This is why we are FULL

About 85% of our country is uninhabitable wasteland and desert.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why don't you terraform that shit?

Abos burned down the large rain forest that used to be your country thousands of years ago.

That looks like a map of some random mmorpg.

how do you burn down a rain forest? it's not dry enough

does it even rain inland? there has to be a few aquifers somewhere

Fuck off ay

We simply don't have the resources nor the inclination to accommodate any of you cunts

>ship immigrants to this uninhabitable wasteland. as far away from anything else as possible
>problem solved

The smokey national park just burned and that's a rain forest.

It also took thousands of years.

Uninhabitable for bitchass Aussies that is.

You should give it to us white Californians who turn desert into farmland (then back into desert).

With fire.. duh. Are you an abo? Probably not, though because even they know how to burn down a rain forest.

>tfw we could just get all the refugee's an put them with the abo's in alice springs
t-this could work... i mean it is reallly hot in the middle east, they would be used to the climate...

>We simply don't have the resources nor the inclination to accommodate any of you cunts
That wasn't my point. My point was, you live in a desert shithole prison colony and you can fucking improve upon it.

But no, you want it to stay "Criminal Island" desert wasteland.

Inland gets very low rainfall. The only decent rain they would get is from a tropical low that was a cyclone at some stage and somehow made it into the center of the country.

I live in southern QLD, and it's like 38c, 100f and about 60% humidity right now. It's not the most comfortable weather.

There are theories that was how they hunted. Start a huge fire, use it to herd game, sometimes get your meat pre-cooked.

It's debated and might be bullshit but if true, they'd be doing that regularly for food.

so the abos kept burning for thousands of years? no wonder they're so dark, they got roasted

Just send the lebbos out into the fucking desert they should be used to it

yeah nah yeah nah

why would we terraform the outback when we've got plenty of land along the coast? you're off your nut cunt

>There are theories that was how they hunted. Start a huge fire, use it to herd game, sometimes get your meat pre-cooked.
implying abos are smart enough to think that far ahead

This is expensive and risky.

Some Australians secretly hope for global warming because it'll flood the salt beds of south Australia. The reason we didn't just build a canal is because that's expensive and may or may not result in the streslecki desert becoming a vast grassland.

That's because all the lakes and rivers dry up. A permanent inland lake in south Australia may increase rainfall across the country. It could also do absolutely nothing except make aboriginal people upset.

>born and raised in Phoenix Az

Quit being an abbo nigga and irrigate that shit you cunts. With modern tech you can have a nice georgeous cool evening under the citrus trees

>summers aren't ...that...bad

I've got a few hundred acres of undeveloped residential land.
We're not full. We just can't handle more welfare leeches.

Sadly the only cunts with real money and interest in Australia are soulless gooks.

We don't want those useless homosex progressives in our country.


Ill never understand why we don't use nuclear energy and put all the waste somewhere in the middle of Australia.
We are one of the biggest producers of uranium and shit.
I hate this retarded county mang.
We could have the cheapest energy on earth.

Just wait until late January when Melbourne cops the heatwaves. The greenies and communists will blame it on the white man

You would have room if you exiled your niggers to the purple, dawg.

Yeah well you guys also have a water table that isn't filled with salt, which helps a hell of a lot.

>A permanent inland lake in south Australia may increase rainfall across the country. It could also do absolutely nothing except make aboriginal people upset.

Win/win scenario

>starting fires
>thinking ahead
yes im sure they were thinking ahead when they burned down the habitat of all the animals they needed to eat

i could leave you in a rainforest, without tools, and you wouldn't be able to burn it down in ten fucking years you fat spastic

Or... It could do nothing.

So the federal government spends millions on a canal, buying all the land from port Augusta to lake Torrens and lake Eyrie only to wait 100 years to realise salty seas have about as much ecological effect as the dead sea or the Aral sea.

And all we got was a dirty, overly wide canal and the loss of a large expanse of dried salt lakes that tourists occasionally visit. Great.

Knowing Sup Forums, we can push this anyway and treat it like an experiment, but somehow I doubt Sup Forums actually cares about geoengineering. There are no dank memes associated to doubling Australia's inhabitable area.

Carve a giant trench from the northwest to the southeast, at least to the middle of the country, all of it in the hottest part of the desert, and let the ocean fill it. The soil will erode around that area and flood. So the world sea level will drop, which is a good thing. You will have a mini sea in the middle of what was an unlivable desert which is a good thing. The mini sea will provide the moisture to give the rest of Australia normal rainfall patterns, which is a great thing, lakes and rivers will form around the grasslands, another great thing.

We've just got to let the water in and the crops will grow. Fact: 90% of uninhabitable parts of Australia is actually below sea level

There's already salinity problems. Introducing a shitload of salty seawater into the mix is not going to help.

Build a mangrove forest through the path of water entering the desert then.

Honest question: How hot does it get in those red Zones?

See, I like that idea. Though there is already high salt content inland even if the level introduced by seawater was mitigated.
Hot enough that they have to live like mole people.

>There are no dank memes associated to doubling Australia's inhabitable area.

We can make this a thing

I doubt it would increase rainfall. Caspian sea doesn't seem to create much if any.

The record temps seem to be around 120 F.

Averages during hot season are 85-100 F.

In other words, not a real desert. Crime-brits think that shit is a desert, lol!

Fun fact, Mad Max isn't actually post-apocolyptic, its just about people who tried to drive to Alice Springs and got lost.

>white Californians
Nice oxymoron Jamal Hernendez


> especially during the summer months, when temperatures often exceed 40 °C (104 °F)

Dude I live in AZ. That's normal for me.

