election coverage was also extremely accurate.

He has mystical occult powers. So its easy to be accurate when you can see into the future.

>Tfw you will never be bros with Styx
Why live

Alright Youtube,

It looks like the legacy lamestream media are going the way of the dinosaur. It's actually very funny; I predicted this a year ago.

That's about all. Peace out.


The demons speak through me



There is literally nothing wrong with being far right

I saw aliens and angels when I was kid. One time there was a beaver in a tuxedo just kind of standing there in my closet looking at me. I'm totally sane. So that really doesn't mean anything.

>good political analysis
>possible meme wizard

>pro amnesty
>"civic" nationalist

He's alright

So.... as you can see.

I think he's still got a bit of edgy teen in him whenever Christianity comes up, but that's a quirk I can live with. His election coverage was spot on, and his assessment of WHY Trump won was honestly the best--better than Scott Adams.

Styx, Ryan Dawson and Molymeme are the highest level Youtubers.

He's right on a lot of stuff, but he's also a complete retard on some stuff, like Obamacare. He keeps shilling for pre-existing conditions to be kept, even though thats like 99% of the reason Obamacare failed. (Hint: you don't get to buy insurance as your house is burning down,)

Fucking jew

Do you, as an adult, believe that the beaver in the tuxedo is watching over you right now, making sure nothing bad happens to you?

top post here

>It's actually very funny
He says that way too much. Everything is actually very funny.

Anorexic, long-haired, nerdy. He secretly hates his facial hair and at some point it will be too much for him to bear, and he will shave it. Then you will know something is up. He will brush off accusations and say it was because he felt like shaving it, no special reason. Slowly, you will see him get girlier. Maybe his arm hair or chest hair will disappear. Or his eyebrows will be plucked a little neater. Until one day he will tell all his alt-right viewers that he has always fought off the feel of feeling like a woman on the inside, and used politics and esoteric nerd shit to escape it.

he's literally a modern day wizard

He needs to make occult videos more often again.

Styx is okay.

It's actually very funny.

I think he's way wrong about nuclear power.

Beyond that he's relatively based.


Also, hexen means witches. Something he has always wanted to be.

No the beaver has more important things to do these days.

That's actually very funny.

he shaves from time to time

He's done a lot more to spread than message than you, you dumb American

Actually it is very funny.

It's pretty funny, actually.

Civic nationalist that we can turn full white nat over time.

He knows this deep down.

that beaver likes taco bell


>tfw too intelligent for the legecy media

Dude WTF are you saying? Seriously? WTF

Styx is Sup Forums approved. He is an oldfag.

>red pill is half way down his throat
neck yourself, Styx is red pilled as fuck and completely predicted this election accurately

you know, it's actually kinda funny.

Well that could very easily have been a guess. Everybody likes taco bell. Even people who don't like taco actually like taco bell and they are just lying to themselves.

Ryan Dawson was my first redpilled.

Hexenhammer is the Malleus Maleficarum. A handbook for literal witch hunts.

Ask him why he's afraid of gaining weight. It's because he wants to be frail like a little girl, and not a big strong, mean man.

where does styx get his info? I'm sure its 10% from /pol but where else is styx reading and talking with people?

I had those too.

I don't like Taco Bell. Only their quesadillas are good.


I wonder is he the one who calls himself Thoth?

And he's a persecuted witch in his mind.

Just because you want to fuck him that doesnt mean hes a tran

He's a Luciferian. In other words, he's capable of independent, critical thought unlike the flocks of sheep around him.

Alright Sup Forums.

It seems that there are some new people on Sup Forums - or as they call them over there, "newfags" - that haven't quite grasped what I'm all about. The Legacy Media is doing their best apparently, ha ha ha.

OP is even calling me a "libtard". But really he's just being a total shitfuck.

It's quite funny, actually.

That's about all.
Peace out.

right but hes not deducing his opinions from CNN and New yourk times only?

Good on Political and Social issues, do not follow him to hell