Is it possible to become a sociopath?

is it possible to become a sociopath?

i feel like there are alot of advantages to training yourself to become sociopathic

not trying to be edgy; sociopathy is positively correlated with wealth and reproductive success.

how does one go about desensitizing them to the uselessness of empathy?

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im a sociopath user you too can become cool like me
>with a wicked since of humor

saged btw

Spend time with gypsies or niggers. After a few days you'll wish the entire human race was scoured from existence.

Why would you want to become more like niggers?

Just get a job where you have to deal with lower class people on a daily basis, e.g. household electronics retail. After 6 months i guarantee you, you won't feel sympathy for anybody anymore.

>not trying to be edgy; sociopathy is positively correlated with wealth and reproductive success.

Actually, its correlated with being a nigger OP.

I guess you could bash your head with a hammer until your IQ drops to two digits.

niggers arent sociopaths they are easily ruled by emotions and thats why they fuck themselves over.

im talking about being free from empathy so you can either A) remorselessly exploit people via selling them shit they dont need or B) ruthlessly play people against each other while reinforcing your own position.

these things are ruined by the useless feelings of empathy arent they?

how do you get rid of empathy?

No no no no no
You want psychopath. Those are the ones that get rich. Sociopaths tend to be uneducated and have violent outbursts.

not to be an asshole here but what is the difference?

wikipedia articles are not conclusive and the rest of it is just popsci liberal articles about bullshit

Realize life is a game, nobody else is real. They are there for your manipulation. External forces will do everything they can to make you forget/dismiss this fact. It's a test of your resolve, life is just a game. Exploit it