This took over 9000 hours in mspaint

Next stop: Someone needs to infiltrate and record inside Epstein's weird temple.

Other urls found in this thread:


Good going, guys. You literally ruined multiple innocent people's lives and businesses, all while making everyone from Alex Jones to David Seaman look like complete schizos.

Well played, gentlemen, well played indeed

you can barely find an high resolution image of the jewish temple on that island.

Breitbart's tweet was YEAR before suicided--and was about 3 weeks after he announced at CPAC he was releasing damning info on OBAMA

I have plenty of high res pics of the temple

Im dead serious, someone needs to get there at night and record footage. I mean nobody lives there, just get there at night in a small boat, it's cheap to rent. I did all the research and know how to infiltrate, but I don't have the money to travel that far. The amount of interesting information on that temple doesn't let me sleep.


Good 9oin9, 9uys. You literally ruined multiple innocent people's lives and businesses, all while making everyone from Alex Jones to David Seaman look like complete schizos.

Well played, 9entlemen, well played indeed.

Good 9oin9, 9uys. You literally ruined multiple innocent people's lives and businesses, all while making everyone from Alex Jones to David Seaman look like complete schizos.

Well played, 9entlemen, well played indeed.

Good 9oin9, 9uys. You literally ruined multiple innocent people's lives and businesses, all while making everyone from Alex Jones to David Seaman look like complete schizos.

Well played, 9entlemen, well played indeed.


anus, that was taylored for jew op.
you can eat some shit now. go.

I wouldn't be surprised if that crappy rock landscaping covers the graves of raped children.

Focus on



FBIanon said stay after that--keep asking questions--sex trafficking involved with that too

IGNORE the bots & shills. Please.

I don't want these threads to keep getting sidelined and full of debates on tangents with CTR/bots/pedo shills--it may be causing regular anons to quit because the thread discussion keeps getting derailed

We have important work to do guise!! We come a long way in a short period of time.

As to CF--I'll post some info on a guy I've been doing some research on. I think he's way dirty and is a high roller in the CF

Just made a screencap of what another user pointed out (lost track of the original post, sorry).


What does he have to do with Japan?

Nice job.

If i was close by I would very much investigate, I'll steam or periscope the whole thing, If I'm caught, getting disappeared or death is almost 100% but the cat would be out of the bag

More connections between Podesta and Japan in Not sure if it relates, but... give it a look.


don't forget FBIAnon, TheClinton Foundation: pastebin.com/hgW5q5Kx


Whoever gets there first will get famous and get tons of internet ad revenue. Idea: make a Youtube channel of "urban exploration" type niche, go there and record with your camera, upload and you'll get tons of views.

The livestream is definitely needed to, just in case. If someone does it, make a thread here first.


coordinates or gmap link?

Pic related for answer...partly. the guy who posted that said he's retired US Military intel

someone should infiltrate there

Godspeed, user.


"Early on did John Podesta imagine his baby @mmfa would be covering up for underage sex slave ops & H8 crimes against blacks?"

Youtube would get it down. The Clintons and Dems are elbow deep on it. And streams would very likely get taken down, and from that place the person wouldn't have ways to put it back on.
Best thing to do is to record it and then upload here fast, so we can download and reproduce the file.
If anything, the actual hard part is getting in and out without getting caught

Yeah that was a good find from the previous thread.

another lead

a email between podesta and Masahiko Horie, Ambassador for Global Environmental Affairs of Japan

Definitely think it's related.

>it's another tinfoil pizzagate thread with circlejerking and no evidence

it is still there. faggot.

Well shit, good find.

Btw, check this footage of the temple. Probably the only one that exists.

Wow, nice work. That's a pretty damning find. And I appreciate that your image is very clear, organized, and well-written.

Just put "little st james"

wasnt it like a day or 2 before he was to release info destroying obama ?


This has gone on long enough. Stop shitting up this board with your crackpot conspiracy garbage!

If there is a mod here, PLEASE DELETE THIS THREAD.


Great post for reminder of what he said. I read it again earlier tonight to a friend.

Helps to stay on track by re-reading it

That is not google maps, that is terraserver, faggot.

This is the distance you would need to travel if you get a boat, not even 2km, I walk more than that daily.

dude, seriously, like, even if it is fake or something, you are trying very hard to get people off

You don't convince anyone and no one respects shilling, I advice you to go and check other pollitics-related forums on the internet, there is a lot of them

Why are these people so fucking cocky?

the part about hate crimes against blacks is also interesting. it means the whole BLM movement was artificially created by th Clinton Foundation on behalf of Soros

Maybe they shouldn't take creepy pictures of children they don't own if they don't want it taken out of context

That's a great post. Hadn't seen that before tonight. Another connection. they all help


>shitting up this board with crackpot conspiracy garbage!

>Trump YLYL, an art thread, some faggot with cancer, and a risk thread all up

>Possible child sex ring conspiracy is garbage

like he funded the Wall Street protests.



this has to be a front for something much bigger

that's why they're so outward about this, letting the (((pizza))) obsession define their public and private lives

it's much worse than what we're seeing


I found Amanda Kleinman's MySpace page here: myspace.com/majesticape
and started browsing her connections...i looked for infants/satanic symbols/pizza symbols

I found this infant: myspace.com/108054259/mixes/classic-my-photos-390009/photo/120644585

Misc info. I found the other day (not about the guy related to CF--still trying to find it--may have left the info at work).

