What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


"bang my wife"

i'm sure that sounded really cool in his head

When white people say "I don't see color" they mean "I don't make the color of my skin the most important thing about me that I obsess, fetishize and fantasize about every single day"

"Separate but equal."
But also seperate

>there are different races
is Jjuman Eid /ourguy/?

Wow that's deep


What a dumb cunt. Respect is gained not given, even hood rat niggers know that.

It means that any attempt to minimize the role of race in society is met with hostility.

This should be a learning experience for all of you alt lite cucks. Playing the "I'm not a racist" or the "dems are the real racists" card will not appease the left and only embarrass you to the real intellectuals and political strategists on the real alt right.

My almonds are bursting like popcorn right now.

>the real alt right

Is he talking to black people?

I'll gladly tell anyone that I'm a racist. I find great value in Races sticking to their own kind and developing their own communities. If that happened and niggers didn't spend the last 50 years relying on gibsmedats and general ignorance, Their communities would be complete fucking shit and all the nigger dads wouldn't be wasting taxpayer dollars in prison

you're a fucking retard for saying your ""racist"".

>he thinks white nationalism isn't real


Ill snatch your phone and smash it on the pavement pussy

what the fuck are they going to do, beat up or shame a hispanic cripple?

He meant that he's a self-hating libfag who needs to virtue signal on social media to look acceptable to his retarded leftist buddies. Nothing new there, OP.

respect black you respect white

funny how I hate more white people than I do black people. I especially hate white females and nu-males.

respect is earned not given.

liberals don't want to hear this though, its always "b-buht oppresshun/check your privilege"

i love nigger dick and fucking despise whitey

No, they just do all those things about other people's skin.

Still. Such a statement is taking pride in ignorance of objectively identifiable points of fact, and therefore, a willful delusion.

Act like a human being you fucking coon and I'll respect you then.

You're a hispanic cripple?

That doesn't mean disrespect everyone until they're nice to you.

Go try that mentality sometime, please go get shot.

mmm I respect people that respect me.

These people are feeling insecure and inferior at all times

>tfw achromatopsia
>i really cant see color
>still hate niggers regardless of their skin pigment

I don't respect animals.

First he says "forget race" then he proceeds to talk about black and white in the same tweet. Who cares what he meant by it? He's a fucking space cadet.

>just respect the black like you respect the white
>tadaaa you don't see all grey anymore

Okay. Instead of tolerating "ebonics," I will assume a black person that talks like that to be retarded, as I would with a white person who talks like that.

Kek. Who's he talking to? Only libshits say things like I don't see color.

Leftists are destroying themselves from the inside. This is why Trump won

i think he refering to that daily show piece with that blond social media right wing starlet.
trevon noah or what ever that south african gimps name is.

>I treat everyone the same because I'm not racist
Wew lad

Joke's on you since I don't respect anyone.
Humans aren't worthy of respect - only God is.

>No, they just do all those things about other people's skin.

Wrong, you fucking retard. Whites don't wake up in the morning seeing all the ways they could oppress minorities, they've got actual work to do and lives to fulfill. Race literally never comes up until a minority brings it up or a stupid liberal whore wants to check some privileges.

>Such a statement is taking pride in ignorance of objectively identifiable points of fact, and therefore, a willful delusion.

Wrong again moron, the statement isn't taken literally like "omg i cant see what race you are, even though you are clearly black." It means I see it but it's not that important to me, just as if your skull shape, ear symmetry and elbow sharpness wouldn't be the first thing I fucking talk about if you were a coworker.

>good luck with that nigger.


That's actually a somewhat better stance than the former as it at least acknowledges cultural difference between the two races

He means that Martin Luther King Jr is racist for saying, "judging a man by the content of his character, not by the color of his skin"

We aren't genetic clones. Universal altruism is a losing strategy in evolution.

ALL normies are retarded sheep who like that they're told to like, listen what they're told to kike and watch what they're told to like.
Doesn't matter which country or government. Democracy/US , Communist, NS Germany doesn't matter.
Normies are lemmings scum who do what they're told. We fight for ourselves and our group so we can live in a better place. Normies can get fucked though. Theyll commit national suicide and celebrate it.

>respect black like you respect white

They just don't get it, do they? What this cuck is saying is that he pre-judges people before he meets them. What normal people do is treat people we meet equally, and then judge them by their actions.

Is that Bataclan ?

Maybe when Blacks respect me instead of being secretly resentful of my power and intelligence, sure.

>see race when it benefits me
>don't see race when it would disadvantage me

I'd say it's Chechnya or Syria, those clothes don't look western european
