China-USA war

China-USA war

Who wins?
Would you volunteer to kill Chinks for Trump?

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USA, China's military isn't even close to ours in terms of size or capability.

The largest airforce in thw world is the USAF, the second largest airforce in the world is the USN. We would destroy them.

Not to mention, China's economy is almost entirely based on us buying their shit. Their economy would crash overnight and go into a great depression.

US-China military spending ratio

1994: US spent 19 times as much
2004: 9 times as much
2014: 3 times as much

China wins it all in the end

China only exports
United States: US$410.8 billion (18% of total China exports)

>Will make Chinese economy fall
>Based on emotional statements and not fact
>Based on bullshit anecdotes
>Not recognizing China is building direct train and roads from Pakistan to Russia to Europe

They know diversification is their friend, they're not stupid to put all eggs in one basked. Considering how retarded and base your post was, I shouldn't have even responded. But I didn't want other people to think what you're saying is in any way true.

Talk about a target rich environment

That proves my point. We would destroy them NOW.

And we wouldn't be blockading everything, retard?

>China's military isn't even close to ours in terms of size

lolwut, chinas female military is 5 times larger than ours, britains and russias combined.

just lob nukes. why fight?

China would win. We would destroy you. We don't have a 35 percent obesity rate.

I heard its possible to destroy few major dams to flood the most developed China's provinces. Is that true?

A fucking leaf

A fucking leaf. Or a traitorous/coward chink?

>female military
no problem detected



But you are going to be in a pow camp, my friend how will you fight, with your food?

It would never happen.

China would never bite the hand that feeds it,because the consiquences would never be the same.

>Blockading a ROAD in a country you're not at war with.
No wonder this board thinks were all retarded.

Who the fuck is 'we', leaf?

China only wins if it's another Vietnam

Normal war, US would definitely win

Only if I could rape as many qts as I liked

>We don't have a 35 percent obesity rate.
It's not the olympics, faggot. (By the way, we won that too).

China has more men and resources.
It would be an uphill battle, and would hinge on the success of the Navy, and support from Russia.
The Chinese Navy close to their home could be stopped pretty quickly with a rush assault using the entirety of the US's fleet, and the rest could be cleaned up with air strikes and cruise missiles. Then, with American ships in the China Sea, it would be a constant stream of air attacks, hopscotching off our carriers, razing their defenses, and paving the way for our bombers to carve paths toward strategic targets.
Despite all that setup, the eventual ground battles will be long and bloody, making all other wars look like jokes.
But with America pushing an invasion from the sea, and Russia pushing their invasion from the north and west, China crumbles.
Without Russia, the invasion wouldn't be feasible. MAYBE if we could get Japan, and some other lesser allies to join the fray.

What are they gonna do? Drive on the battlefield?

>Russia siding with USA against China

How retarded do you have to be to even entertain this scenario mate? Even though I don't know you or your family. I don't know what they've been through to end up making decisions like this. But I regret the moment your mother decided to not abort you as a retarded half-brain fetus. And so does the rest of the world.

I'd love to see the modern propaganda for that one

China wins. Scenario:
US inflicts crushing defeat upon Chinese air force and navy. Invades mainland China. Gets involved in a fucking quagmire beyond belief. Guerilla warfare conducted by hundreds of millions of chinks. US struggles to support massive army needed to fight Chinese guerillas, AND no longer has access to credit from China. Confronted by economic collapse, American army withdraws. China does not have technological capacity to transport a huge army across the ocean, but they don't. China rebuilds. Lazy ass US does not. China becomes economic and military superpower. US becomes bankrupt nation of shitskins. China spends 20 years increasing power, US spends those 20 years weakening, and becoming impoverished, 65% shitskin nation. China then invades, and wins with ease.

A real war won't happen but if China really wanted to subtly make a move they would start moving more quickly on their neo-imperialist goals, extending lines of credit to Africa and Latin America while America becomes more protectionist


China would crush the states. US better pray ground troops never land cause they're fucked then.

Another retarded scenario.

>Credit from China
>Not the Fed.

Ok. I'm officially leaving this board now because it lowers my IQ.

