American blacks don't want their own country

The end of this interview with Dick "Reinhardt" Spencer disturbed me (plus the comments are normie cancer):

It made me think, since white nationalism has become a mainstream term, I've heard more and more blacks openly say "WE AREN'T GOING ANYWHERE". This is the opposite of what they were saying at the start of BLM, when they wanted to create a black-only country. Why don't blacks want self-determination in their own land?

Other urls found in this thread:

oops, 2nd video link broken

Where are getting this shit from?

Statements made by a few BLM extremists do not represent blacks as a whole.

This is our land. Where the fuck else would we go. We have deeper roots in America that most white ppl.

I'm not black so I don't know, but my guess is that the back and forth is just rent-seeking rhetoric. They try threatening you with leaving, then they threaten you with staying if that doesn't work. They probably don't really want to leave.

>Where are getting this shit from?
the links are provided for you, those two men are major figures in BLM. Shabazz organized and led all of Ferguson and Atlanta BLM actions.

Blacks in America have been talking about separatism since Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X

And again, the opinions of those two individuals do not represent the opinions of black people.

Relocating all black people to some foreifn land, is the craziest shit I ever heard, and almost no one would ever take that seriously.

We are American. We belong here. We've been here since the earliest colonial times.

>And again, the opinions of those two individuals do not represent the opinions of black people.
And again, I said that black people disagree in the fucking OP. You're bullshitting to avoid the question and you seem to stupid to realize "NOT ALL BLACK PEOPLE" is a non-answer. Obviously there are many blacks who want their own black nation. All of nation of islam, with its millions of members want it. Afrocentrists want it. The guy who shot cops in Houston wanted it. The leaders of BLM Ferguson openly demanded it in their speeches.

So, generally speaking, why DON'T all black people want that? Doesn't it make the most sense? Why do blacks want to live with a race of people they think are trying to "exterminate" them?

You type with spacing in your posts

And thinks to your kind America is next to the third world countries as the murder capitals of the world.

And that's only 13% of your race in this country.
Imagine if you were 50% of this country, jesus christ.

And Thanks*****

>Imagine if you were 50% of this country, jesus christ.
It would be Congo-style cannibalism and warlords, just like Detroit.

They know it will be a shithole with no welfare.

Already exist ! Liberia (a country in Africa) run by freed African-Americans was as a type of voluntary opt-in reparation; that treated the locals bush tribes were inferior.

>They know
Do you think people with average ~80 IQ really "know" that kind of thing? They don't even know where welfare comes from in the first place. Roland Martin told Spencer in that interview they did that he thought the US is only rich because they had black slaves, which allowed them to "save money". This is the level of stupid we're talking about, and that guy is concerned "intellectual".

Bad example, Liberia was a mixed country with mostly African locals and a tiny minority of US blacks as their elites. The elites were overthrown by the locals because they were foreign. We're talking about giving them a state or part of a state, like Louisiana.

>You're bullshitting to avoid the question >and you seem to stupid to realize "NOT >ALL BLACK PEOPLE" is a non-answer. >Obviously there are many blacks who >want their own black nation.

Nope, that's not an opinion that a significant number of people have. I have never even heard anybody say something that ridiculous.

You're listening to a small number of batshit crazy extremist and zealots, and atributing those extremist views to an entire ethnic group. I wouldn't read David dukes newsletters to find out what broader white society is thinking.
>All of nation of islam, with its millions of >members want it. Afrocentrists want it.

Bwahaha.. Few black people are even Muslims and much less do we follow around the NOI.

>So, generally speaking, why DON'T all >black people want that? Doesn't it make >the most sense?

No that does not any sense. Where would we go?

We have deeper roots here than MOST White ppl. I would sooner kick somebody else out than leave my own fucking country for any reason.

>Statements made by a few BLM extremists do not represent blacks as a whole.

Yet strangely, white extremists represent all white people.

Don't listen to talking head extremists.

