Stop watching porn

Stop watching porn

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Ok, me.

Hello me

Varg lives in France


Me... is that you?

fuck off faggot. I never watch porn. I've stopped thinking about it. Yet every day the only time I think about it is when I see your stupid face. Fuck off. You're not helping anyone. If they need help they'll have fallen to a level they realize they need to change something and have changed it.

Hey faggot- instead of demanding we do shit to appease you, why don't you explain why we shouldn't be doing shit.

Is it okay if I watched lewd videos my partner sends me?

Keep watching porn.

Stop fapping to traps

Buy Mythical Fantasy Roleplaying Game, MYFAROG.

>I only think about porn when I see a closeup of a man's face

>step daughter
Why do they do this?

I'm trying, but I keep coming back, there's no light in the tunnel.


>tribal music playing in background

*Aldreg, ska eg slutta å dra en til de fina, trapsena, i skogen, til mina forfedra*

thanks for making these threads, I don't who the guy is but it reminds me to not watch porn. I'll save the pic on all my devices to make this thread when I can

My sister's boyfriend is a great guy. As a twenty-something, he's working a well-paying job in the STEM field, lives independent of his parents, has a whole list of interesting hobbies, is very physically fit, and exudes confidence.

However, despite not even having my Bachelor's degree, I am none of those things. Some of that is to be expected, such as having a well-paying job or living independent from my parents as an undergraduate student, but I'm not confident. I'm not really that physically fit, even though my appearance could pass for "healthy", and my hobbies include watching Youtube videos. Oh, and I don't have a girlfriend, either.

I got into a private conversation with him about how he was able to really balance everything he has on his plate, and we got into a rather personal conversation. By this point, we know each other very well, and I'm pretty sure he's going to propose to my sister soon, so it wasn't an awkward conversation.

Guess who did NoFap? He did. He started when he was 22, coming out of college. He's 27, now, and all of these developments in his life are relatively recent. He literally came out and told me that for him, giving up porn was the best thing he ever did. He didn't even appear embarrassed at all about telling me these things; again, confidence.

Let me reiterate: I'm very protective of my sister, and I am totally comfortable with this guy being her boyfriend. He's an awesome guy.

because they're not related

Hello me, meet the real me
And my misfit's way of life

>because they're not related
who wants to watch casual shit like that?