>Despite all that setup, the eventual ground battles will be long and bloody, making all other wars look like jokes.

Idk about that. I wonder how a battle would play out.

I imagine the easiest path is to just contain their army, bomb the farms, and block trade. Let them all starve.

It doesn't make any practical sense to sent 100,000 guys to take a position. They all get blown up in 1 shot.

The history tell us what China always lost the war but end being bigger

But they've already started, they are carving huge pieces of the African Turkey and are starting to do the same at LatAm by leveraging the leftist governments.

> Who wins?

> Would you volunteer to kill Chinks for Trump?
No. That would only result in my death.

> China's military isn't even close to ours in terms of size or capability.
They can occupy USA easily. They also can pull their assets from dorrar, effectively bancrupting your banking system. They also can push LFTR on market, effectively cancelling petrodollar, effectively bancrupting your economy to zimbabwe level. They also have all Russian-made military technologies, including nuclear torpedoes and ultra-sound guided Tsar-nuclear missiles.

Their gross export to USA is only 18% of their total export, that`s important, but not enough to tolerate military attempts on them.

Do not cheat yourself, you spend on monetary corruption and on Israel.
> muh invisible planes

destroy chinese dams and other flood-protection, half of chink population dead right there

>Invades mainland china
youre retarded

China isn't gonna occupy half a continent across the Pacific that houses 8000 nukes. Especially not with that navy of theirs


US would win hands down China's best bet at a victory would be to break the US's will to fight early on in a massive blow to them. If that fails then its game ogre because Japan and Korea would come out swinging hard as well giving the US time to Redeploy.

Well Trump said he didn't mind using Nukes so..

USA would win all of their shitty made in China weapons would break.

Not only Russian, the Chinks have reverse engineered every piece of tech they could get their zerg hands on.

Navy and transport are different things, mate.
They have enough container ships and personnel to have enough to descend upon you after you`ve been nuked the fuck out.

Chosenness gestalt will bring you down.

They do not need it tho, because Russian military tech is the best in the world. The only thing, that wasn`t banned by commies for us.


They take their investments and go home pissed, and USA cancels $, and declared new$. Chinks eat feces.


China. Wymun and minorities won't fight, chinese-americans would actively sabotage here. The future is bright.

Are you suggesting they're going to bus ten million soldiers to the U.S. by helicopter?

> somebody will invest in new dollar after this

>US needs China more


if ((( anyone ))) thinks that US can defeat China easily. They are going to be disappointed.

I think the US should focus on saving christians and fighting islamists instead of spreading too thin.

But then again, i have no problem watching the US learned that it's a different world now. Even Britain only realized they are no longer superpower when the US stopped them in Suez Canal.

Just don't go on temper tantrum when China stomped the US in East Asia.

Accept the decline like Britain did, gracefully.

Not easily, but they have no way of defeating us in conventional war.

We will win a drawn out fight.

There is a lot of boats in modern world.
Even somali niggers can have successful attempts on container ships.

America couldn't beat the Chinese peasant army when they had armour, air and artillery in Korea, how do you think you could take on China today?

Turkey, they would be able to claim the whole world.

If our navy is in-tact.... These boats have no way of reaching our shores.

They'll be destroyed.

without nukes the US wins but it's almost a pyrrhic victory

this vid is 100% correct and very detailed everyone here should watch


t. chink in indonesia

I would protect the home front against Muslims.

Chinks hate Muslims.

How can you say if it`s a civilian boat or a military one? Stalling container trade will drastically lower your quality of life and will increase the need for China to pull their strings on your ass.

We would eat you skinny fucks

No you wouldn't.


Their navy and air force will be wiped out in a week tops and they will be landlocked and done at that point.

If you think of using the US is going to fight China instead of mudslime like you. You're going to be disappointed, Mehmet.

We chinks are good at diplomacy and economy.

I suggest we should collectively nuke anglo.

>2nd most airplanes of any military branch in the world
>1st is the Airforce

>the largest airforce in the world is the USAF

Oh look, another armchair general.

The largest "airforce" in the world is the fucking US Army.

Chinese economy relies just as much on the U.S if not more


> muh invisible planes

Can you guys send a nuke over to that dog meat festival those cunts have? Thanks.

