I drive a 2004 Chrysler Sebring Touring convertible platinum edition. JEALOUS YET????
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Little bit...
Not. Go to bed Kevin.
pssh my car is twice as old as that
homo and gay
lol no
oot homo xD
ite oot
mutsis pillu on homo vitun hintti
ps ime penistä
ootko tän poika ystävä vitun hintti?
Well it's not *the* gayest car ever made (pic related) but your pushing it.
This looks like the type of car a woman would drive who'd always have a titanium dildo in her bag
taidat runkkaa mutsis pimpille???????
oho oho 10 toista vuotias siellä yrittää näyttää kovista.... ei kannata vituilla mulle
ei vaan salarakas. semmonen kun julkkiksilla. vitun homo
oot kyllä mun kulta, tykkään susta kovasti.
sulle ollaan vaan kateellisia, älä anna nettitrollejen härnätä rakas.
korpikuusen kannon alla on tapa ittes
dude your car is 12 years old. Like in 2000 that was like driving something from the 80's...
olen 12 ja olen nähnyt vaginan
still working on the paint job on my 2013 Mustang. It's a gay rainbow with pink rims
I had rented one of those once and drove it up into the new hampshire mountains ...
It was while cranking the Allman Brother's Jessica that I decided I absolutely had to own a sporty car.. I only owned a van at that time for work
I eventually ended up a couple of years later getting a 1995 BMW 540 6 speed manual
joo mut sul ei varmaa oo hyppivää autoo, mul o mönkkäri joka ei kyl enää toimi
voitais rakastella hellästi tässä joku päivä (ei homosti)
MODS? Wtf is going on here. Go back to Sup Forums with this shit quality posting OP. I'd expect this from the leafs but from a burger? For shame.
onko homolla isukkiongelmia?
hahahaha nigga just walk away from the screen etc
shut the stfu up 60%
bread on hood
Fucking Crashtor, I miss that crazy bastard.
Looks fun. I always wanted a convertible. Love to take a hit of marijuana and drive 2 beers with a bro and drive around two. In one
ai sulla
niin onki
Is this you OP?
haha you suck cock from macdonalds employer for free burger (big mac) hAHA
>Love to take a hit of marijuana and drive 2 beers with a bro and drive around two. In one
joo, mutta jos tykkäät niin voin olla vähän rajumpi. tykkääks nahkaleikeistä?
spböprsporöspo spbörlsödlö .dDDD
>he drives a black mans weiner
is that like shoe on head?
kaikki käy. voitko olla se vetäjä homo?
i bet your riding a bbc every day börger
more like benis in vagina :DDDDDD
This is my car, except that's it blue and not red. Jealous much?
that's basically a rentacar.
your taste in automobiles is objectively shit
homo? luulin ettei me vedettäis homosti. veljellistä rakkautta vaan, jooko? mutta kyllä muuten mulle sopii
siis ihan heterosti vedetään (no homo)
the thing I enjoyed about the sebring i rented was it seemed to have a decent wheelbase..low and wide so I cornered well over the curvy New Hampshire mountain roads.. tight.. very little body roll or over-steer..
Everyone just going to ignore that this guy lives on a cemetary?
better than your moms basement :DDD homo
It's satire. Also, sad but true. I enjoy ripping on myself.
Pic related, the interior.
hyvä näin :3 kiva et saatiin kumminkin jotain sovittua yhdessä! tapaillaan sitten kuumemmissa tunnelmissa!
>Chrysler product over 10 years old
Wow it still moves under it's own power? It must have like 20k miles on it.
has anybody noticed the Finns are plotting world domination ITT?
onko sulla loharidildoja ja muuta rekvisiittaa? voitais testailla niitä samalla.
But really, I actually do love that car even though it's basically a joke on wheels. Yeah Michael Scott and all that. Bonus: no payments, they are cheap as dirt.
Sad fact: It's my 2nd one.
tommone homostelu kuuluu muualle
I have 3 BMW, a Land Rover and a Range Rover ... so no, I am not jealous.
actually we are plotting to have sex (no homo)
all hail finlandia :--DDD
I drive a 2015 Peugeot 208 like pic related and I'm actually jealous of you. Mine keeps having electrical problems like the fan not turning off.
