Whats up Sup Forums >be me >senior in hs >due to perfect score on sat and Hispanic heritage can get into any college I want
Due to my experiences throughout life, I have concluded that money is the most important thing there is, and in fact it can buy happiness. So my question is, what job should I pursue to make the most amount of money? I have a decent interest in science so I was thinking medicine, but I don't want to become a slave to my studies for 8 years. Is it worth it? Any tips?
Bentley Cook
>Hispanic heritage
I swear to fuck, are you some fucking mestizo that calls yourself a "Hispanic"? You realize you abusing benefits fucks up the reputation for the whiter better hispanics like the spaniards and the cubans?
I fucking hate mexican mestizos
Jace Howard
Fpbp desu
Joseph Morgan
>money is the most important thing in life And just like that we have an explanation for the chronic inferiority of the Spanish-speaking world that does not involve the CIA. That said, finance or high level engineering.
Christian Kelly
lol are you even trying?
Jackson Sullivan
i hate us too m8
Julian Roberts
I'm a network engineer but I can do all sorts of other things in a datacenter. It's not really something you need to go to school for if you're smart. I have a business admin degree.
Liam Johnson
I mostly do implementation on new buildings tho or do switching/firewall upgrade/installs. Not DataCenter work. Data Center work can make you good cash but its boring as fuck.
Anything operations is pretty much boring as fuck desu. But you can get paid.
Ryan Watson
>mfw I see a spic Day ruined. >mfw I see a poor spic Day is made.
Daniel Diaz
Private Equity or Investment banking. Dont buy the STEM nonsense youll still be a pleb in a machine.
Go to Wharton, patent your own investment vehicle. Start a hedge fund.
Thomas Long
btw im Puerto Rican, not sure if that still qualifies me as degenerate
Alexander Gomez
Puerto Rican is a nationality, not a race
Are you a pure spanish? A castizo? Or a mestizo?
Bentley Hall
I'm under 30 and making a bit over 100k/yr as a software dev.
Could get a job for $130k/yr but my wife doesn't want me working for a porn company.
Asher Harris
5 years of college for a BS in CS (oops, +1 year) Debt free because parents planned properly I code a lot at home, and I work from home.
Andrew King
Nigga if you really that smart, play the stock market from home, make millions, never set foot in an indoctrination center
Liam Morales
High school drop out here. Work as a debt collector for various major hospital systems. Started 4 years ago making about 28k a year, 3 promotions later I now make over 55k. I live in an area that has one of the lowest costs of living in the country, so I feel very comfy.
Brody Brown
Go wait outside a Home Depot.
Anthony Ross
Mestizos are not hispanic. They are shit mystery meat
Jaxon Smith
Medicine is a pretty solid option if you're willing to put in the work. >you WILL get a job >you WILL make a lot of money...one day
If I could have stomached the field, I would've done went pre-med in a heartbeat, but I can't stand hospitals and germs/fluids/etc.
Ian Sanchez
i build websites and do seo for local companies. i don't actually know how to do either but i outsource the jobs to contractors that do. made 275k this past last yr and will almost certainly will make more next yr. not very hard...find something people want, agree to do it for them and then find someone competent to actually do it.
Nicholas Hall
>>senior in hs >thinks money is most important in life
boy you really took the jew bait
Ryder Bell
>wants make the most amount of money >thinking medicine >falling for the doctor meme >"perfect" SAT score >literally retarded
Honestly you should just fucking kill yourself and save us all the trouble of having to deal with another greedy, scum sucking faggot worshipping the green jew paper instead of someone who does something important to him and useful for the world.
If you think being a doctor for the money is a good idea, you're a fucking moron, I don't care what numbers you got on your SAT.
Doctors get paid shit, have no career mobility, and never have any free time. Sometimes they're forced to work for 48 hours straight, and this is considered normal in the medical field. They do it because they want to help people and/or because they want the social prestige that comes with being a doctor.
Or because their parents forced them into it. These docs usually become drug addicts, it's extremely common for docs to abuse scripts. Most docs are on speed already due to the insane hours they have to work, so they use opis and benzos to calm down, which can only last for so long before it snowballs into full blown addiction.
>asking Sup Forums for life advice >still literally retarded
There's no "job" that can make you rich, the only way to get rich is to run a scalable business successfully. Every "job" is you trading time for money, money that you made for someone else that trickles back to you for your obedience.
Here's an idea: get a job before you go to college for anything. Even if it's just mopping floors in a hospital, this will expose you to the environment you'll be working in every day for the rest of your life if you go into medicine.
Remember: hospitals are places where people literally go to die. You will be surrounded by dead or dying people every day of your life. Think about whether you're willing to put up with that.
Isaac Rivera
depends how smart you think you are
engineering can get you more money than anything if you can invent something good
After that, the next step down in terms of "smarts" required would be to work with money, so investment banking.
After that if you are just a normie with good memory, medecine is the easy way but don't expect to get much "happiness" out of it, you will be worked to death, they are all despressed and achoholics.
The next sep down is probably CS, won't make a ton of money(still a LOT more than average 100k+ easy if you aren't retarded) but if you are good you can get a job somewhere that will let you work from home or have some great work environment/benefits. So the "happiness" factor here is pretty high for the salary.
Angel Gomez
Serious suggestion from an old fag here, m8. If you want to be highly paid and be broadly employable in the future rack up sales experience.
If you want to travel, get paid or be employable across a broad range of industries, you must learn to become the jew. At the end of the day everyone has a bottom line. If you can produce value that is more important than having some insanely high NEET iq.
And Im not talking like a waiter at dennys here. Get some real life, customer-facing shit where you can stuff your resume with numbers after you graduate. Optics are important. Then when you finish with your undergraduate you can legitimately go make 100 grand a year brokering enterprise systems or industrial packaging equipment whatever
Kevin Lee
Honestly bro. Go into the trades >be me >be 2nd year apprentice >be Heavy Duty Technician >work at Uranium mine >make $72/hr canuck bucks plus 4 hours of OT a day >OT is @2.5 hourly rate >be 25 >retiring at 35 years old