Blanda upp, eh?
Official Canadian government propaganda.

Other urls found in this thread:


Real Canadians enjoy it and get the message.

Well that was abnormally fast, even for a leaf.

We honestly don't care what Americans have to say, not after you elected an orange clown as your president.

>and get the message
That they are a lower caste who must work for the benefit of the global elite?

Rather a clown than a cuck


We're going to join the EU by 2018 and fill in the gap leftover by Britain. By 2020, Toronto will be Europe's financial capital.

Keep meming, it's all your guy has.

Blanda Upp had a nicer flow it's not even close

Wanna lose your house to Chinese investors?
Wanna get blown to pieces on a bus because you said something mean about Islam
Wanna get your head cut off?

Let's hear it for diversity, Canada!


Lol liberals are fucking idiots, they do more for our cause than we ever could.

But nothing could beat Be Deutsch


> that shitface again

Deutsche-raped on New Year's Eve

Hi Shaun

>Join the EU
>from North America


Canada is the ghost of Christmas future.

Be warned, America.

>so embrace the beige, mixy mix today, whether you're straight or gay put your hate away



Shut your moist mouth

Northern nuclear wasteland. I thought Trudeau's statement about Castro was bad, but damn Canada. Do you really believe everyone is a wonderful person and doesn't harbor ill-will toward their fellow men who don't think like they do?

What happened to him?

You talk like a gay retard.

This is a goldmine

fuck off burgernigger

H..hey, AmeriKKKa, Canada is great nation, and you're just fucking stupid.

We're going to beat you, and there's nothing your supreme Military and population 10 times ours can do aboot it...BITCH

The funny part is it's CBC so their tax dollars are going to this crap.


Fuck you nip, before America makes you sun bleached next

>Literally Government Funded cuck propaganda
>Comments disabled

Gotta like that dislike bar, tho

Be sure to leave him a message letting him know how funny he is.


Why do Canadians consistently make ourselves look retarded with videos like this? It's cringe worthy and I fucking hate it.

>Giving a shit about what the government here thinks
Justin Castro better keep that seat warm for the incoming Conservatives.

you're posting it, and that's the point

You're a brown piece of shit.


This is the closest a representation of life in Canada, excluding the junkies killing each other in B.C and retards collecting welfare in Alberta.

Sorry for this.. again, sorry

Southern BC, can confirm.

Toronto and Vancouver are disgusting.

Vancouver was fucking awesome 20 years ago.

I wonder if his americlap wife appreciates being a part of his twitter shenanigans

I, am truly ashamed and disgraced that this here filth is not punishable by the lax laws of this country instituted by the spineless liberals that were, are and forever will be in power.

The day of the rake...when?





Nothing wrong with this at all.

The Left Honourable Prime Minister, where is our tax money going?
>Africa, $3600 per Syrian refugee per month indefinitely, and cuckold propaganda from our state sponsored comedy channel

>I, am truly ashamed and disgraced that this here filth is not punishable by the lax laws of this country
It's government funded, Leaf.



China going after our junkies AND old people.

>and cuckold propaganda from our state sponsored comedy channel

I am now for Kellie Leitch and her plan to completely defund the CBC.



Americans just see you for your character and not your skin color or lifestyle. We're getting tired of being branded a racist or bigot because we don't agree with your opinion. It's why Donald Trump won and feminism and identity politics lost. The only ones who have a problem with race are these idiots.

Join the conservative party and get her in.

This bullshit needs to stop. Now.

Time to put the cuckolds in this nation back in their sheds where they belong.

As a mere public service announcement:
shaunmajumder.com has FTP, POP3 and SMTP ports open. His domain was registered with [email protected]

Is that supposed to be upsetting

It's young marines, nothing more than a glorified summer camp

>not wanting to breed superior brown pussy

Ahaha k faggot. Have fun with your Cheeto Jesus president

do you think they will get the picture?

Nah, must've been the Alt-Right's latest Shoah

they are literally worse than hitler


bery nice user



>Using your own wife in racist jokes.


He's not just memeing

When are whites gonna stop taking this abuse and fight back?

The ironic part is white culture is the only thing maintaining first world societies, so even if they win and whites go extinct, theyll just squabble with each other until they either kill each other or starve

Either way we win

So disappointed in Sean, I seen him at the park lane goodlife from time to time.
Seemed like a good dude

His Twitter is full of anti-white stuff, though.

I guess he's joking?

Yes, I often put my dick in a hornets nest and joke as well. It doesn't matter.