/mlg/ - /left/ General - Enver Hoxha edition

Greetings Comrades

This thread is for the discussion of any and all left-wing political ideology, including, but not limited to, Marxism/Socialism/Communism/Anarchism/Syndicalism/etc.

>Socialism is an economic and social system defined by social ownership of the means of production. (Workers democratically own and operate the places in which they work, as opposed to private power aka capitalism)

>The means of production are non-human inputs the create economic value, such as factories, workplaces, industrial machinery, etc. Socialists refer to the means of production as capital, or private property. Private property in the socialist context shouldn't be confused with personal property, such as your home, car, computer, and other possessions.

>In a capitalist society the means of production are owned and controlled privately, by those that can afford them (the capitalist aka those with capital). Production is carried out to benefit the capitalist (production for profit). Workers are paid a wage, and receive that amount regardless of how much value they produce.

>Communism is the highest developed stage of socialism wherein there is no state, no money, no class system. The means of production are owned by all and provide for everyone's needs.


ABC's of Socialism: s3.jacobinmag.com/issues/jacobin-abcs.pdf

Introduction to Marxism by Professor Richard D. Wolff: youtube.com/watch?v=T9Whccunka4 [Open]

Selections of Left-wing Literature:

Mikhail Bakunin - God and the State (short read)
Thomas Paine - Agrarian Justice
Noam Chomsky - Notes on Anarchism
Anton Pannekoek - Worker's Councils


Other urls found in this thread:


Ahhaha o budalla

its a movement

This is now /nhg/ Nigger Hate General. Communists not allowed.

Long live Hoxhaism

Long live UFO socialism

I was going to attack for being a commie, bu i saw your flag and all I thought was about a little deformed and inbred shquip living in his bunker.

shquip shquip go back to leftypol


get the fuck out commies REEEEEE

The only good thing about Hoxha was that he actively enforced ban on religion by shutting down churches and mosques and not just talking big like other leaders.

This move is very likely the reason there is almost no Islamic extremism in Albania today, whole generations grew up without islamic influence.

I want one of you leftypol raiders to explain why I should accept the communist ideology. No I will not read your entire copypasta of shit, and as you are trying to "convert" people here, explain in laymans terms to this burger why I should accept/push the same narrative or study more on communism.

>capitalism and national socialism are bad
Nope. Stay mad you poorfag commie.

>le bunker maymay man.
Do MLs even take him seriously at all?

>OP's actually albanian

we need to add Zizek's literature to the OP



trump's drinking your tears too, classcuck. how's that swamp draining going?

>you do some labour
>this creates a product or service, which has value
>therefore, your labour has value
>you are paid a wage
>the value of this wage is significantly less than that of the labour you put in
>guess who pockets the difference?
People make it sound more complicated than it really is.

wrong board

the rich take the surplus value of the worker's labor, they live off their own capital, not labor

all the

>socialists are the ones taking your stuff
>muh job creators
is a meme

becoming skeptic of capitalism are good first steps



Good thing i'm upper class, faggot. Now shut up and be a nice and obedient factory worker, or else we swap you for a cheaper robot.


Ain't it tough being a commie in burgerland though?

>Somebody in my safespace is a raider.
Anyways, it's your fucking choice. You want to circlejerk and not know what you're talking about then go ahead. If anything just read stuff so you can know your opponent's positions and refute their arguments.


You guys literally are raiders.

It's quite... politically incorrect here to be.

>the Clintons
>remotely anti-capitalist
How does it feel to be THAT politically illiterate?

Ok, but say I work a government job, and my boss has a set salary as do I. I work unpaid overtime all of the time, but does that really affect my labor value? What if I am in the civilian workforce but I enjoy my job/how much I make irrespective of how much the CEO might make?
Never said it was a safe space, but the fact that these cropped up after planned raids is a bit too timely. But I am sure insulting every skeptic you meet will gain more to your cause.

This !

He's not even fuckin American. Automatic-BTFO!


Hello, false-flag user. Sorry your 'Reichstag' operation didn't work out.

If you can't take one minute to actually read about socialism then you are a lost cause

>he unironically thinks Fascism is good for anything
Wew lad

t. neet

>shut up and be a nice and obedient tendie cooker, or else i'll swap you mom!!!!

Looks like the work of freech or intl

oh, and read wikipedia, not Sup Forums or urban dictionary
look up what cultural marxism actually means, it's against hedonist consumerist 'degenerate' culture and in favor of non-material values like family.

>no argument
>you lost because i say so
Nice autism, retard. As expected of communist.

Stay jelly low class factory worker. You life ain't worth jack.

*maybe coming in like 3-5 decades

>I missed that
Oh wow

You guys are the ones trying to convert people here, why can't you take the time to dumb it down a bit to see if it piques my interest?

So you mean cultural marxism has been hijacked to mean subversion against the family, but by things that are described as degeneracy?

