Are there any women on Sup Forums

are there any women on Sup Forums



I want boobs now


Yes. But I'm a sandnigger girl.

But the boy that sexually abused me was white. He was a 12 year old chad. White skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, pink lips. A pure bred german boy. The girls all liked him and he was going out with quite a few. I secretly liked him too....
Until the day (first day of the class) he and his damn friend couldn't shut their trap. I was told to collect my stuff and change seats with his friend. For a whole year i had to sit there right next to him. It was a chemistry classroom and there were those kind of tables where you couldn't see what was going on under the table.
We hardly ever spoke or exchanged glances. It was just staring at the teacher and silence. Some day he silently started doing stuff to my thighs and between them in class. I fought him off. Still he had a fucking strong boy grip. He'd really hurt me sometimes, when he wanted to have his way and i was fighting too much.
Other times i just gave up and endured it while my stomach turned upside down and i was getting wet because my body reacted to his touch.

After that, many many years after that, i noticed that i get wet when something really scary/upsetting happens. When adrenaline rushes through my blood and my stomach turns upside down.

fuck. why am i even writing this kind of shit here...... ._.


Is there some special girls-only seminar that all girls attend early in their childhoods that tell them to not say anything to any authority figure if someone is inappropriately touching you or something? Or do you all secretly fetishize and get off to the idea of being molested and raped? Genuinely curious.

I'm a woman. Please pay attention to me.

Because you are a attention seeking whore who gets off on the thought of people knowing that you are a filthy fucking degenerate.

Kill yourself.


>Is there some special girls-only seminar that all girls attend early in their childhoods that tell them to not say anything to any authority figure if someone is inappropriately touching you or something?
the sad truth is, that sandniggers raise their children that way.
>shut your mouth
>shame on you
>stop telling lies
once i tried to tell on some other boy (that was even before the year long classroom abuse took place). It was the beating of my life i got in return. and they even apologised to the boys parents...
well, not that i didn't get a good beating to other minor stuff, mind you.