Is it possible to become a sociopath?

is it possible to become a sociopath?

i feel like there are alot of advantages to training yourself to become sociopathic

not trying to be edgy; sociopathy is positively correlated with wealth and reproductive success.

how does one go about desensitizing them to the uselessness of empathy?

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im a sociopath user you too can become cool like me
>with a wicked since of humor

saged btw

Spend time with gypsies or niggers. After a few days you'll wish the entire human race was scoured from existence.

Why would you want to become more like niggers?

Just get a job where you have to deal with lower class people on a daily basis, e.g. household electronics retail. After 6 months i guarantee you, you won't feel sympathy for anybody anymore.

>not trying to be edgy; sociopathy is positively correlated with wealth and reproductive success.

Actually, its correlated with being a nigger OP.

I guess you could bash your head with a hammer until your IQ drops to two digits.

niggers arent sociopaths they are easily ruled by emotions and thats why they fuck themselves over.

im talking about being free from empathy so you can either A) remorselessly exploit people via selling them shit they dont need or B) ruthlessly play people against each other while reinforcing your own position.

these things are ruined by the useless feelings of empathy arent they?

how do you get rid of empathy?

No no no no no
You want psychopath. Those are the ones that get rich. Sociopaths tend to be uneducated and have violent outbursts.

not to be an asshole here but what is the difference?

wikipedia articles are not conclusive and the rest of it is just popsci liberal articles about bullshit

Realize life is a game, nobody else is real. They are there for your manipulation. External forces will do everything they can to make you forget/dismiss this fact. It's a test of your resolve, life is just a game. Exploit it

They both lack empathy. However, sociopaths don't have the manipultivness and charm of psychopaths. Also, sociopaths tend to have one thing that they will show empathy towards. Psychopaths tend to be your white color criminals. Sociopaths tend to be the guys that walk into a school with a machine gun for no real reason.

so no matter what i can never be either because i have this critical fault of "empathy".

how does one rid themselves of "empathy" as a weakness and instead harness "empathy" as understanding but not necessarily caring about other peoples situations?

Start fucking people over no matter how bad it feels. Now you're probably not gonna be able to go full psychopath. Psychopaths are made when someone has a problem with the frontal lobe of their brain in the parts responsible for empathy and emotion. This, combined with a "warrior" gene and a traumatic childhood creates your stereotype psychopath.

>>Start fucking people over no matter how bad it feels

if i tell myself the only reason i feel bad about fucking someone over is not because im hurting them but because theres a chance i get caught/retaliated against, am i close to becoming an actual sociopath?

People that call people sociopaths are projecting.

>niggers arent sociopaths they are easily ruled by emotions and thats why they fuck themselves over.

Exactly like a sociopath.

They're always impulsive which is the reason they're overrepresented in jail.

They also never learn from their mistakes and are prone to boredom.

So yeah... the nigger personality type.

Better try to become a narcissist, its easier and has bigger pay offs.

Honestly I feel if you aren't born with it it won't work. People with such disorders have brains that are wired in a very different manner than the average brain. At some point all that shit will catch up to you, be it regret for the things you've done, a slip due to love for a woman, or any emotional interferrence. You need to understand, these people could kill the entire family that raised them or betray a lifelong friend without a second thought if it was in their best interest. Not that they are crazy killers, or people who feel disdain for everyone around them, just cold calculated people with no possible chance of experiencing any type of emotional bond.

If you aren't already one, don't try to be one. It'll most likely fuck your life up pretty bad imo.

>is it possible to become a sociopath?

Everyone has sociopathic tendencies that's why its important to understand your dark sides and realize its normal

you can start by just dropping the projection shit and accept that you're a cuck

what would you call someone who is fiercely loyal to their friends and wants nothing more than for them to be able to be happy and peaceful with their friends...

but literally fuck anyone else who isnt your friend and dont give a fuck about manipulating them to meet your goals and elevate you and your friends?

(inb4 you have "friends" as personal enablers for your sociopathy)

Psychopathy can't be learn tho. You're born with it.