Because deep down the ones who are intelligent enough to understand things, they know they can't survive on their own without starving and becoming animalistic, the negroe doesn't produce anything, he can't grow his own food and is dependent on white people for their bread..

You are a disgrace

The world would be a better place without blacks

IF whites walled themselves off, non whites would be demanding to be let in forever. Always have, always will.

>that's not an opinion that a significant number of people have
I won't even ask for a source, you don't know that, and it's a fact that it's a theme all high-profile BLM-involved organizations discuss, from NoI to the NBPP, to Lawyers for Justice, and so on and so forth. To quote

>We demand full and independent Black political power and Black self-determination in all areas of society

Stop denying it and just fucking discuss it. What are the pros and cons of the idea? We know you say "WE DONT WANT IT THIS IS OURS", but why do you want to live with people you hate, feel oppressed by, and think are trying to "genocide us by cop"?

Are you suicidal?

>I have never even heard anybody say something that ridiculous.
You're either an idiot living in a bubble or a liar.

You can have the Deep South

Should've made it mandatory desu senpai

Lincoln was going to make it mandatory, but some Democlap went and killed him, thus dooming the south and all the US to permanent dindu infections

Don't remind me

They know they will just break it.
We already have a real life example of what happens when you give blacks an already establish, very prosperous, white controlled colony. Haiti.
The niggers were set free, all of the whites were liberal cucks and celebrated their "doing the right thing", the blacks were treated as brothers and equals. Shortly after, the whites, men women and children, suffered unimaginable horrors. Brutal murders, little girls being rapped to death..
Now Haiti is the god forsake shit hole it is today.

Its simply, remove white people and you revert back to the stone age. Niggers know this, they fear it. They wont admit it because, like women, they want to try and prove themselves.

I've notied the "we aren't going away" and "we aren't going anywhere" meme as well. It's in the air.

So then, we'll give you your ghettos and loosen up the forced integration laws and the use of HUD to punish white neighborhoods. We'll repeal and replace anti-discrminiation legislation and 21st century white flight will make SA apartheid look like a cake walk

A few blacks do want their own nation.

Unfortunately, as the Black Nationalist notes, most of his kin just want more "gimmedats."

>Can they ever have the levels of their PA adjusted

>So called White man!

>The niggers were set free
I thought it was a slave uprising?

You think they really "know this"? They can't even think enough moves ahead to keep from getting shit by cops, what makes you think they realize their lives would collapse without whites?

No, they can't.

>What are the pros and cons of the idea?

There's no pros to the idea. Its flatly ridiculous. If anybody should be leaving it wouldnt be us. Let the people who immigrated to America in the 20th century leave. They can go home.

>Why do you want to live with people >you hate, feel oppressed by, and think >are trying to "genocide us by cop"?

I dont hate anybody. Do you know I have lived among, gone to school with, and worked with people of all races (majority white), and never once had any problems? I don't even know what people are talking about.

Im also not scared nor intimidated by racists.

>are you suicidal


They know who pays for the bread and where the bread comes from, they also know who takes their weed away.

>There's no pros to the idea
I don't why you're being so obtuse, if the idea angers you or simply can't comprehend it.
To quote representative Ellis (soon to be DNC chair):
>"Finally, blacks would have the option of choosing their own land base or remaining in the United States," Ellison said. "Since black people toiled most diligently in the southeastern section of the United States, this land, quite naturally, would be most suitable.
>"That means Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi. Blacks, of course, would not be compelled to move to the black state, and, of course, peaceful whites would not be compelled to move away.
>Ellison justified his idea by saying, in part, there would be no more "white guilt."
>"Whites would be relieved of the burdens of the black-faced but white-dominated social programs. Blacks would employ themselves, teach their own children the truth and control their own neighborhoods," he wrote. "Black-white interaction would be voluntary instead of compelled. No more busing, no more affirmative action and, best of all, no more white guilt.
>"White people could righteously say they have 'settled their debts with blacks.' Urban blacks, long alienated from society by poverty, forced segregation and media-vilification, would no longer strike fear in whites. Think of it, whites could reclaim their cities — without dispossessing anyone."
And that's probably just the tip of the iceberg of pro's.
This website is full of pros.
Stop denying and just discuss.