So, just to be clear, you admit that Capitalism abuses the working class, you're just happy with it because you receive the benefits of the abuse?

refer to cultural marxism, adorno and the frankfurter school are actually based as fuck and they'd hate the current liberal left

cultural marxism has been mistaken for some conspiracy, such though is not uncommon here

Did you even vote for Trump? Get out of here Sour-Kraut!

one of cultural marxism's top goals is the destruction of the nuclear family in favor of a village of children raised by the state, nice try

it's so revolutionary to preach an ideology that's pushed by all professors in the social sciences for almost 80 years now, wow never heard of this, I can really stick it to the man

Hard to know how soon it is possible. The current state of affairs in national and international politics makes it difficult without change regardless.

If you're more of a libertarian type you might be more interested in worker co-ops.

Why do you think social sciences are the first thing defunded by government when they get the chance?

>one of cultural marxism's top goals is the destruction of the nuclear family
Commies don't have to do shit, capitalism already kills the nuclear family
>in favor of a village of children raised by the state

Capitalism doesn't abuse people, it distributes wealth according to achievments and performance.

I'd have done so.
I'm not the one being ass-blasted that Madame NOT-President lost, you salty virgin NEET CTR cuck.

we're coming for you, you fatass pampered child. there are no tendies in the gulag.

because cucks cuck in other news have you heard about the declining white race

Dumb people don't revolt

Ok I will read into it a bit. Back to the labor portion though, why am I supposed to be unhappy with how much I make if I voluntarily apply for a job w/ a certain pay? Am I ignorant as to the power of the laborers? What is it that would cause me to want to overthrow that?

>achieving anything useful
Try it. Communism has always failed and will continue to do so.



I suggest you learn your English from more than American shitposting boards if you want to fit in America you sad anglo-phile.

>Capitalism doesn't abuse people, it distributes wealth according to achievments and performance.

Nice indoctrination Hans

Pol is probably the least "safe" you can get in terms of internet platform
Even people who agree with the genuine same ideas flame the shit out of each other for no reason
Unless you think gore and spam are healthy parts of a community, in which case yeah, we're pretty safe


>Capitalism doesn't abuse people, it distributes wealth according to achievments and performance.
It's VERY easy to find counterexamples to this.


My Little Gommunism?

So say the laborers/workers seize the means of production, what's to prevent the consolidation of power from a few elites similar to capitalism today? People are inherently greedy.


Bc they keep the value of the things you made
Dividing laborers is a core principle of all companies -Managers
Knowing that someone doesn't work and makes 100x what you do, and does so because of your work, while you suffer in shit conditions with shit pay


Back to your oven, kike.

Nope. Only here to laugh at communist failures.

How is this a problem of capitalism? This is a problem of the state.
If vets have problems, the state has to take care of them, no one else.
Also, if vets have no other qualification than being a vet, yes... they are useless to the economy.

But I am currently not doing that though, I guess I miss out on some of the required statutes by not being in a blue collar, labor job. However, I should sympathize with those people?

>it distributes wealth according to achievments and performance.
this is an argument in favour of communism you fucking shill.

sage the thread now you

Here's the superior version, free of charge.

>it distributes wealth according to achievments and performance
Wessi please go and stay go.

I love my faith, folk and family, try and make my country Socialist and I'll kill you, I'd rather kiss my flag dying than kiss your ass for some half-rotten potatoes.

You fat loser Commies cant even lift your own ass, let alone your bodyweight in the gym.

buncha filthy revisionists itt
te qifsha nënat


I guess every imperialist capitalist state ever has been socialist lel. Nice argument Britbong.

>dead sub-huamsn
>national socialism is included
truly epic my retarded friend

Then you're telling me: These are the threads you've been waiting for you hole Sup Forums life then!

But how are you going to laugh at something if it's not allowed?

Are you implying managers and business owners don't work? That isn't how businesses work. Managing a team of workers to make sure they are doing their job properly and leading them towards working more efficiently is worth higher wages and in a vast majority of case, HARDER WORK. Harder work requires more skill, more skill=morepay.

Shut up and clean my toilett, polski.

>capitalist state
another nice meme

Because communist leeches will be here anyways?

Let him send the girls from his family first so we have some more Polish whores


No, that's the entire point of the meme. It's the only irony immune to "pretend to be idiots and genuine idiots will show up thinking they're in good company" because there's basically no such thing as a genuine hoxhaist


Just joking, i hate gommies, just wanted some free (you)'s.

>tfw immigrants are imported to your country for cheap labor from a proxy war between imperialist nations and the citizens of your country are assualted and cheated out of jobs, to continute to feed the German economic consolidation of power in Europe, but hey at least you ain't a commie!

Another non-argument.

comminism kills and enslaves russians. i dont like communism and socialism. thanks

Their positions can be filled by a committee of workers. Some workers can be assigned to manage the other workers to make sure things run efficiently, but that doesn't mean they need to own the business, or even have actual authority over them

Thanks for mostly answering my questions. I will take a look into some of the worker Co-op and other readings.


I'm saying managers look out for the interests of the owner, while being just workers
Do you own any means of production?

How could you do this, Albania?

>Achieving anything useful
They cucked Germany so hard they're still apologizing over it
