Wonder what a capitalist society with a completely free market looks like? Somalia, it looks like Somalia

Wonder what a capitalist society with a completely free market looks like? Somalia, it looks like Somalia.

>no taxes, no regulation
>can literally do whatever you want as a business
>complete disaster

Looks like capitalism doesn't work does it?

On otherhand, we have socialist countries like Sweden or Denmark/

>socialist society
>highest quality of life, top 5 richest, best healthcare and education, happiest people


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There's a fine line between thicc and just fat, and this woman is tee-tolling on the edge of it

>full of muslim rape gangs

Fuck off jew

Also saged

Somalia is a shithole because of niggers, not capitalism.

Also you compare a European country to an african one.

It's not rape if they consent :) European women love refugee cock

Somalia is what happens after a socialist marxist state falls and is inhabited by retarded muslim niggers, maybe you should do a little better research.

Nice proxy nigger

You are ignorant. Of course there is tax in Somalia, in Somali Land you pay tax to the government and in the greater Somalia you pay it to whatever warlords territory you live in.

Somalia has a feudal or tribal system.

I thought Somalia was the Libertarian paradise?

This ones in the sweet spot

Wonder what a socialist society with a complete equality looks like? Venezuela, it looks like Venezuela.

>taxes, regulation
>can literally free stuff
>complete disaster

Looks like socialism doesn't work does it?

Somalia a disaster because of war, not because of a "completely free market" you moron.

Sweden sucks really hard because of socialism

You forgot the biggest reason this doesn't work in somalia, niggers. Civilized people can actually accomplish a lot.

Who are these semen demons?

The problem with Somalia is it's filled with niggers.

A completely free market would have worked great in the USA, but probably not anywhere else. The problem is too many fucks from Europe came here and tried to make America like their shithole countries. Unfortunately, America's artificial creation and the ability to mend the minds of it's people to ultimate freedom failed due to communist faggots.

>too many fucks from Europe came here


The nordic economies are not socialist. They are pseudo-fascist. That's why they work so well.

Those maps are wrong

Somalia is shit tier because of war and rampant government corruption and nepotism. Someone takes power and immediately fills the government wth their friends and family who are completely incompetent. They figure out how to make themselves all as rich as possible without repurcussions.

Sweden and Denmark are "socialist" as they have high tax structures and broad safety networks, but they are part of the EU and have a globalized economy. They also have significant private industry as well as public. Even China has become decidedly less socialist in actual practice.

You are thinking about it in too black-and-white terms. Efficient governments combine elements of many different theories of governance.

Sorry but your claim is just wrong.

>tries to call an anarchist free market the same as a capitalist one

no property rights, no corruption legal system to uphold property rights or enforce contracts, not gonna be a capitalist system.

>muslim niggers
>can't make free markets work

>white christians and atheists
>can make socialism work

The lesson to take away is that white countries can make almost any economic system work, while black countries can't make any economic system work

The Scandi countries aren't even real socialism, stop using us as an example of socialism REEEE


We're also mostly white, which seems to be a prerequisite for a functional society. Not to mention we only turned more socialist after decades of capitalism.
Socialism didn't build my country, capitalism did and socialism is slowly killing it.

A capitalist society has both individual freedom and property rights. Somalia has neither. The individual is controlled by the warlord, and you can't safely own anything without the warlord's permission.


You guys basically have a pseudo-fascist economy.

Do you think their assholes smell good?

>Without the state to tax and regulate us we would all turn into dumb niggers incapable of anything but piracy, rape and murder.

New restaurant opens up in Venezuela, and it's getting bonkers good reviews on Yelp!

Yea i imagine they smell like that brown sugar perfume grils where

when ever I see a woman with a huge fat ass, I always wonder if everything they sit on is extremely comfortable?


>In Caracas, a Thanksgiving to remember, as rat meat was once again successfully trapped

> (OP)

what the fuck i meant to quote

god damn i want to put a condom on my face and eat that nasty bitches ass

wtf i love i love socialism now

You guys are pathetic

>it's because the niggers!!!!!!

Always blaming everything on black people. No, the reason Somalia is failing is because it is using a failed system.

Race is a social construct. Somalia would be just as successful as Sweden if they had used the same economic system.

Free markets require well defined property rights. Somalia does not have property rights. It's egoistic anarchism, not capitalism


The Scandinavian countries are by no means socialist. Stop repeating this meme.

Somalia was/is communist.

Nice try.