The only way to diminish your empathy is by being too depressed to care or too self-centered to remember other people exist.

Also autism, so get vaccinated I guess.

Spend 3 hours a day watching various Faces Of Death videos set to a loop of the Benny Hill theme tune. That oughta do it.



its just inverted empathy. instead of receiving others negativity, you project yours onto other people. its more complicated than that but this is 4ch.

every sociopath is a broken empath
every empath is in danger of becoming a sociopath

There are no advantages of being a psychopth you fucking moron.

How about you do everyone a favor and blow your head off with a shotgun.

>There are no advantages of being a psychopth

how many opportunities have been lost to you because you are either
A) too much of a fucking pussy to capitalize
B) too weak willed and easily distracted from your goals by delusions of "righteousness" and "morals"

>inb4 ur an ubermenschen

The other difference is that sociopathy is enviromental, if you had a shitty childhood and shitty drug-addicted parent (singular, niggress mom) you're very likely to develop either sociopathy or poor self-steem

Psychopathy comes from birth and if anything your enviroment decides if you deal with your problems using manipulation (rich parents) or violence (low class parents).

The other people empathy-challenged people are narcissists, autists, schizophrenics, schizoids and depressed people.

So I insist, if you wish to reduce your empathy, go NARC.

no, you need to make yourself hurt other people, punish yourself for feeling bad (very severely, to the point of jeapordizing your health, life, finances, sanity, etc), and reward yourself for rationalizing your actions until they make you feel good

I'm telling this so you hopefully realize you don't want to do this.

Yes. You can simply decide to not care. Simple as flipping a switch.

Normal guy who is an edgy dick and doesn't understand the value of a polite and working society. If you had said you wanted to sell niggers deadly laced smack or indiscriminately bomb muslim nations fine. But what your describing is straight edgelord shit. I doubt you'd even carry out your plans anyway.

>A) too much of a fucking pussy to capitalize

None. Working with people will get you further than working against people.

How about you try it, you edgy little retarded faggot. One day you'll cross the wrong person and you'll end up buried in the fucking sand.

Meanwhile you could've been working WITH those people to profit.

>B) too weak willed and easily distracted from your goals by delusions of "righteousness" and "morals"

Again strong morals are what builds trust and loyalty. Trust and loyalty are what make a person/group of people strong.

You're life is going to be shit mate, I just know it. But have fun with your edgy "hurr psychos are cool" phase.

>emu education

Sociopaths and psychopaths are not the same thing you stupid wop-dago

>not trying to be edgy; sociopathy is positively correlated with wealth and reproductive success
please quote the studies that show this
if you do so I will make every effort to help you and begin this journey to sociopathy with you

>I'm telling this so you hopefully realize you don't want to do this.
you have to be a sociopathy/psychopath to willingly sell them junk stocks or whatever they were selling in wolf of wallstreet right? like you have to be ok with literally lying to an elderly couple and telling them that if they let you invest their money you will be able to set their grandkids up with a great college fund.

you have to be ok with taking advantage of those people as the main hurdle and once you can do that with convincing ease and without remorse to do that kind of job.

and it pays fucking well to do this.

tell me again why i dont want the power to do what needs to be done in order to acquire the one thing that matters in this world: money

(not saying you are wrong, im just interested to hear your response)

Extreme trauma can unlock genes to enact such behaviors and block empathy

Sociopaths dont feel much of anything, their sole desire is to fit in, if your doing it for wealth you'll be disappointed because sociopaths dont feel good about having wealth or making babies, they do it to fit in
That said it can be dont with lots of meditation, learn to sense your different emotions in different states of mind then stop recognizing them as apart of your psyche and they'll gradually fall away leaving nothing but a void where your psyche once was.
But once you recognize yourself as a sociopath you'll being to try to revert back because that's the very definition of a sociopath, and if you succeed in reverting back then you were never a sociopath to begin with.

