Reminder that Sup Forums is a left wing board.
If you don't like this, feel free to fuck off to stormfront or reddit. The days of this place being an echo chamber for right wing tards is over. You've had your fun, it's our time to shine now.
Reminder that Sup Forums is a left wing board.
If you don't like this, feel free to fuck off to stormfront or reddit. The days of this place being an echo chamber for right wing tards is over. You've had your fun, it's our time to shine now.
Other urls found in this thread:
Left wing men are proven to be weaker and have lower testosterone levels.
I hope you try us one day, cuck. You will be killed and your women will be raped.
Sry meant to respond to OP.
Day of the Emu is coming for you commie cuck
t. Fatty
I'll be more than glad to stomp your head with my steel boots, Nazi. You will die
that picture cracks me up, goofy 16 year olds
so... banana thread?
People used to say "hugbox".
Why do you say "echo chamber" now?
Are you changing the trend?
posting all I have
fuck forgot my pic
Right wing board you lefty faggot
I really, really, really like this image
this,gonna be great when these low test cuck's are laying in pools of there own blood after they try to mess with real men and real women(not the feminst dyke hambeasts the left considers women)
How did these fucks not get shot?
>t. LARPing low test betacuck
Say that to my face instead of hiding across an ocean, in the middle of a desert, surrounded by deadly creatures, and behind 11 proxies and see what happens.
I really, really, really really, really, really like this image
Fite me IRL m8!
Fuck off aussie cunt and lurk moar you new fag faggot
nice airsoft rifles fags
>nice airsoft rifles fags
nice airsoft rifles fags
>nice airsoft rifles fags
nice airsoft rifles fags
>nice airsoft rifles fags
nice airsoft rifles fags
>nice airsoft rifles fags
nice airsoft rifles fags
>nice airsoft rifles fags
nice airsoft rifles fags
>nice airsoft rifles fags
nice airsoft rifles fags
>nice airsoft rifles fags
nice airsoft rifles fags
>nice airsoft rifles fags
But your memes suck and memes are what you need to make it in this business
Why don't lefties/antifa show their faces? Serious question.
Fuck off back to Melbourne, faggot.
>fake and gay..kys
your blood will shine, and now's the time
they're paid agitators
All of them? Seems unlikely.
>right-wing echo chamber
>leftist threads get hundreds of replies
>they don't get banned
>they can't be down voted
>they can't even be hunted down and bullied irl due to the anonymous nature of board
>still an echochamber
Sage and get fucked
>All those strikeball toys.
>inb4 some assblasted shitlib starts crying about how people sage her threads
Every day lately with these faggots honestly.
The only good leftist is a falling out of a helicopter leftist.
pic related, what non autistic people think of op and his "comrades"
Not a chance go kys
I've always feared getting airsofted to death by edgy teenagers wearing bad communist cosplay.
>name my band Sup Forums
Sagebombing/flooding is essentially downvoting and you know it.
lel even guns don't make them look tough
This. We dindu nuffin
Holy fuck these are brutal.
I don't know what kind of absolute degenerate would make something like that, but whoever they are, they ought to be gassed
Get fucked in ass by an abbo. Sage.
Oh fug :--DDDD
This thread is bait, but it always bugs me how those two dudes on the right practically blind themselves with those tiny eye holes. One shift in that cloth and they are getting shot easily.
soros has a lot of gold from selling out jews to the nazis m8
Low energy bait. Recharge and try again later. Saged and hidden. Also, praise Kek.
Kek. Found one.
get gassed you commie fucks. you've been beat and are going to continue to fail. nationalism is on the rise and you can't do shit about it but bitch, moan and protest.
go loot some Jordans you pathetic fucks
What's up with this pony fluffy shit? And why is it so... satisfying to watch?
If those guys actually had to engage in some sort of combat, how would they do it for any prolonged lenght of time? And by that I mean even 2 mins? They arent carrying any other equipment besides the gun. Even that one kid that was on the news for patrolling his neighborhood with a riffle had the right idea and had a plate carrier with equipment. baka
Senpai, your lot will get boddied, like they always do, it's always nazi scum running from antifa every place I've ever been.
Fat old skins and neck beards can't fight for shit.
You got boddied in WW2 for Christ sake
As an Australian by birth I know you're baiting me. There's no way these kids don't actually believe in what they're doing - if that's the case then all those Northern Euros NatSocs are just LARPing for cash as well.
You have no heritage or culture you fuck wit,
That's why so many of you Ulster scum got sent out to the southern colony's to be come swamp donkeys.
>1 post by this ID
Commies are all faggots, bong. Are you a faggot?
This happened in my home state. I sure hope they start shit and get ventilated soon.
Steel boots? You mean steel toed? You ever actually wear boots before?
>muh WW2
Kek. The Germans inflicted about a 4/1 casualty rate on the Eastern Front and a 3/2 casualty rate on the western front. They killed millions more of their enemies than they lost, but were vastly outnumbered. Stop thinking you limpwristed little pussies are cut from the same cloth of hardened Russians fighting against complete annihilation. You're not.
>You got boddied in WW2 for Christ sake
You're not fighting in WW2, o'leary. You fighting for Abdul and Tyrone to horde over and fuck your women.
m8 straya's gonna get ya, cunt
Why does your ideologies always fail and why do you always parasite on the good will of people, communist?
Someone post the video of the antifa running like scared little rabbits when the fascists arrived.
>the video
There are dozens, which one?
Shit your right, the one I'm thinking of I believe they were in a subway station. They were all walking together chanting and talking shit. Then one goes "THE FASCISTS ARE HERE" and they all turn face and flee.