Questions About Communism Answered

Hello Sup Forums, leftist here.

I wanted to make a thread dedicated to answering any questions any of you have about the communist ideology - I see a lot of ignorance, but that's fine - even a lot of leftists struggle with the details of the theory! Let alone anyone who still has the cold-war propaganda mind set.

Any well respecting person will evaluate their own arguments and learn the arguments of their opponents. Anyone who does not will never expand their minds, flesh out their arguments, learn and grow in general. If you're just going to tell me I'm a cuck, you can leave now - this thread is for EDUCATION, not for throwing insults at eachother, we have the leftist general for that.

So, ask any and all questions you have about the communist ideology, I will be sure to answer if you're actually trying to learn.

To get the ball rolling, here are some definitions:

Means of Production - Factories, offices, work places in general in which commodities are produced and services are run.

Capitalism - Where the means of production are owned privately by a CEO, board of directors or state entity and run for a profit.

Socialism - Where the means of production are owned democratically by the workers actually working at the work place its self. Instead of running for profit, things are made for their use value as opposed to their exchange value. These are two different things, for example, diamonds have a high exchange value but a low use value.

Communism - A Stateless, currencyless, classless society with resource abundance bought about naturally after decades of successful Socialism.

Other urls found in this thread:


No one wants to learn?

What's to learn, it's all a fairy tale written by a fat atheist who starved his own children.

die scum

Well, there's a lot of books worth of political theory to learn. Also you're just referring to Marx, he wasnt the ONLY leftist who wrote stuff of worth.

Bumping for second of spreading knowledge. Because Knowledge is free.

this is now a canadian bull thread








If I say Stalin killed 57 million people

And you say capitalism kills more people every year

How can I kill you people without being put in jail?




I genuinely hope we can learn to live together harmoniously on this board. OP ovbiously a very hard-working subverter, and I'm sure he does this because he genuinely believes that reddit has the power to subvert Sup Forums, which may very well be true based on the number of newshits bumping his ideologically-flawed threads.

Nostrovia! Add another upvote to your collection, courtesy of a Canadian shitposter.


How do communist economies incentivize work? Wouldn't it be better to have a guaranteed basic income? That way everyone has at least some base pay while still allowing for a healthy level of income inequality.



Fuck... I think I'm slowly turning Canadian.



i want you to go to hell to meet fidel


Interesting thing about Stalin is that it's likely that if anything, Stalin coming to power resulted in fewer people dying. If Russia has stuck with their Capitalist sympathising provisional government, they would of either fallen to a far right fascist coup that would of purged even more than Stalin ever could of if he tried, and even if they didnt, the owners of big business in Russia at the time were already in the process of intentionally bringing about famine to the whole country in order to bring it's unrested people to it's will. While many died under Stalin, it's probably the best result Russia could of got. Russia was just, as it tends to be, in a really shitty situation.


I literally don't care about your assumptions as to what may have happened. What is done is done, understand that. Your whole post is fucking retarded.

Now again, how can I kill you without getting jailed?

Great question.

The idea is that under Socialism, people have their base line needs provided already - like a basic income - and then luxury items that we cannot yet produce in abundance, people have to work to attain. This would, in the orthodox Marxist sense, be done with Labour vouchers that are attained through working, though there are other ideologies that propose we use markets.

Under full communism, where all resources are abundant, people will work when they want to work. People do not like sitting around all day doing nothing their whole lives - they want purpose. An example of this we can see today is open source programming, where people do something because they love doing it, not because it gets them a profit.

It's also worth mentioning that even if the majority of people are ok with sitting around on their base line requirements not working, that's fine too, as Socialism and Communism will make huge use of automation that Capitalism never can. This is because, under Capitalism, if you automate an entire economy, you no longer have any workers on a wage to buy any products, and the economy crashes! Under Socialism though, this is not a concern, so things will be much more automated. cant? Sorry, I just thought I would comment on the Stalin killing people part, as I didnt really know what to say to your direct question.


