Is life really worth living in our modern world?

Is life really worth living in our modern world?

Seek Jesus. Alls I can say.

What will Jesus do about the modern woman for instance?

I am looking for a message from God through Sup Forums, what do I do?

Go forth and multiply

Yes it is. More so than any moment in human history you can be a piece of leaf and yet still retain some of your relevancy. You are /needed/ . Don't let go.

We're entering the best timeline. Don't kill yourself yet; at worst, you won't have to.

download TempleOS
you can talk to god on it

He's the only truth that transcends this satanic world.

Ride the Kali Yuga. Reject the modern world. But don't give up. Fight against it.

If you drink, yes.

Get money, build a cabin. Then you will no longer be in the modern world.

No, i'm just too much of a coward to end it

what is your position on going to a bar alone sitting at a stool and downing 4 beers?

Not really. But if you're born into fortunate circumstances you can manage, if you try not to think about the way things are.

Not really, but it will be over soon anyways

If you don't like it go to Russia.

Society is the most cucked thing imaginable. It's literally an imaginary construct designed to protect beta weaklings and glamorize being weak and submissive.

It's perfectly natural to fight and kill people. It's what we were designed to do. It's what all of our ancestors (including pre-human ones) did for hundreds of millions of years. And society forces you to suppress all of your natural instincts since you can get thrown into a cage for calling someone a nigger, let alone beating somebody up.

Just rewatched Code Geass and I have to say no. I hate my life and want to end it but I'm too afraid. I am doomed to this basement forever.

Isn't it bizarre that there are over 7 billion people on the planet yet people are extremely lonely with no one to enjoy life with?

Terry, go back to you schizoid fuck

THANK YOU. You can't do shit in our society. Walking down the street is considered bizarre. EVERYONE PLEASE JUST STAY INSIDE, BE GOOD LITTLE BOYS.

i've spent so long thinking about that and there just isn't an answer

would life have been better a century ago or a century from now? if you were born rich would it be worth it then suddenly? what if you were universally loved? i've read that some people interract with hundreds of people a day and are still lonely.

Dont consider it user

It isn't about loneliness. Human interaction is just an empty distraction.

I agree with some of your sentiments, the UK is one of the most cucked nations in the world, and I've never understood why for example, two grown men having a fight between themselves can result in arrest.

Men are allowed to bitch, slander, spread rumours, lie, emotionally and verbally abuse people, and engage in all sorts of other effeminate pathetic behaviour, but have to suppress their basic instincts? It's ridiculous really.

who else
/only goal in life is to be comfy innawoods with a nice wife, children, and doggo in a nice home off the grid/

It's just now getting good, it can only get better with your help

Read up about stoicism and germanic paganism
Save money and buy land in a forest.
Raise hens and live in a tent/hammock

Come home white man, A Forest calls.

It's gotten so much worse. I remember being in elementary school when they actually taught you how to make shit with your hands. I made a desk in woodshop that I still use to this day. Fuck, my dad learned how to weld in 5th grade.

Nowadays they won't even let a child hold a hammer.
What happened to us you guys?

too many women in teaching because of the stigma of male teachers due to paranoia about pedophilia which was also used to completely disgrace the catholic church and is basically the verbal equivilent of a nuke to someone's career and life

Yes, only pussies give up.