Tough shit you stupid slant eyed cunt. I am not a shitskin nor a muslim, but keep trying to grab islands in the south china sea, you will learn soon enough you dirty, dog eating chink.


I suggest you fuck off behind the Urals, snowchink.



if the U.S goes to war with china so does all of fucking NATO. NATO establishes a trade embargo. How much of china's economy is based of doing business with NATO

>its a fuck ton

> Chinese economy relies just as much on the U.S if not more
18% exports to usa vs. 20% chinese part of imports on your side.

t. reason for nuking
every time

China have extremely strong anti-navy infrastructure.

While it is true that China can be defeated in conventional war against NATO (because USA won't go in alone). China is playing the long-game.

Enjoy your debt while the chinese buys the home. If you think Trump can bring back jobs by lowering tax and threatening the free-market, you're going to be extremely disappointed.

Profit matters in capitalism. Not race or nationalism.

And besides, China is already #1 in economy if they are honest with the data. They are probably the only country now with buying power and an actual middle class.........hundreds millions of middle class.

I have wanted this day for a long fucking time.

>imagine being this retarded
Oh I am laffin, just try it PLEASE you soft yellow skinned cunts

oh look, "not a shitskin nor a muslim" but gets on temper tantrum when China takes the south china sea.

Hope you get deported malay.

Pretty sure NATO realizes American power is waning and will side with China.

protip: you can't

> hurr durr kuznetsov russia aggressive
> what russian navy? err. i laugh see: >hahaha
Nigger, and I was not even threatening you in any way.

>Russia likes China

I think we know who the actual retard is here. Just because Russia used to be communist too doesn't mean shit, the only reason for any warm feelings between the two was if they both felt threatened by the USA. Guess fucking what Putin just reached out to Trump to go ham on terrorists in the middle east.

Not such a big stretch is it

>How can you say if it`s a civilian boat or a military one?

For example, you might scan for number of people using thermal readings.

If they're carrying an army, the signature will be different.

The US - if it isn't a ground war in Asia.

I don't think China has the capacity or ability to invade North America so that scenario isn't worth analysing.

I swear every single Russian on this board has the most insane, backwards-level retarded thinking about every war scenario

>haha da petrodollar gonna get crashed by da thorium reactors

Fucking hell you'd have to read RT nonstop every day to get to this level of retardation

>tfw liberators who have contributed nothing but Bolshevism try to talk shit
>tfw superior race and civilisation

Cry harder, Slav. Try not to eat each other again.

>5'4 chink so mad that the white man will BTFO him some more
I hope what we did to Japan gets forgotten after what we do to you.

Putin wants to remove kebab. Putin is a genuine pro-Christian.

Trump is a neo-nazi wild card, he can remove kebab, or like neo-nazi in the past, decides to be concerned about chinks and other race instead and then ally himself with kebab.

Let's see how Trump plays his card.

By the way, if you think the US can handle the middle east front and East Asia front at the same time.

Get ready to have your tax increased, burgers.

>China has force projection
>China is going to send container ships full of troops to invade the USA


>>Not recognizing China is building direct train and roads from Pakistan to Russia to Europe

Russia beat them to that a century ago with the Trans-Siberian railway. While important, it didn't itself drive prosperity in Siberia which remains poor. More importantly their "new silk road" came too early, the diversification has not nearly even started as 30% of their economy is directly dependent upon US-bound exports. Given that their economy is currently imploding due to domestic housing and tech bubbles, there's no good news. Also, the original "silk road" came about because China offered high-value items to Europeans, today it's the exact opposite as China's only value is in producing cheap shit that can be done by other countries.

>force projection

yes the military would say its the most relevant thing in fact, you stupid mother fucker

> muh thermal readings
You cant even see behind glass with this shit.
And we have communities of illegal chinks in Moscow. Nobody enters or exits the building. Lights look off from outside. After almost a decade 1 random check finds out there is a couple thousands of them in a sweatshop.

>leave the middle east to let them kill each other like they have since the beginning of time
>focus on and BTFO chink cunts like yourself
It will be glorious, all of your bullshit posturing will mean nothing.