Is Kpop white?
I mean, they get surgery to looks white. They are right?
Is Kpop white?
I mean, they get surgery to looks white. They are right?
No they have no souls.
also sage for white thread
it's pronounced "East Aryan"
>australian talking about souls
South Koreans are the whitest non-white desu
Best Kpop song coming through
>Being KC tire
This is a leddit board now
A man getting surgery to look like a woman doesn't make him a woman
No. Sadly plastic surgeries are not genetically transmitted.
Kill it with insecticide. Also fuck you koreaboo kys
Hyuna is honorary white
Seems organic to me.
how redpilled is this?
Uggu, i would rather fap to him.
Based CL
Its literally a long cycle of plastic surgery, since the kids will always be ugly, and get surgery, and then their kids will get surgery
post kpop
>tfw mild koreaboo
>hate kpop
wtf I just like their movies and crippling alcoholism, you kpop niggers need to FUCK OFF
Dvetapedetet dinava
>plastic as fuck females
>makeup on both genders
>193% fuccboi
>literally no interesting culture aside from only recent (((pop))) music
Koreans are shit
I made it through the first minute.
It's going to be interesting to see what these smoking mama-sans look like when they hit 40. When I travel to Asia it always fascinates me - hot 20-somethings, dumpy 40+. Same thing here for the most part, but way more absolute there.
In other news, women age like milk
>their movies
Shit taste
>crippling alcoholism
They do treat their women like shit, so I can get on board with that.
I bet I could make her cry my name, Ba-woos. That's it baby, no you can't back off. To the bottom. I smell kimchee. Hold my breath. Totally worth it. When I leave she would hike in THAT forest at the base of Mount Fugi. Her love for me would be written. She would cash her 401k to follow me and dream of fulfillment. And I would fill her to overflowing. To the point of a cow with its leg buried in 3 foot mud. The suction*, the bellowing. The soft purr of stillness. She congeals in my arm as a broken, hungry gluttonous puppy for my frothy Shalaylee.
kinezi marš u japan
fat and jewish
I... is... muh Waifu white guys...????
>surgery to look white
probably because they look like they have down syndrome if they dont get surgery,not because they want to look white
If you need surgery to look white then you aren't really white.
I feel sick