Is life really worth living in our modern world?
Is life really worth living in our modern world?
Austin Adams
Blake Jenkins
Seek Jesus. Alls I can say.
Asher Allen
What will Jesus do about the modern woman for instance?
Chase Kelly
I am looking for a message from God through Sup Forums, what do I do?
Josiah Peterson
Go forth and multiply
Nicholas Mitchell
Yes it is. More so than any moment in human history you can be a piece of leaf and yet still retain some of your relevancy. You are /needed/ . Don't let go.
Cameron Baker
We're entering the best timeline. Don't kill yourself yet; at worst, you won't have to.
Ryan Jones
download TempleOS
you can talk to god on it
Luis Mitchell
He's the only truth that transcends this satanic world.
Caleb Wright
Ride the Kali Yuga. Reject the modern world. But don't give up. Fight against it.