It's funny. I was vehemently against going to war over Syria, but if we go to war over Taiwan, I'm cool with that. Taiwan is a place worth fighting over. Syria isn't. Maybe its because I knew from /sg/ that Syrians don't actually want American help.
Lincoln Ortiz
But Russia claimed the Crimea and everyone went apeshit over it. NATO was threatening war for fucks sake. But China gets special status?
Carter Lewis
>69,199 minutes till Trump is president
Leo Gray
>The_donald is getting shut down mates No one cares, we'll get some more traffic, 4+Sup Forums will, the Discords will. They have no real culture or memes that will prevail outside of that subrebbit.
They should just try and bring the whole site down with them
Levi Clark
coolest looking hat ever?
Dylan Adams
Thomas Parker
>tfw you are waiting for Trump to appoint someone who isn't Romney as SoS
Trump please...
also r/the_donald is being shut down now, or it's just more faggy mod drama. god I fucking hate reddit