Tfw decided to leave Sup Forums to stop thinking about politics/sjws/libmedia

>tfw decided to leave Sup Forums to stop thinking about politics/sjws/libmedia
>browse Sup Forums
>see this

Does anybody even browse any other boards anymore?

Other urls found in this thread:

Funkadelic is one of my favorite bands too. I know it's a joke but when will people stop talking politics so much?

>implying I don't know about the mothership and George bringing the galactic funk
These faggots live to make lists and categorize shit.

I go to biz, vg, and ck
Occasionally v to see their opinions on my vg

/wg/ is super comfy

>tfw decided to leave Sup Forums to stop thinking about politics/sjws/libmedia

I've done the same thing. I went to /an/ though.

Redpill the sjw retards on there about positive only dog training.

I had quite a bit of success and there are people that are genuinely overly emotional with no common sense.

That's because /an/ is majority women. It's a great board, but generally the people who like talking about animals all day are overly emotional people.

/n/ has a totally different feel, nice and spergie and full of trolls but at a very comfy and soothing pace

lots of trains, planes and materialistic cyclists that want you to see them in spandex, but then you also have the guys that are turned on by busses and trams

I got to Sup Forums to Sup Forums post because it triggers them so easily.

Also /out/ is pretty good except for the knife generals every day.

/wsg/ for the keks

>post mid-low tier funkadelic album

hes right, i can't understand listening to that instead of CLones of doctor funkenstein


>alt-righters will never understand
>posts Funkadelic
>Pink Floyd

Why are liberals so retarded, this is all the "muh educayshun" "muh cultured" that makes anybody who's not from the coasts or a gay city hate them. Meanwhile they are working to import a bunch of niggers who would never produce anything beyond a room temperature IQ rap music.

I don't doubt it.

I got into a pretty lengthy discussion on why it's not evil to use a crate to housebreak a puppy when it's employed responsibly, and any training tool can be misused. Very enlightening thread.

They also complain about beaner dog owners, which I can personally attest to, so there is some redpill in there.

I agree though, I love my dogs and all, but they aren't my whole life.

It'd be funny to raid them with Johnny rebel threads

Sure I brows Sup Forums, when I'm bored looking for recommendations to try a new game to play. It's rarely helpful.

>Why are liberals so retarded, this is all the "muh educayshun" "muh cultured" that makes anybody who's not from the coasts or a gay city hate them.

See that's what pisses me off, is the lack of fucking respect.

Consider farmers for instance, Farmers are truly the cornerstone of civilization. Without them, we would be running around in hides slinging rocks at boar. Since many of them end up being pretty socially conservative and christian, they are looked down upon by these elitist leftists that spew communist ideals because they don't have gay pride parades so they aren't "cultured"

Truly sickening.

I browse /biz/ and Sup Forums on the regular to shitpost about BvS and Man of Steel.

The Sup Forumsification of Sup Forums and our recent yuge political successes along with our MSM hype has made us the most dangerous board on Sup Forums. However they killed Sup Forums and they're killing Sup Forums but we're somehow like an obnoxious weed still fucking with their shit.

We no longer alt-right we Jews Kek said so and this will really fuck the skypes off when they realise we weren't training JIDF, Hasbara were training us! We're still here and we're interesting!

All Pink Floyd sucks except maybe Dark Side. Marxists suck at music and suck at life.

Yeah, imagine any of these faggots growing their own food. They'd starve after they run out of ramen noodles.

can we troll Sup Forums with johnny rebel for the lels?

you know its nothing but hipsters over there

>all the other boards hate us

I frequent /x/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums as much as I can. Sup Forums is taking too much of my time, 2bh.

thats a solid point

>autism: the post
Somehow this was a British colony. Fucking japs and their deformed mouths speak better than this kiwi.

>Does anybody even browse any other boards anymore?

I've tried...the only boards that work for me are /k/, /fit/, /x/, Sup Forums, & /gif/(rekt threads specifically). But even then I don't really interact on those boards...I just read. Not even lurking, just reading. I could interact there but I don't feel like wasting time. Sup Forums has honestly robbed me of my ability to want to talk to people or interacting a non politically incorrect way. I don't lament that either, I just wish the rest of the world would catch up.

charge your fucking phone

Oh this too

We COULD fix Sup Forums via caturday.

This is a human disinfo agent. He would like to give these to my post...... ,,,,,,,,

Produce better batteries.

I used to browse Sup Forums. coincidentally, I'm also whatever it is that's the opposite of conservative, right, or alt-right. Sup Forums is such a shithole of stale taste and repeated threads. anyone that stays there longer than 3 months is a retard.


>Albums Lefties will never understand

We would need access to admin and many coordinated mods. Or just a massive fight back. They own Sup Forums we will never get it back! We fucked them so hard they had to give it to a man with no such name! We're containment who knows if you can even see this!

my OC :)

classical music, apparently. seems like only right-wingers listen to classical.

and kuntry hurr redneck trump supporters


shit familia
I've been posting this regularly since the thread you dropped it in

There's this big classical music YouTube channel with millions of views per video and I saw a post by the channel owner where he referenced meme magic and trump. Pretty sure he happened to be a Sup Forums browser

they're a bunch of retarded 18 year olds.
just spam anal cunt and murder junkies on that board.

Links to YouTube I need this

NSBM I suppose...

i haven't been on Sup Forums for flash since June and I come back to a dead ass live discussion plague for every episode ;_; ..
m-maybe the timeline isn't all that fixed for everybody. Oh well, least we got Trump.

Who doesn't love funk music


It was probably some lefty hipster that just discovered maggot brain

lets spam them with johnny rebel!