>Working with people
i agree we must all work together with other people. that being said, amongst a group there is always a heirarchy and you want to ensure you are at the top. yeah you can get lucky and be a genuinely good person or you can perhaps manipulate lie and cheat your way to the top

>Trust and loyalty are what make a person/group of people strong
how helpful it would be to be able to lie about that stuff and to be able to leverage "trust" and "loyalty" to strength/solidify your own position?

these are all hypothetical but i think there are definite advantages to being a sociopath; you are unable to see the advantage of not having remorse/empathy?

Niggers are just dumb sociopaths with poor foresight.

Monarch programming you mean?

IQ is correlated with wealth, so most sociopaths tend to come from low-class families.

Most of which are niggers of course.

i was wrong. its not sociopathy that is correlated with wealth, its psycopathy.

i lose.

link includes a number of "accredited" sources that corroborate the claim that antisocial tendencies benefit over non-antisociopaths

A typical human being who's succumb to the typical "human condition"

so people who have a hard time fitting in are sociopaths?

does that mean all the tryhard losers who wanted to be popular are sociopaths?

genuinely curious because i try hard to fit in as best as i can as well

I guess spelling is only for nerdy non-American educated losers.

You can not become a sociopath. Granted, a fair amount of research suggests early life experience can make a "normal" child a sociopath, by the time you're old enough to find Sup Forums it's too late.


Ask a psychopath anything.


First you need to understand there is a difference between empathy and sympathy. I for example, do not feel empathy, I cannot relate to the emotions of others, but I can choose to sympathize - which is a sense of compassion for someone in an unfavorable situation. The reason I am not a sociopath is that while I may not be able to feel empathy, I can still experience sympathy. I don't think the world is so black and white that you're either a sociopath or you're not, there are gray areas you should explore

>is it possible to become a sociopath?
>i feel like there are alot of advantages to training yourself to become sociopathic
youve come to the right place user

Sociopath isnt even a scientific term....
Psychopaths completely lack empathy and feelings.

100% psychopathy improves wealth

it does NOT improve reproductive success
tfw people can actually sense these kinds of things
and don't fuck you when you seem like a fucking psychopath

why are you on Sup Forums doing an AMA?
what motivates you?

Noice flag. Been a while since I've seen a rare

>i always feel sociopathic when i'm around jews.


sweet flag bro

Would you like to check these digits for me?

neither sociopathy nor psychopathy are scientific terms but that doesn't mean they aren't useful. psychology isn't a science anyway so it doesn't really matter. it's still empirical. psychopaths are very much real, scientific or not.


Not true. Most psychopaths do quite well with women. They don't really have a personality of their own and have no qualms about lying so they can make themselves fit what women think they are looking for. Granted, the relationship will not last.

>Why are you on Sup Forums doing an AMA

I love psychology and thought that my input would be valuable for this discussion. Some of you are more right than others regarding psychopathy.

>What motivates you

I care not for marriage or children. I will never have those, nor do I want them. I do not even care for a career or have many passions. I lose focus too quickly. I am only concerned with making as much money for as little effort as possible. All other goals come secondary, if at all.

The obsessive-compulsive neurotic nature of the jews is actually more conducive to wealth than sociopathy or psychopathy.

Disocial disorders will most likely land you in jail and with a bunch of kids with different women.

You are lacking. Try again.

Yes but if you try to on purpose you will just get Autism

Skypes are the stereotype of sociopathic behaviour.

Schizoid master race here.

Feels neutral, man.

>reproductive success
they do well with women, agreed
they don't have many children

why do you want to make a lot of money?

I want to know this too.

nothing about Sup Forums would incur me to believe this place will make someon einto a sociopath.

everyone know Sup Forums is filled with people who want to come to reddit 18+ edition

psychopath and sociopath are dated terms no one worth any salt uses. It used to be what is now considered narcissistic personality disorder and anti-social personality disorder. Someone that is schizoid could be mistaken as a pathologic to social emotions because of their limited emotional spectrum.


Sociopaths are apathetic to morality, Neurotic anal-retentive Jews are actually convinced that what they're doing is good for everyone.

The downside is that being neurotic, jews are negative by nature, so they can't really enjoy their wealth. They always want more.