>Im also not scared nor intimidated by racists.
>>are you suicidal
You dumb fuck, didn't you read what I wrote? I said "WHY DO YOU WANT TO LIVE WITH PEOPLE WHO WANT TO GENOCIDE YOU; ARE YOU SUICIDAL?" -- because if you believe the former, then wanting the latter is suicidal, by definition. Don't act like I was threatening you you dumb fuck.

I don't see many pros to that

>I don't see many pros to that
I don't either, unless going there is mandatory and segregation is enforced by law. But many blacks see pros in this plan, that's the point.

fuck that, were not turning dixie into a nigger country.
Send them back to africa.
They already have a whole fucking continent to do fuck all with.

actually, no.
I see some pros.
Some very false pros.
The illusion of a solution.
This would only make things much, much worse.

>This would only make things much, much worse.
Probably, because it would turn into Haiti with no large, natural water-barrier to keep the plagues and smugglers out. It would be worse than having Mexico as a neighbor. Haitian gangs are ten times worse than Mexican gangs, way more brutal.

I fucking live in Georgia, they ain't throwing us out!
Haven't we already seen how so many other things have gone that have a similar premise?
We have Indian reservations.
While those are in certain areas making it feasible in handling it, this on the other hand is just oversaturating states unwillingly in something no one asked for with one race.
It's fucking bullshit.

of course USA niggers do NOT want their own county. They fully realize that without whites who know how things work, that the nigger society would turn it into Haiti-like hell hole of despair in about a year. The values and behavior of white is needed as a core social and commercial backbone to make anything work with niggers. I don't know the max ratio of white to black, but I would suspect that if there's less than half white in any nigger geopolitical and economic region, that it's then doomed to utter nigger failure. Even 10% nigger is ruinous in most situations. Clearly the ideal percentage of nigger is nil or zero.

Many of us have always lived in the deep south amongst whites with no problems

If you turn off the TV, I think youll discover that race relations are fine.

>reddit spacing

The irony is that us whites kinda caused that back in the 1700's, but it is way too late now, as that has caused them to develop quite a separation of a society, so no one today can be blamed for a mistake that has already happened before.

Spencer is an embarrassment.

Blacks are a race of dependents, they will never do anything for themselves so long as whites are around.

>us whites kinda caused that
Who brought them there in the first place?

~t. Frendly Wyatt Mane Moshe


Leech's rarely wish to lose their host.
They may de-cry the White man and the society he built all they want with the support and direction from the leftist establishment but if given the chance to have their own land or a ticket back to Africa you know damn well most would do anything to prevent it.

Well, that was only a part of the real issue that caused a huge separation of culture. The segregation shit. Blame the ancestors for that, not us! We ain't havin that shit! Blame history for your struggles!
Oh yeah, there is an ironic "solution" some one has planned in which some places can be segregated.
The god damn motherfuckin irony in that is hilarious.

Fuck off we're full.

Serious question: then what's the solution? No memes pls, I'm really curious if people around here know any solutions.

Are you saying segregation isn't a good thing?

No. It's just the irony that blacks have fought to stop that only for it to come back up because of their pestering.

Solutions to what? Literally nothing is happening.

We tolerate each other in public just fine.

>So, generally speaking, why DON'T all black people want that? Doesn't it make the most sense? Why do blacks want to live with a race of people they think are trying to "exterminate" them?

For the same reason that no black kids ever want to sit on the lap of the Black Santa at the shopping mall.

Every black kid KNOWS the White Santa has better presents.

>We tolerate each other in public just fine.
good god...

>Solutions to what? Literally nothing is happening.

You sir just ended the entire argument here, congrats.