Do commies support multi-culturalism

Wow. Thanks for the thoughtful response.

I think I'll convert to socialism now.

Workers of the world, unite!

Please commit suicide and fuck off from Sup Forums

Your retarded ideology is not welcomed here, be glad the right has accepted so much bullshit from you people for this long.

literally fucking kill yourself

I have a question for you.

How DEEZ FUCKIN NUTZ taste, op?

Autonomy, mastery, and purpose are better motivators than personal profit and all three are prized in a communist economy.


Interestingly, no. It is a liberal ideology. We believe multiculturalism harms the working class of our society by driving down their wages.

when will you stop eating babies?

What happens when the automated machines need workers to operate them but those workers go on strike because they are tired of the majority of people not working like they are?

Also what about space travel? Surely there will be need for new jobs eventually and incentives to work those jobs other than simply for the good of humanity. People hunger for things they don't have naturally, it's hard wired into our DNA.


If you're serious, that's great. I would recommend giving the Communist Manifesto a read, and if you're looking for other leftists who arnt PC liberals, hang out on leftypol

These are fucking amazing

Order the helium. commie subhuman. This is a right man's board.

>These are two different things, for example, diamonds have a high exchange value but a low use value.
>low use value
I bet you haven't worked a day in your life.

Let's see...who won the original space race....

Why do Communist have massive governments. Why do they fuck around, and not get right to the communism they promised.

>if you're looking for other leftists who arnt PC liberals, hang out on leftypol

I suggest you get back there you fucking imbecile

Here's a great video on this btw, at linked time. The guy is called Zizek and he's an anti-PC Marxist:


>saged and hidden

You already started off wrong with your definitions...
Have you even read das Kapital? Or do you just tell people that to give your ignorance credibility? Because you're not representing communism any better than you're representing capitalism

>slavoj sizek

I bet you're happy Trump won because >accelerationism


OP, your mothers commie pussy tasted like the cold war.

That's actually quite a complex question. I could explain in detail why each revolution that failed went as it did, but it might be better just to show you all the examples there has been working Socialism with small or even no governments and worker ownership of the means of production:

Do you wanna provide alternate definitions?

What leftist literature have you read?

How about you read a book about macroeconomics instead? Marx was a philosopher who didn't understand that giving out money for free while expecting people to continue working won't work.

Okay, how come communism always results in shitty, deprived states?

>inb4 wasn't real imaginary utopia commnism
>inb4 not fair cause capitalists outplayed us


Didn't having a Communist state necessitate government officials, who are a higher class than the average worker?

Why are you assuming the majority of people wont be working? They will be, and they will want to be, just like those operating the machines want to operate the machines.

Even if they weren't though, why would they care what other people are doing, if they have access to all the resources they could ever want anyway?

Hello young high school student

Mechanical Engineer here, PE stamps, Certified Weld inspection, also very strong programming skills
I love owning the means of production.
Because you were lacking ambition in life,
You think I'm obligated to give more?
I do consultant work
Where were you when I slept in the back of my honda civic and studied for mechanical engineering exams for 12-30 hours a day ?
Mummy and Daddy didn't send me to college by the way I had to pay my own god damn way .
How much of my money do you think your obligated to ?

Communism is the default of all failures in life

>if they have access to all the resources they could ever want anyway?
How will they have access to everything they need if the people who produce that are at home because they have access to everything they need?

>communist state
Oh boy...

There are only two main classes in Capitalist society - the workers and the owners of private property. Under say, the USSR, those in the state were not a new class, but rather just also the property owners, making them effectively the new bourgeoisie. The reason this happened is because these revolutions came out of semi-feudalistic countries,where people couldnt even read or write, let alone operate their work places in a democratic fashion. It's more complex than that still, but that's a very general overview.

OP, after i fucked your dad in his asian ass, i slapped your mother land in the face with my cuban cigar.