October 2015 Building Permits Issued - DC

— The Podesta Group's Tony Podesta, Stephen Rademaker (former assistant secretary of state) and David Adams (former assistant secretary of state for legislative affairs) registered to lobby for the U.S. subsidiary of Russian state-held Sberbank on the scope of U.S. sanctions against Russia for its role in the Ukraine conflict and whether relief is possible. Sberbank CIB USA also retained three lobbyists from The Madison Group on the same issues: founder Robb Watters (former deputy chief of staff to former Rep. Mark Neumann (R-Wis.) and former adviser to the Secretary of Commerce and the U.S. Trade Representative), Marcus Mason [former chief of staff to former Rep. Walter Tucker III (D- Calif.)] and Rodney Emery [former chief of staff for former Rep. Steven Horsford (D-Nev.)].

— The Podesta Group also signed Lend Lease (US) Public Partnerships, the operator of the largest share of privatized housing in the U.S. military, to lobby on the defense appropriations and authorization bills. The filing names Josh Holly (former senior adviser for the House Armed Services Committee), David Morgenstern (former chief of staff for Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)) and Jim Dyer (former staff director for the House Appropriations Committee). Previously, the firm Husch Blackwell advocated for the company.



THIS fuckin comment is everywere...
you can't stop the ctr shills

Same pasta in every thread, CIA shilling hard

But remember...man is the most dangerous animal.


As long as we have a copy, it's all that matters. Liveleak will keep it up, we can spread it all over the internet easily.

looking further into what Camp Nose could be leads me to Nose Hachigao Camp-mura Co., Ltd. or Campgrounds Nose-cho, Osaka Shukuno.

The area brings up a couple campgrounds but nothing really specific related to something that Podesta would hang out.

will continue digging

exactly, these reptilian cucks dont stand a chance

Unironically do not stop investigating this shit is fucking comedy gold

don't worry

you'll find that damning evidence soon, just keep looking

Since it appears to be connected to japan, have you tried looking up some meaning when you translate it to japanese? Maybe even in kanji. Usually you don't make codenames out of the blue, so it has to have a connection (if it's related)


"Good going, guys. You literally ruined multiple innocent people's lives and businesses, all while making everyone from Alex Jones to David Seaman look like complete schizos.

Well played, gentlemen, well played indeed."

Code? Hint? The first letter of the fist three words are ggg. Simple substitution yields www.obhc... www.obhc.org is a charity for abused children.

That's all I got.

because the entire world-machine-matrix is on their side

More Misc. on Podesta emails.
This one has their own highlighted attachment in Word, 80 pages about her own speeches and what areas they feel may be problem positions for her. I've only scanned it, but there may be help with many names of people around the world.

Excerpt of what was said in emails below.

* * *
HRC Paid Speeches
From:[email protected]
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Date: 2016-01-25 00:28
Subject: HRC Paid Speeches

Team, Attached are the flags from HRC’s paid speeches we have from HWA. I put some highlights below. There is a lot of policy positions that we should give an extra scrub with Policy.



Thank you. Nothin normal about that.


I meant to post this.

Someone noticed last night/other night (?) the camp ground and posted a pic. Military JapanAnon was going to check out Osine (sp?), he thought more/most important area?

Guess, worry not.. this thing is HUGE. They were so blatent and public about it, it's impossible to stop the investigation.


Maybe david icke is right with his reptillian theory and whatnot


The island is tiny. All it would take is to park the boat and walk up those bushes at night. Wear night vision gear, don't flash up any lights. Fuck I wish I lived near there.

who is amanda kleinman?

Good post; establishes timeline for when JP did not know them well enough to understand relationship connection


Googled suggested Onsen, found a hot springs in the area with the name in the area. Might be a fit.


Sang in freaky video Comet Ping Pong Birthday for Lord....forget her first name right now.

She designs flyers for CPP's bands that come in, etc.

Amanda Kleinman aka Majestic Gate

The Drag Queen that sang that sick song at the Comet Pizza Party

her myspace: myspace.com/majesticape/connections/out

this #pizzagate shit is 110% real

you guys are definitaly on to something

keep going



She who designs is Lord (damn, can't remember her first name)

That might be it; I'll see if I can find the thread that he posted, don't know if it was another day or a different thread than the pic I posted.

Sasha lord...agent. Amanda kleinman...majestic ape who talks about killing sashas newborn infant while the ghouls at cpp laugh.


i think brock was moneylaundering thru comet etc
and dating james
brock's bf finds out, threatens to reveal the scheme, they pay him off 850000.00

Gematria is the key to some of the wikileaks articles. You guys are doing gods work, these threads renew my hope in humanity. Fucking come on shills, try and suicide me.

Do we have any working archive web site left?



Great Goys. I got off the phone with Hillary Jewess Clinton and Jewy Don and they're furious Sup Forums Autism could hinder their pizza parties.

Oh fug me....

No sorry I just stumbled upon this

But I think it'd be wise to look at the pedos in her profile, and then look at hteir connections

this is a big rabbit hole

Here's the thread with military Intel post



I can't get onto that site to see anything; don't have an account.

Can you take screen shots and post them?

Thread Theme

Great job with the pic.

Dick Wolf

for being a bunch of degenerates you gotta give it to them they know how to make good references

reminds me of this pic someone posted on a chat i was in