I've actually seen this seriously suggested before, it's not a bad idea. Let them in on the condition they work, build up infrastructure through the middle of Aus, more people = more demand for small businesses, etc. It's a shame we're full.

see Just dont wanna copy and paste, ya know?

Wow. How didn't we think of that? It'll be easy to make a desert the size of the US, about 5,000,000 km2, into arable, farmable, liveable land.
How haven't we done that yet?

It got to 54C at Oodnadatta in SA in 2013

Fair enough. AZ has average humidity between 30% to 60% though, and it rarely breaks 20% in Coober Pedy. Dry heat and lack of vegetation for shade means you feel the heat more.

It's not just the temperature that's the factor for them living underground. Fuck me, it gets near 40 in Tasmania (coldest part of the country), and they're not living underground. It can get into the 50s in SA and they're not living underground.


That sounds like a noise a nigger makes.

Does ausfailia not have aquifers?

Australia, not even once.

New zealand is the only country im legitimately jealous of.

Hows the guns laws there?

Can we Terra-form Australia?

>How haven't we done that yet?
Because you've literally have done nothing except get drunk, huff gasoline, take Centrelink payments, and feed your babies to dingoes.

Maybe if your get off your drunken, criminal, abbo fucking ass you'd get something done.


We can keep going, lol

Apparently not with Australians in it.

Fuck you nerds, its not terraforming it is working the land.

Do the Abo's keep to themselves, at least?

Or even Mamungkukumpurangkuntjunya in SA. Basically means where the devil takes a piss.

Usually, unless you stir them up or they are on drugs

you're just a soft cock who cant hack the bush
enjoy your air-conditioned apartment city boy

Pedy is also on the southern edge of the hot territory. There aren't a whole lot of measurements for inland Australia because there's no reason to set up meteorological stations in uninhabited desert flatland. The only decent sized town in there, Alice Springs, exists pretty much solely to service military bases tucked away in the desert.

just sweep the sand off it ya cunt

Heh kuk kunt and kum all in one word

>tfw 43'c
Nice warm day today

>The world is about to reach a crisis in fresh water reserves

>Let's throw it in a desert and see if grass grows

We're constantly fighting to keep the arable land in Australia from turning into desert already


>About 85% of our country is uninhabitable wasteland and desert.

Record Temps USA -

Arizona 128 F, Arkansas 120 F, California 138 F, Idaho 118 F, Kansas 121 F, Nevada 125 F, New Mexico 122 F, North Dakota 121 F, Washington (state) 118 F

Record temps Australia -

South Australia 123 F, Western Australia 123 F, Queensland 121 F

>About 85% of our country is uninhabitable wasteland and desert.


>all it takes is some cling wrap to turn salt water into distilled water


>what is humitdity

You yanks are alright
The bantz are getting better
Call me when you're on my level

fucking oath
there are areas like Maralinga that the waste can get dumped that you're not aloud to live on coz of radiation anyway

I recall it getting to 54C (129F) in SA a few years ago.

The middle of Australia is literally a giant desert.

*ring ring*

I honestly believe Sup Forums could save the world

Then drill a water well friendo.

t. resident of new mexico badlands

Ummm what? I'm an Arizonan and the Highest it's ever gotten was 122 and that was in July of 1990. Source???


when I went to school there my dad was a hard cunt and made me wear a uniform (at the time there wasn't a school uniform because most people couldn't afford buying them) and walk to and from school everyday
skivvy and tracky dacks in 40 odd degrees everyday

There are plenty of rural properties out there with bore water. Doesn't make it a good idea for millions of people to live out there though.

>let immigrants move into the desert
>they get raped by Abos and die of thirst
Could we meme this into reality?


Dry heat is way better than humidity. Thats why Hudson says "but its a dry heat" in Aliens.

Because everyone but Ausfags know that.

Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota are all DRY heats.

Time for Make Australia Green Again?

Send any sandniggers that invade to the middle of the outback. They're used to uninhabitable wasteland and desert.

that's only because its the only place around there that has a weather station
it gets hotter believe it or not

Sounds like you boys could use some more leafs down there.


>there is an actual place in Australia called Townsville

Not very creative of you.

not bad man, you can own 30 round semi autos and pistol grip stocks, you just need to pass decent vetting. To own basic fire arms, so semi up to 7 round, bolt, lever etc you just need to not be a criminal and be able to store firearms safely, pistols are a bit more work but pretty decent really.

Try this. Want to really fucking embarrassed?

How do you make an Australian accent? Btw, this isn't even a fucking joke.
1. Take a trashy English accent.
2. Get really, REALLY piss drunk. Like so drunk that if you stop drinking, you'll get the DT's and die.
3. Raise children while speaking very piss drunk like that.
4. Repeat for several generations and voila! An Australian accent.

You're country is hot for half a year

>tfw. You'll never experience a 25C day I the middle of winter

that faggot cunt's got a point, if it's so goddamn hot and dry topside, you could literally power desalination plants with the sun. even passive ones, boy-scout style, where the water condensates on a black plastic garbage bag, scaled up enough to drip a couplefew gallons an hour

Yeah look I'd like to as well honestly, but things being what they are right now, more habitable land would just be an excuse to flood the country with a big wave of useless third worlders, who won't pay any damn taxes to cover the cost of desalination.

Get back to me after 8 years of Trump, might look into it then.

How did you misinterpret us?
What about "fuck off were full" don't you understand?

>There's already salinity problems.

This is solvable.

What you do is set up nuclear co-generation desal plants; then use the produced water, which has no dissolved salts, to irrigate cropland with enough surplus that the salt, which dissolves into the water, is carried away with the surplus.