Beauty. That's really it. I am obsessed with beauty. Whether it is architecture, clothes, cars, women, literature, food, I adore it and want nothing more than to be surrounded by beauty. I hate the ugliness of this world, with all its grotesque vermin, waddling about, screeching about nonsensical bullshit. Life is aesthetics, everything else is emotional fluff.

Yes. When I was younger and an idiot, I tried to train myself into split-personality disorder for a while. And it worked. I've done some me, myself and Irene- tier shit for a while. I pulled the plug on it pretty fast, because I got scared. In short: You can have any disorder you want user, go for it.

Easy Kira.

Fuck, wrong image.

Here's the schizoid one. Peoples emotions genuinely confuse me. I don't get it.

I beg your pardon. I am not familiar with Kira.

narcissists need to be gassed

the finnish SJW circles are full of them, they use it as their playground to get appraisal and get into spotlights

they know no values they only fake them depending on the situation

>nothing about Sup Forums would incur me to believe this place will make someon einto a sociopath

really? count the number of times niggers are brought up in this thread.
Protip: OP's post had nothing to do with niggers

>t. JRPG villain

>the finnish SJW circles are full of them, they use it as their playground to get appraisal and get into spotlights

I disagree, many of them are histrionics.

I think what you're looking for is not a lack of empathy but a way of controlling the emotions that empathy produces so that they dont effect you physically or mentally (as in recognizing someone's anger as genuine but not feeling anger yourself).
Rather than focusing on how someone feels (the emotional aspect) direct your attention to what train of though produced the emotional response and how those emotions will effect their actions
People are puppets to their emotions, learn how to tug on the strings and you'll be able to benefit yourself the same way a Shepard benefits from sheep.
That said, if there's a hell then this is a one way ticket to it, manipulating free will is almost as bad, if not worse, than taking it away

>Autistic, with impaired empathy
>can't even use it to manipulate people into giving me money

yeh, no, psychopathy usually don't buy in to such sentimentality
they don't have appreciation for things outside of themselves
are usually highly narcissistic
and would definitely not live to support some virtue outside of themselves like "Beauty"
calling BS

hating niggers does not make you a sociopath.

thats a leftist argument/meme if ive ever seen one and just furhter proves in my mind that this place is reddit after hours edition

I've always had the feeling a lot of Sup Forums was schizoid. I've never been diagnosed because that would require being a personal issue but it's something i beyond a doubt have, my doctor talked to me about it but is wasn't anything I wanted to treat.

play violent games like frogger and galaga

>hating niggers does not make you a sociopath.
never change Sup Forums

thanks for this post

That's the shitty downside to autism.

You guys are bad at both cold and warm empathy at the same time.

On the other hand, while your IQ is not higher than average, you guys have the tendency to be more emotionally detached and rational when analyzing things.

You're also adept at repetition so you don't get as stressed out when working on jobs that involve just that.


You can't expect everyone to fit into your neat little box m8. Try reading what I said again. Anyways, I'm not here to convince you.

This is literally wannabe Jew: The Thread. Purge it.

Hating people from other tribes is actually quite common to human nature. Why do you think war propaganda always tries to dehumanize the enemy?

Sociopaths and psychopaths don't need that kind of internal rationalization to pull the trigger.

Normal people do.

Desensitization. Lurk Sup Forums long enough and you'll actually start to be intrigued by disturbing things rather than disgusted.

Psycho is violent, socio is playing others

am i getting baited?

hating something doesnt make you a sociopath; but all of a sudden if you hate on black people that means u are a sociopath?

that logic is a weak leftist argument. id expect some weak never fought or struggled for anything in his life spineless coward hiding behind the veneer of strength in a passionate crowd to make statements of that ilk

Very sad. Thats why parents need to raise their kids tough, you cant change the world, or the inner nature of man, in the ways they want to

Found the easily-triggered.

>am i getting baited?

Maybe at one point in time. In the beginning Sup Forums was all tripfags socializing, now a lot of failed normals use it as a substitution for socializing.