What does Sup Forums think is the dumbest, most moronic human language?
For me it's German. Every word is a compound word, reflecting inability to remember words or be creative. Their language demonstrates low intelligence among its speakers. I mean look at the word Rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften. All it means is legal insurance. They are too stupid to create a concise word for it so they stick together a bunch of words to help them remember. They probably can't even understand a concept as complex as legal insurance without being reminded every time with simple words.
german language sounds cool to me. its not a romance language. slavic languages rhyme very well. i think the weirdest language would be dutch.
Juan Long
Spanish, and french are disgusting languages.
Dylan Jenkins
Their r's sound like someone gagging on a muslim cock
Liam Bell
We have compound words as well, but more commonly we have compound phrases that are composed of two or three words that are linked to refer to a specific thing that the words do not refer to separately
An example would be "legal insurance"
Cameron Carter
And we have compound sentences as well. An example would be "Let's kill off our population to destroy our culture by letting in Muslims"
Henry Lewis
plebs detected
Probably went to public school and never learned a few phrases in Latin. Because of this, you probably don't understand why I'm bringing Latin into this conversation.
Why does public education produce the most retarded specimen our country has to offer.
Robert Cooper
Tagalog is the most disgusting language I have ever seen.
Adrian Price
we have that sentence as well
Kevin Torres
wanna fight pussy? meet me at the park in 10 minutes
Jace Johnson
I'd say aboriginal australian but they aren't humans
James Cruz
I'm voting for Faroese
Joseph Ward
>For me it's German. Every word is a compound word, reflecting inability to remember words or be creative. Their language demonstrates low intelligence among its speakers. >I mean look at the word Rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften. >All it means is legal insurance. They are too stupid to create a concise word for it so they stick together a bunch of words to help them remember. They probably can't even understand a concept as complex as legal insurance without being reminded every time with simple words. "I don't know or speak German" the post You word actually means legal expenses insurance companies, which makes so much more sense in English, because you put spaces between the words, NOT.
Dominic Morgan
Because the Classics are not taught anymore.
Even here, Latin and Greek used to be very imporntant subjects in High School. Not anymore.
Only in some obscure college lessons.
You cant comprehend the significance of western civ we inherited if you dont read the Iliad, Metamorphosis etc.
James Lee
Most of the great non-Greek philosophers have been German.
We think in language and the language itself allows them to think at a higher level.
Landon Edwards
Danish, its so dumb, they cant understand each other