How do we prevent racemixing between Asian men and gorgeous white grills?
HELP Sup Forums
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im okay with that to be honese
white and asian are god tier
You don't.
you call that abomination of a girl "white"?
I don't care or desire to prevent anyone from doing anything
what the fuck is so hard to understand
these race traitors will breed weaker and weaker offspring
how the fuck is that micro dick half-breed going to compete with my 100% white full blooded 8 inch dick male offspring
and daughters that will understand traitors hang first
these posts reek of jew bait (to have whites talk shit about other white women)
those that wish to leave my tribe are welcome to leave
their weaknesses were a burden on us anyway
only the strong survive
>inb4 wmaf fag
And then genetic engineering some outta no where and changes the paradigm.
As in this and the next generation will be the last humans, so what we do now matters most in setting the future.
Shes hot as fuck. Give it to the Jap - he deserves it.
>this entire post
Pure autism and projection
This may help
That's funny since I've only ever seen white males and asian female relationships in public.
Says the beta cuck that would probably be the first to die.
How can white bois even compete?
when they come out like this it's all good
By fucking asian girls and getting step bro weeb alliance
>muh bigger dick
you sound like a fucking nigger.
>mfw I see my high school gf getting fucked by tiny blurry Japanese penises on a gym mat
Mob Psycho 100
>only the strong survive
Try again sweetie :^) :-) :v)
It's a problem which lies substantially below the threshold of statistical significance.
Believe me.
Learn to math
Say it with me.
no one cares desu
LMAO. I know them! They're just friends. Def NOT a couple. Kek myself to death over this. Can't believe their pic is posted on Sup Forums.
As long as he's not a nigger
how can white bois even compete?
White females are hotter than asian females though so keep that in mind. Better to just stick with your race then create more elliots.
>inb4 a tide of rice fever fags get asshurt
>i know them guyz
Her instagram is mostly of her and him.
You're not fooling anyone, you're obviously insecure as fuck.
damn you white boys got mad as fuck over the knowledge of a bigger dick and the concept of competition
Euro master genes
Who cares, whites mixing with East Asians isn't really an issue to worry about, doesn't matter if it's with a guy or a girl. It's the niggers, kikes, mudslimes, and beans you have to worry about.
Tell me you wouldn't racemix you beta faggot.
oh yeah all that 6% of america is just getting flooded with white pussy
>people responding to this bait thread
are you people new or just fucking retarded
not really a problem, statistically Asian men are the least sexually desired men and even if a few white girls get yellow fever who cares? Asians have high IQ and work ethic, focus on gassing coal burners that's actually contributing to shit genes in the gene pool and happens much more frequently.
White + Asian = Mexicans
jealous of her desu he's really cute
It's so easy for white women they don't have to go Asian unlike a lot of men. It would seriously damage her brand too.
>B-But... he's so pretty!
I mean, how can we even compete? Asian guys study hard, have jobs, are clean, well-kept, stylish, everything good.
OMG I already did!
how can white bois even compete?
I feel it bro, the worst part of all of this is the male children borne from these relationships end up mentally damaged :P
You stop whining on the internet, get a white wife and make at least 6 white babies. So sick of your limpwristed bullshit.
>you're obviously insecure as fuck
Say the insecure loser who stalks the girl's Instagram and started this jelly AF thread.
this must be written by an asian. there are almost no white women who find asian men attractive.
the best way to prevent it is to do nothing.
>mixing with jews
Ok. I'll wait on those IQ statistics.
It's usually just sex, they won't get married.
Shitty thread.
White dad + asian mom = betas like elliot
White mom + Asian dad = top tier mix
How can white bois even compete?
What's wrong with them getting riced?
>But muh R1a/b
Russian women are marrying chinese men by the truckload. I care very little about that.
As a white man, I don't see the problem. Us whites need to stay inside and play video games all day while jerking off to interracial porn.