We need a psychotic mod who is not afraid to use the banhammer. We need Snacks

(((They))) will always have more IPs than us! We've seen this in the trollocaust.

It's a matter of endurance. It took time but they purged the ponyfags. It can happen again with SJWs

Sup Forums is for teenagers and adults who're mentally teenagers.

/wsg/, /wg/, and occasionally Sup Forums are all good imo

8ch is composed entirely of people like us.

I browse /fit/ and Sup Forums. I also hit /gif/ and Sup Forums occasionally


Best board by far.

Nigger why would you want to ban SJWs? They end up leaving on their own after making a few OPs, or staying and lurking and eventually becoming educated enough on topics to begin to have an opinion based on hard evidence, reason, and logic.

Ponyfags are total cancer though and need to be actively checked.

/diy/ is pretty good /biz/ too, stay away from Sup Forums that place is a degenerate shithole

Zach what are you doing here in /pol

Forgot pic

Sounds like they are the kind to not realize that their dog is an animal not a family member.

/wsg/ is pretty Sup Forums friendly in general, they frequently have Sup Forums related threads.

They can be a family member, but you don't treat them the same way you would treat a human being. Especially a spoiled human being.

If you treat a dog like a person, it will pay you back by treating you like a dog.

>going to Sup Forums when no tripcodes post there anymore

Sup Forums was fun from 2011-2012 when the great trip posters were there to keep things entertaining

now its just a boring shithole where they discuss the same albums from 10 years ago

>maggot brain is one of my favorite albums

Why are libs so quick to be elitist

I like Sup Forums /wg/ and /wsg/, pretty comfy boards, and most of the time they don't hate on us.


It's not SJWs we need to purge it's bots and the issue is we want to culminate a new culture than the current one. However I truly think that we have a chance of getting Sup Forums back if we have have some raids/successful political OPs.

I got you senpai.

fit and wg are the best. f is a meme machine though

I used to browse Sup Forums, /sci/ and Sup Forums, but now I'm stuck in Sup Forums forever. I also check /gd/ every year to see if there is a new thread.

> muh safe space


They're a bunch of faggots over there. I respect them but i would never share a board with them. I do enjoy it when they come through and fight back raids though.

I browse Sup Forums, /jp/ and a few other boards less frequently. I'm honestly surprised I haven't been banned yet for calling people cucks and niggers.

Sup Forums here, we all support Trump.

War thunder general was a Sup Forums colony at one time but the game was too shit to keep playing.

These are probably the same reddit cucks behind the anti-anime movement, just ignore them. Trying to turn any Sup Forums board into a safe space is an exercise in futility

Sup Forums is okay for a look. I like watching nerds losing their shit
Sup Forums was my go to board for quite a while but it's way more comfy here at /po/

Plus I hate loli, trap, fur, feet rate my cock, boipussy, waifu and fbfap breads.

Hence why the won. Sup Forums is a containment board. They pushed you here and now you're here forever!

Love you Bro!

I go on Sup Forums Sup Forums and /r9k/. I used to primarily go to Sup Forums and /jp/ but I lost interest in consuming japanese media other than collecting pictures of cute girls. I've been on the site since 2006. 10 years of shitposting. So many years wasted staring at this computer screen, all day everyday.

>Candlejack thr...

Is that really still a thi-

i browse /k/ and Sup Forums regularly. i used to hit up /tg/ pretty often too. all excellent boards.

/k/ for milsurp threads

>War thunder
that game was fucking great but the grind was ridiculous
after a couple months there was 1-2 decked out enthusiasts that stomped every game

As opposed to what? I don't go there much but at least they talk about actual politics. This place is starting to turn into Sup Forums

I regularly shitpost on Sup Forums and /fit/

Classic rock dates from the time when right-wingers actually were a bunch of regressive morons and lefties were legitimately rebelling. And even then there were bands who were pretty Sup Forums (Led Zeppelin comes to mind), they just ran afoul of Christfags and Reaganites who wanted to shut down problematic speech in the same way as modern SJWs (Who now ironically want to ban those exact same bands).

Kek fills all my empty spaces.

Orange Cunt.

Kiwi love hug.
Yup I'm fucking trapped now. Not in the dudes with dicks sense either

/wsg/ and /gif/ have good war and nazi threads.

Sup Forums sucks. I like Sup Forums, /adv/, /cgl/, /r9k/, /news/, /m/, /jp/, Sup Forums, and /k/. I rarely look at porn, even though I like /u/ and /e/ they are disappointedly slow

Why are you even here if you aren't a weeb? There are better forums for political discussion

I really like /lit/, but you need to browse it and shitpost with a different mindset, since it is a pretty slow board. I've seen lots of Sup Forumsacks around there asking for right-wing literature, so it is quite comfy nowadays.

>12/03/16(Sat)18:39:29 numbers equal 45 a multiple of 9!

Yeah it's crazy I'm about to go to an outdoor EDM gig wearing a rather Sup Forums or /k/ t-shirt. Yet I'm so left or anarchist it's crazy. Everything we've been told is a lie! Fucking skypes man!

Capcha: only silverdales.... You're not from Silverdale are you?

>tfw I was enjoying animals and maggot brain before these tards could read and I am what the mainstream media would class "alt right"
Seems they're back to trying to make "cool" and "leftist" synonymous for another generation

But Maggot Brain is one of my top 5 albums

All boards are equal. Sup Forums is just more equal than others because it has a propensity to be correct.

Sup Forums has always been absolute dog shit.

I pretty much only go to /vr/ now.

This. Everytime I've been on there it's nothing but college white guy hip hop, hipster rock from 10 years ago and cool guy dad rock. It's the most boring board out there.