Fuck modern cars.
I miss my Corsa.
kyllä löytyy moneen menoon, tykkäätkö turripuvuista? voisit olla se itse lohikäärme...
I am jelly abut ur car muchacho, that car would put me in debt for 20 years
Nope, 120k, got it at 70k. Not a single problem besides general maintenance. My last sebring was a 2002, got it up to 180k miles. Not a single major problem, and besides the exterior I treated it like shit. Again, not a single major problem. Chryslers love abuse.
loharipuku käy hyvin. voitko sä olla karhu tai joku muu metsän pahin peto?
sul on varmaan tosi pieni vehje kun tämmöset asiat on arkoja sulle. kantsisko harkita penispumppua?
>mid size
>literally the worst of the Chrysler JA/JR platform
don't make me laugh. come back when you drive a real American car
4.6 liter V8 landbarge that floats down the highway like a couch on a cloud on wheels and has a trunk big enough for about 6 dead bodies
ai oot homo :DDDD
not really, the engineering on Chrysler from that generation was garbage.
käykö mielummin hirvi? voit vetää mua sarvista :3
Previous Sebring.
>not riding a motorcycle
sun piti olla se ku vetää. ajattelin että voisit olla tiikeri tai joku krokotiili mikä on tosi vaarallinen.
So perfect. My next car will be yet another Sebring.
Is this good by American standards? You're driving a 12 year old Chrysler. How much does that thing go for, $4,000? Is that a lot of money in the US?
>drove my Miata to school today blasting some Kate Bush
Am I fab or what?
sori, pieni muistikatkos. voin olla kroko, tykkään näykkiä kovasti kiinni
r8 my peugeot Sup Forums
yeah it was 4k with a 2002 sebring with 180k miles on it trade in.
nice b8 m8
kroko on jees. voitko spänkätä mua sillä krokotiilin hännällä myös?
I got a M3.
Thanks. It works because it is true.
joo, ja sit lähetään sun kyydillä lentoon tähystelemään maailmaa. mun mielestä olis tosi romanttista
Why would that be anything to envy? I'd love to have my mind reset and be like you. I've seen so many supercars and hypercars living in cetral London that I've become desensitized. I can name supercar models by exhaust notes when they go past my apartment.
Oh what's this, a limited edition Veyron, a 1:1 Rolls Royce, a Pagani, a 6x6 G Class oh, that's nice.
>like driving something from the 80's
Why is that a problem?
katotaan kun aurinko laskeutuu. mikään ei ole sen romanttisempaa. tuotko sä mulle kukkia vai tuonko mä?
It's a joke bro, I'm making fun of myself.
très élégant
I kinda am desu famalam
If you're not driving this car, you might as well throw your money out of the window.
>investing in cars
>fastest depreciating asset
tuodaan kummatkin toisille. tulee molemmille osapuolille sitten tosi hyvä mieli. haluutko sydämmenmuotosta suklaata? entä kumpi ostaa viinit?
I actually drive a very fast rx7 but no I will not post a picture as I left my phone in my fast rx7
Had a Honda prelude once, it was pretty cool. Gotta say though, the Chryslers are more tank-like and have a lot less problems.
Pic was the worst purchase I ever made. The first time I ever felt true buyer's remorse.
A Sebring? Jesus Christ, you really fell for the "I'll look cool, hey I'm driving a rental car", nobody normal drives that piece of shit, it was made to be a rental car, seriously, get middle aged ma and pa to rent the 4 seater mid sized, low power convertible, make the feel cool and charge them more, Jesus, how pathetic.
jos sä tuot rasian suklaata sydänrasiassa ni mä ostan viinit. otetaanko punaista vai valkoista?
I introduce to you:
The Easy Bake Oven
The Pussy Pickuper
The Bronze Bonemobile (mine's Bronze)
The Chevy S-10
It's rear wheel and hence hell during the winter, but oh so fun
Lol. Because it's RL bait. A source of endless amusement.
Now that's a hot whip
punasta, kuvastamaan sitä verta jota tullaan vuodattamaan sitkun mennään rajumman puolelle