In the latest Hydewars video Sam talks about how Adult Swim canceled the next season.
Then I noticed pic related on twitter. Is season 2 possibly going to be bankrolled by Notch?
In the latest Hydewars video Sam talks about how Adult Swim canceled the next season.
Then I noticed pic related on twitter. Is season 2 possibly going to be bankrolled by Notch?
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Notch is way too cucked to do anything like that
Kek literally tha jew gelman got an Hyde fired with Tim heidecker by throwing a bitch fit BC Hyde was funnier and cutting in to Tim s budget
That is because the first season wasn't funny at all.
Notch is actually pretty based, he calls out SJWs all the time
Whats an SJW?
So does sargon and paul joseph wife's son.
You have to go back
Mostly Canadians from /leftypol/
He mispeleed "JEWS."
of course "The Inventor of Autism" Notch would support Sam Hyde
Huh? Im an old fag
MDE is and wasn't never funny, save for a few sketches. Most of the time it was just "look how random I can be!" humor. Those autistic threads on this board analysing every of 300 supposed redpills of each 10 min episode was cancer. It is good that MDE is cancelled.
If notch did something like financing it (as if, remember the "i will buy Sup Forums" post, looked the same) it would be wasted money indeed.
>Charls is Hydes little brother.
Don't be afraid,it's a new world.
You have shit taste
>finding MDE WP funny
>say others have shit taste
Kek, you see how ridiculous you look, right?
Nothing on adult swim is funny
Being funny isnt a requirement. Being edgy is though.
Then the show should have been renewed for at least 3 seasons
Sam Hyde is an alcoholic, a teenager rapist and abuser.
You're mistaking MDE with filthyfrank or something. MDE sketches almost always have a point and/or are lampooning and referencing something. Perhaps you're simply not aware of what it is they're lampooning.
Notch is a #Pizzagater.... and he's calling out jew jew ajew...
>understanding humor whatsoever
MDE is possibly the best humor of 21st century, bar none.
he shows people what they're thinking but not saying and doing directly, because they know how stupid it is. sam hyde is a virtuoso of deep humor, forcing us to laugh at ourselves in order to even watch him.
adult swim is shutting him down because he's so funny that people lose their shit about him and make up stories about how racist he is and stuff. his show had the best ratings of any show they've aired for the last 2 years.
Adult Swim is run by jews, what did he expect? Adult Swim hasn't done anything good in 10 years
damn. murdered his cool ass
If Firefly came out today with the same story where the main character is basically a confederate in space, Joss would be first in line clamoring for it to be banned for insensitivity or some shit. Somebody really cut that guy's balls off.
The eric andre show is god tier you humorless faggor
>what if we're all just part of some sick fuck's runescape campaign
Sam really made me think
>my ID is Pong
>calling out JewJew Abrams
Be careful anons, I'm probably going to be suicided for revealing that.
sorry but I still can't get over this
the creator of fucking minecraft is redpilled as fuck and dropping truthbombs on twitter harder than trump
blows me away
Pretty sure he was joking about the cancellation WP got amazing ratings and he didn't seem serious
>wasn't never
Lose the extra chromosome, mudslime.
ah men and their pipes
>double nigger show
>lets invite celebrities and break our desks for the millionth time
They suck dick. Just generic humor that belongs on comedy central.
Damn, I've got to admit that was pretty savage. He might still not be uncucked enough to bankroll something like MDE though. For all we know he's only anti-sjw tier uncucked.
Yeah, no. You shouldn't read things into something which are simply not there.
And i don't even know who filthyfrank is
It's "n", not "chromosome".
From what you linked it sounded like he was joking about suicide saying "we'll release this video after the cancellation" as in after their inevitable cancellation
....... No get out.
Now. He said it was cancelled because stupid Jewish tv. If you watch his response to Brett Gellman it makes sense. Sam's pretty pissed that cry baby Jew and Tim Heidecker got their way.
hes a fucking degenerate
You can take the Swede out of Sweden . . .
Yeah, yeah, yeah, dude, I've been there. I didn't get MDE save for obvious sketches like "Utopia". Once I got it, I couldn't stop watching. I wasn't German though so I had some headway, can't guarantee success in your case.
>You shouldn't read things into something which are simply not there.