Thats all i care to ever know about communism, it fucks you in the ass, and slaps you across the face with its dick. Why is America the greatest power, because of democracy, so put a blind fold on and play in traffic, better yet, put a "I hate nigger" shirt on and run through BLM, or even better, choke on my big sweet FREE dick!

It's a trick question retard. If you have to explain each specific example and don't have a strong meta argument, you've lost.


how come it never works

Is the Labor theory of value debunked?
If so,what replaces it in current leftist thought?


Ew, Engineer. I'm a Physicist, so, inherently better in every way. What languages do you know? I love Python and C# myself.

Who produces the automation?

>owns the MOP
cmon man

Sorry to breake it to you, but we're nowhere near 109% automation. Who would pay for all those machines and the resources that are needed? Who would maintain the machines?

see Nope. It still holds true today, even though the exact analysis and examples given in Das Kapital need to be tweaked here and there to apply to the modern context. It is over 150 years old after all!

The previous Capitalist society. We already have the technology to implement mass automation right now, just not the correct economic system for it to work.



Now that the Law of Increasing Misery has been thoroughly debunked, what replaces it as the impetus behind Marxist cultism?

Seriously how are you a leftist in Britain.

So you want to exploit the people with the skills to create the automation?

OP, did your dad molest you a lot when you where young? Point to me on the bear where daddy touched you.

No, the people who sign their checks

Not 100%, no, but for jobs that are done by millions of people in third world countries at production lines we've been ready to automate them for a while.

The resources would come from where ever they could be attained, they definitely exist though. Under Socialism it's not a question of pay, it's just a question of do.

The people who would run the machines would be those who's passion in life are running machines. They exist.

The people who sing the checks have a very different set of skills, these people will not be able to produce machines.

It's not exploitation, it's perfectly voluntary work, unlike in Capitalism where if they didn't work they would starve to death.

you will never convince people communism is good, when democracy has proven to be the strongest overall.

You assume everyone will want to work? Can't generalize there.

You are saying you need capitalism in order to enact socialism later once the automation process has been established

Capitalism, according to you, is exploitation

Why don't you commies just form a communist society? It is totally legal in capitalist societies and you don't have to force people to live a way they oppose. I lived in a commune for a time. It sucked. Why don't you try it out?

>owning the means of production

EE here. I make 6 figures and I still know that capitalism is bullshit. No matter how much they pay you you will never receive compensation equal to the value you've created. That's the whole point of the wage system.

I know, an engineering degree makes you feel smart and special and you are proud of how hard you worked but at the end of the day, capitalism doesnt give a fuck about you. If it can find a way to drive your wages down it will. And if corporate control of all major policy decisions in every area of social life destroys the ecosystem and the planet, well, too bad I guess.

The capitalist tells you what to make and then uses it however he sees fit. It is incompatible with democracy and it is incompatible with liberty.

Exactly why they are expendable, once private ownership is done.

thats fucking right, capitalism is for non-lazy people, guess what, go back to 300BC and be a lazy fucking shit...guess what would happen to you, you are a fucking pussy, and genetically inferior, thats why you want free shit . please fucking kill yourself already

Python and C, Java
if you where really a physicist you would be doing some type of consulting and engineering work
and be disgusted with communist
I'm assuming your parents let you go to college at a young age.

I can start a power plant,
tie it online,
Do the high pressure welds in the boilers when they go out, in a 6G restricted position. combination tig/stick chrome and super alloys
Align the turbines when they are overhauled.
Pretty much run an entire plant outage, and start the fucking unit back up,
anything that needs to be done.
4160 switch gears,
buss bars,
certified crane operator
I've done it all in the power industry
on top of that I can do consultant work as well

How much of my money are you obligated to OP ?

>the labor theory of value
>still holds true today

If you fags are going to shill here can you at least bring some arguments that haven't been debunked a century ago plz

Communism is not opposed to democracy, but to capitalism. Different axes.