Give me one good reason why he shouldn't be SOS

Give me one good reason why he shouldn't be SOS

Other urls found in this thread:

he is a phony, a fraud.

he is a phony, a fraud.

He is a phony, a fraud.

he is a phony, a fraud.


he is a phony, a fraud

he isnt Ted Cruz

He is a phony, a fraud.

he is a phony, a fraud.

he's a mormon

He's an established Rino and a shabbos goy.

He did everything in his power to prevent Trump from becoming president. But I'm sure you can mentally twist into a pretzel and pretend it's a good thing.

this slime came oozing out from the rock he'd been hiding under to try and destroy Trump's campaign

he's a loser, and there's no room in the cabinet for a loser

He is a phony, a fraud.

Bc he's a GOP lapdog and is at the will of the globalist bilderburg fucks.

Also the DoS is a corrupt cesspool. Romney doesn't have the balls to tighten up that agency

hes a rich greedy faggot cuckservative

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.


he ugly lol

He is a phony, a fraud.

Hey lacks meme potential.

He's a phony, a fruad.

He's a traitor with the "Mormon mafia".

He likes to say that he's smart, well, when it comes to foreign policy he is vary vary not smart.

he is a phony, a fraud.

He's a moron.

He likes trees, lakes, cars and he unironically thinks American cars are the best on the planet.

he is a phony, a fraud

Fuck that guy.


he is a phony, a fraud.

he is a phony, a fraud.

he's our guy

He is a crony abroad

he is a phony, a fraud

He is a pony, a lord.

He is a brony, all strawed

he's too good looking. The president can not choose a dilf to be sos, obviously.

he is a phony, a fraud

He's a traitorous faggot that either fell for the left's lies like a fucking retard or is bought and sold himself

He's a Mormon, which is basically Freemasonry light.

The only thing he deserves is to be humiliated.
He was not only NeverTrump but also was one of the people that setup that worthless Mormon McMuffin spoiler-candidate, whose whole purpose was literally to get Hillary elected. If he won Utah and nobody got to 270 why would the Republican house choose McMormon and destroy their whole party?

pic related

even the cucks on Sup Forums are scared of him


this is the only way hillary doesnt steal the election. 11th hour they are trying to steal it. appointments can change later. he hasnt been sworn in and the president can remove any one in the cabinet even people they put there

Idk who this guy is but he looks like a walrus lol

This thread is a phony, a fraud.

Cant trust him

John Bolton, candidate for Secretary of State who met with Trump today, and is my guess for who Trump will pick.


Hillary with nuts.

Underrated post

He's Secretary of Defense tho

Mitt should be sec of state. Would be a good signal of the unification that will be coming. Not just with democrats but with neverTrump republicans too.

a great unity is coming.


Because Jared Kushner is gonna be secretary of state.

Do you really want a SOS that writes tweets like this?

More like secratary of the north pole lol

Low energy phony, a fraud.