Is this now a niggerhate thread?

niggerhate thread confirmed then

they just want free shit

it's the spoiled brat who criticizes daddy for not buying him a pony but doesn't move out and earn his own






>We have deeper roots here than MOST White ppl. I would sooner kick somebody else out than leave my own fucking country for any reason.

Ya know, while white people will say that you should all go back to Africa, that's probably not what would happen. Chances are you would get something like pic related. Why wouldn't you want your own ethno-state in North America after all the horrible shit white people have done to you?


On your place I would send them all to California and let it to secede. With this move you end three problems.


Black people helped build America, their descendants deserve to be here as much as white people. Fuck natives, they lost, and fuck Mexicans, they have their own country. Orientals helped build our railroads and mine our resources, they can stay too.

One solution would be to give every single non white a 15 year allowance equal to 15 years of GDP per capita from their home country, and ship them back.



If you really believe in race realism, then believing it will ever be possible to deport all blacks to Africa would be the exact opposite of race realism.

Let the niggers have their Republic of New Afrika. While part of Dixie would be lost, formerly Deep South whites could reclaim parts of the South that have been lost to carbetbaggers and spics like northern Virginia and southern Texas. You could restore formerly white cities like Detroit and St. Louis to their former glory. And your white brothers in the North would welcome you with open arms. I'd love to have some of your sweet tea and Southern cooking.

But how do you keep them there? You cant keep Mexicans in Mexico, or Jews in Israel. If you give them their own country, they'll just use your country AND their country after that.

What about black crime?. If they stay in America, they need to be segregated to an area, without going out to commit their crimes.

So even though white people have been continuously fucking over black people for hundred of years, and how most blacks feel they are still suffering under white supremacy, you honestly see no pros for American black people having their own nation-state?

>cotton pickers helped build this country
This nigger meme needs to die

there are literally 0 race problems here in the deep south. all the riots and dindus happen in the north shitropolis

>But how do you keep them there?

Seriously? Are you completely unfamiliar with the concept of building a wall?

C'mon Koreanon, you should know this shit. How many North Korean defectors cross the DMZ into South Korea?

So just throw out everyone already living here? Hm yes, I see no consequences to that.

Except the problem of giving up clay.
Also we only share a border with two countries. I dont want a third country sharing borders with us.

>Seriously? Are you completely unfamiliar with the concept of building a wall?
>Lazy Amerilards think they vote their problems away
Do you think walls police themselves, or maintain themselves? To make that solution permanent, you'd need a generation of Leftists taking helicopter rides. You'd need a whole revolution, and probably a transformation into a fascistic authoritarian government. If not, your little wall will only last until the next election, because democracy is designed to subvert you.

How did you think you got into the current mess?

They won't leave because no one else will take them. South Korea certainly won't...

Not givin up dixie.
Once they go back to africa, well help rebuild/clean up detroit and so we all can have good american cars again.
Asfor virginia and the spics, just deport them and build a wall.

>I'd love to have some of your sweet tea and Southern cooking.
Buckets of sugar and a deep fryer.

I bet you can pay some tinpot African dictator to take them.

Tell these dumb negroes that they don't represen-

No, tell the DNC that these dumb negroes don't represent you, as they more than anyone else need to be hit over the head that "black people" as a monolithic entity is a shallow lie.

of niggers.

I don't care, blacks must go.
All whites form their own racial state and the blacks get what's left for their own nation, DONE.

>Not givin up dixie.
Then you stay there or do what ever you want, the north will separate.

All whites that want racial state go north and the south can do what ever it wants.

You realize that just creates a neighboring state that hates you and will want war with you someday.

>Greece and Turkey
>Germany, Poland, and Ukraine
>India and Pakistan

All of these countries had massive population transfers to end ethnic strife and are better off for it.

Do you really want to keep being an American and having to deal with white people's bullshit?

Is Charleston not in the south?

>Why don't blacks want self-determination in their own land?
Because they already have it here, and their ancestors shed blood for this land just as any others.

Is this really so hard to understand?