This bot spams people who make satire accounts pretending to be Jews or others races by spamming their accounts screaming FAKE!

I think we should report it and get it banned

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Wait.. we can use this.

It'd be cooler to make it start attacking actual (((accounts))).

How so?

>report > this person is being nocive >pretending to be another person
do it


Guys Guys Autism levels are reaching dangerous levels

Evacuate Earth

Get out now

How does it work?
We can turn it against actual Jews, might be funny, jus sayin...

Never heard of this kike but his account is verified and thinks his bot is hilarious

How can we make it harass real Jews?

get it to call out actual kikes by saying their kike faggotry is so outlandish it cant be anything but nazis mocking kikes and their evil kikes ways.

oh wait, they are real kikes and the christ killers actually think like this

gas the kikes, race war now, etc etc

Its real simple.

you make an account pretending to be the BOT.

and start spamming real people!

This could be fun

use this picture as avatar
follow this template :

@ACCOUNTNAME This account is a racist impersonating a Jew to defame Jews. It gave itself fake rabbinical ordination!

I just noticed it has the sheriff badge that trump got shit for

>the JIDF is now officially real.

>he thought it was a meme

This sounds diabolical. I LIKE IT.

Someone better qualified than me should make an account with the handle "lmposterBuster" with a lowercase L instead of a capital I.

And then follow

This is a golden opportunity to ban ((((Yair Rosenberg)))) from twatter, spam bots are a permaban offense that applies to even main accounts.What a retard for putting his name in the bio. So get to reporting if any of you goys have a twatter account.

But first do and spam actual high-profile twatter jews with it.

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the goyim nw

Do it faggots

I agree future wall builder. Unless someone comes up with a better idea than making fake bot accounts we should just both his accounts banned

Booby bump

>impersonating Jews
(((As white people...)))


Devilish. I like it.