Let the intelligent, hard working, big dicked Asian man take all our precious, pale, blonde, white women. They deserve them far more than us.
marion le pen
I don't really care. Maybe it's because I want a cute eat asian gf desu
spoken like a true rice
*east asian
not a good mistake to make
How can white bois even compete?
Just let it happen
at least its not a nigger
asians arent bad, theyre honorary aryans
preventing race mixing between niggers and middle eastern scum is tbe real goal
it's so uncommon who the fuck cares
stacy wants black dick
How can white bois even compete?
>Only acceptable matchups
White male with Asian female
Black male with Hispanic female
Hispanic male with white female
Asian male with 2D
Black females are strong, independent, and don't need no man
Marion Le Pen
>Asian male + White woman
Is a rare occurrence.
>White male + asian woman
Is far more common.
Do not ever concern yourself over such matters. Asian women are superior to white women, after all. White women need to die.
We need to pick our battles. Frustrated asian males are fertile recruiting ground for us. Who cares if 1/1000 of them actually gets a white woman.
They're a civilized race anyway, unlike niggers and other shitskins. Hapas will be immune to white guilt.
literally just do nothing, its pretty rare
Fellow whites, how do we encourage more breeding between our Eastern brothers and pale, blonde, beautiful, conservative white women? We all agree that such white women are garbage, so let's let superior Asian men have them all. Like all white men, I'm fine with just internet porn.
how can white bois even compete?
Meanwhile, Asian women are getting BLACKED at record rates...
I have never seen a chinesey with a white girl..ever!
Sure are a lot of slide threads on Sup Forums today...
How can white bois even compete?
Fuck your anti-racemixing bullshit. The Japmen can have all the white women they want.
More Asian women for me.
How can white bois even compete
White men with Asian women are a bigger concern, or white women with niggers.
Asians have higher IQ while whites have higher creativity. They'll creative a new super race if they mix. But they'll look very similar to mexicans.
Seth is that you?
Honestly it doesn't bother me at all. Whenever I see an Asian guy with a white girlfriend I know I could swoop her off of him almost every time. Plus they don't pollute women like nogs do.
It's like buying a used car from an old man versus a teenager.
Oh look it's this thread again.
You need to go back >>>/reddit/
how can white bois even compete?
Actually that's uncommon aswell. Your falling for propoganda, women don't throw themselves at anyone, only if your rich as fuck and even then they just take the money and run. The problem is Mohammed doesn't give two shits about consent or rape and he can run too. The problem is people bending over backwards because muh refugees are oppressed and shit!
Yeah, the refugee thing is certainly prevalent in ultra-cucked countries like Sweden.
Money aside women will go for the most masculine guy there is, which are generally niggers, but then again they aren't generally the wealthiest of the races.
I shouldn't act like I'm not a hypocrite here, I'm shoulder-deep in yellow fever.
You just signed your death warrant.
If this post is being used as evidence in court, it was a joke.
Any disappearance of this poster is pure coincidence.
I'm white and even I find this disgusting.
No one wants to see niggers with other races.
Ok, I don't really give a shit about the whole asian vs white thing... But what the fuck is that Chinese guy thinking?
Was curious so I watched the video, and the whole time he just sits there like a fag. Doesn't even say anything. Why didn't he get mad at the chick? Are all Chinese like this? Is this common?
He should've at least tried to pick a fight with the white guy. Even if he lost the girl, he would've at least salvaged his pride. He just stood there and took it.
Jesus christ what a limp dick gook. I can't stand this sort of thing.
Nobody ever shows this one. Good try though cuck.
its fake.
>mfw OP was expecting us to be mad as fuck
>turns out everyone itt is fine with it
I hope so. I'm real bad with second hand embarrassment.
Totally don't care
White men with asian girls, even better
>Little White Dicks
>Big Asian Cock
This is the most boring b8 thread I've ever been in.
Then look in a different direction. They aren't your women.
How can white bois even compete?
I'll marry and impregnate Julia if it's the last thing I do