You shouldn't dismiss things because you can't see them yourself. Two-way street, you fucking mong.
>And i don't even know who filthyfrank is
You can stop lying any time
>Jeannette McTurdy
Nah man he's OK. He has his way of making people realize what's up.
charles is fucking lost man he need to get real
and quick
>Jeannette McTurdy
I want to lick her dirty anus
nice buzzword, really made me think
MDE isn't even good
Kek, "i didn't get MDE but then I got enlightened".
How does Sams dick taste, m8?
Lose a few hundred pounds, fatty
Fuck kraut, you're on to me.
That's exactly it. I'm sucking up to Sam. Please don't tell him, I won't get Sam points if he knows. I worked very hard on this, you won't ruin my plan.
And in the spirit of this honesty, truly, it's not just Sam. I never felt I was cool enough on Sup Forums until I started pretending to like MDE. Now I feel like I'm in the know, you know? I get the joke. I feel smart.
Well that sucks I was hoping they finally made it.
those words the kids read in the video before 9/11
possibility 1: It's nothing
possibility 2: it's a code for somebody watching, or for the president himself, about what was happening
possibility 3: a primitive form of meme magic.
i liked his performance. what are you talking about?
>notch media network
holy shit it could work
no Sam is planning a videogame this is 100% related to that
not exactly pol related but some very sick ideas
Oh wow, nice argument fagtron. Are you a tourist, because I don't think you're actually German. You meet the standard for being retarded, although they typically are a little better adjusted to being shit on than you appear to be.
not an argument
Isn't Notch a fucking Swede?
Yeah I've never played Minecraft but we're reaching levels of based I didn't think were possible
Fuck off leaf you just don't understand avant garde humour
get real kid
not everyone is born to save someone
it's intentional, you remove the vowels in hebrew
nigger its part of mandala effect or whatever its called those kids werent saying that shit before but now they are it was fucking weird as shit. If they were saying its still weird as fuck and it just CANT be for nothing
are you saying he is trying to save people, but he wasn't born to do that?
your digits are amazing, thanks for speaking.
thanks kek!
charles is good looking i wish i was attractive no-homo but he's not very sharp and his gentle blue pill autism protects him like a warm blanket
>it's too much!
things that can't be couldn't have been if they never were! if things that weren't and couldn't WERE then nothing would make sense!
>we won
MDE are pretty clever. You're just butthurt. Or an A-rab.
he's a bored billionaire
of course he browses Sup Forums all day
he already used to post on Sup Forums, he probably browses Sup Forums now that we are this website's lifesource
Been here since October '16
I seen't sum shit.
fuck well we should have seen this coming
I could tell they went all out in season 1, Sam "niggers better run and" Hyde probably knew media jews would SHUT IT DOWN
I'm proud ya didn't cuck out sam
It was Timmy Heidickinhisass and company. Deal with it Timmy,we want relevance.
got a dream if you got a scheme
I agree with you in the sense that MDE relies on the edgy gimmick too much, but I've still gotten quite a few laughs out of it. Idk, maybe I'm retarded but I didn't think much into it and I found it funny. That's about all. Peace out.
Too pure.
Fucking Australia.
its right wing philosophy for young men, its not all supposed to be funny
its supposed to be semi confronting which is why mde fans are so dedicated
People keep on posting this and it's garbage. I haven't seen the anime but the song is fucking terrible.
dude, notch posts on Sup Forums.
oh, user...
>look at flag
Yep, it all checks out.
Wait is there going to be no season 2 please respond
It's the kind of song that plays in shitty clubs. I even like a lot of anime songs, this is the worst one I've heard by far.
I don't understand. The ratings for the show were on par with Eric Andre's first season. What was there excuse for cancelling it? There had to be some official reason, something better than "the goyim know."
There were a bunch of faggy buzzfeed and Atlantic articles about how wacist and howwible it was. Some asshole at adult swim quit over the show too and that fag tim supported him.
Still, there's no official word about a cancellation anywhere yet so it could just be Sam bullshitting around.
Has anyone tried calling the number in this image yet? It's on the Adult Swim Video page, and when you click it, it takes you to their streaming Million Dollar Extreme episodes.
You hate the show because you hate yourself.