Why haven't you moved to New Zealand?

Don't you want to live and raise a family in a lush, rich, fertile, homogeneous white utopia?


It's like Australia, but better!

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Move now and get a complementary GF.

sneaky countryman

Sheep fucker is such a generic insult, they are really only called that because there isnt any name to really call them, except Kiwi maybe
New Zealand is preferable to Austrailia though

>New Zealand is preferable to Austrailia though
I'm not complaining. The more people that think that, the better.

>Don't you want to live and raise a family in... New Zealand
Nope, its hell here.

sure is, great employment opportunities, no muzzies because its too far to go, all white, pretty much.
great climate and people

you have one life, enjoy

is new zealand geography similar to north east geography?

no need to be rash.
i'm actually a kiwi on holiday. its shit here, really hot and people swear a lot.
no place to raise a kid
cant wait to get home

Because I want to be able to grow my own food.

>you have one life
I dunno about you but I've been doing this for at least millions of years buddy

Lorde is from New Zealand.
Who are some of her dating partners?

maybe you don't, but its better than importing, means more work for the locals in produce and logistics

I think she had a fling with Russell Crowe nd the nephew of that guy from split enz

Fuck that, your condemning people to a lifetime of excessive taxation to live in an overpriced box on the arse end of the world. And NZ is definitely not a white country anymore.

>"He thinks 74% white is homogeous"

> NZ like Australia, but better.

Am Australian. Can confirm.

NZ doesn't need anymore people though. Yep, there's plenty of space but most end up settling in Auckland. The population is growing faster than any time in modern history. In 2003 they reached 4 million people, back then the government projected wouldn't hit 5 million until 2045, at the earliest. Now will hit that population point in 2019.

Caused by a huge influx of immigrants to fill skills shortages, top countries being UK, China, India and Australia. Also Kiwis have stop leaving the country, which is what they did in droves from 1974-2004.


look us kiwis need to stick together and improve the stock of our white brethren
we should accept more migrants from Canada and the uk, as well as having who we see as fit from the us as well as Europe

Yeah it's alright i guess

Fuck off, we're full.

NZ is scheduled to be destroyed by an earthquake in a week or two. It will really still be there but they will tell everyone it sunk or something then all the new world order types will set up a NWO pedo resort for the Illuminati and their friends. Screencap this post.

a little bit, mix that with Colorado mountains and Hawaii

>t. President of Kiwi Foreign Relations Ministry

Fuck off we're full

>implying the NWO havnt already done that

I reckon NZ most similar to Pacific North West. Very rural with kick arse scenery, mountains, forest, dairy farming etc. Small towns with based locals, a fair few natives in the mix as well, some good some worthless. And a couple of cities which are pretty and all but overrun by liberal idiots.

Either way its still comfy AF imo.

less of a big deal than the media makes it out to be, you know what the media is like
nz's infrastructure has been designed to withstand the conditions that the country faces and it isn't all that common or dangerous

It can't survive a 12.0 earthquake and a super tsunami

Lotta asians in NZ. Everyone wondered why i would ever want to live there.

Consider Straya, I hear they're not full.

>move to NZ

I was told they are full?!?!

Can I move to Hamilton?

Are there many blacks people in NZ? I just assumed the whole place was super white, surprised to hear it isn't.

Most kiwi's say this place is hell to live and that it's shit etc
That's mainly because they haven't traveled to see other countries to realise that it's actually really good here.
If you hate blacks so much you can always go down south. No joke there are fuck all blacks down here in the small towns especially.

ive done a tour of the cities and the blue mountains, cost heaps and they hated me because I wasn't a local, but the cities were fairly packed
which wasn't the worst part mind you, they cant help but all call me a sheep shagger and make baa baa noises when I was having a beer
rude pricks, I wont be coming back

bow chicka bow wow

>who are the maori

fuck sake america, get a clue.


the south is a bit rough but all countries have their less desirable areas

New Zealand is like our migration filter.

>most end up settling in Auckland.

I had actually considered sending my family to the south island around Christchurch or toward Otago.

But now Trump is president and our civil war is averted for another 8 years.

How is the south island?

>inb4 fuck off we are full you dirty yank.

Maori's aren't equivalent to black people, they are more like injuns. I'm talking about BLACK people, as in African descent.


New Zealand's girls have the highest number of sexual partners among first world nations.

there aren't many, you see a few but its not really noteworthy. there are a few Asian areas but they tend to stick to themselves and don't cause any trouble.
t. Auckland Bro

But for how long ?

> Pic related : African leaders gather to discuss New Zealand police racism claims

The South Island is nice man, I got posted here and I want to come back to live after my service time.
In the small towns especially you will see it's nearly 100% white. In the city like Christchurch it'll be about 70-80% white if you're looking around at everyone. You'll only notice minorities if you're looking for them like I was.
Gives me the good old feeling of a nice white community in some of the towns down here.
I've only met 1 and seen 3 Africans in my whole life.

>responding to a faggot leaf

It's quite beautiful in New Zealand, compare that to Australia, some of the ugliest scenary in the world, or maybe it's just the funky trees.

>Sheep fucker is such a generic insult
It's not an insult, it's a statement of fact

If moving from the US, you need to have a job speciality they need (doctor, nurse), free of disease, funds to to send you home, if you loose a job, no welfare for you, you are sent back, if you have a million or more in the bank and put it into their banking system, well welcome to NZ, now than 10 million, welcome and instant citizenship, better not be a fats, NZ will not let fats from burgerstan in. Good luck.

the nicest place I've seen so far has been the blue mountains and they dont even compare to nz's scenery and the rest has been underdeveloped cities and desert

What's the spider and deadly critter situation in NZ? Is it also a deathtrap for normal people like Australia is?

We have literally no dangerous animals that can kill you. Only some small spiders that have a poisonous bite.

They have eels i think, thats the only thing I dislike, nothing to painfully kill you, except maybe in the ocean

Is it quite common? I know the slavs (just the Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus )like to fuck livestock, but i thought the rest of it was just a meme

>The northern hemisphere will never know the joys of a summer Christmas.

Feels choice, bro.

summer christmas sucks though

The south is where I've moved to.

Its cliche shit but I can ski, surf, trek all on the same day. General rule is further south you go the whiter and more down home it gets.

> be me, new to the country, just started work
> workmate: hi user, welcome, you set up OK?
> me: yeah, kinda. Still buying some furniture, and there's a big tree in the yard I wanna get rid of
> that weekend 3 guys from work come over to help me fell the tree, also gift me a sofa and a table. one of theirs wives brings lunch for us all. Mfw weve got the job done by 1pm and are all sitting around drinking brewskis and ripping on each other.

NZs fucking based.

>white utopia

Don't lie to people

they want your ass most likely

Less than the Aussies would say, but stereotypes exist for a reason. We generally follow a "Don't Ask, Don't Baa" policy

Lol. I actually freaked out a little at first. Takes a bit of getting used to. People being so open and friendly, that kind of thing has happened a few times. Ive fully expected to end up in a meth heads rape dungeon. But no, I'm still alive and trust me, my workmates are 100% straight. No problems there.

About a year ago I ran into a guy on the street, he was wearing a backpack and scratching his head looking at a map
> you lost?
> hey man, I need to get to this backpackers
> bout 5 blocks thattaway. You gotta be from Boston with that accent.
> yeah man, its my hometown cool, thanks for that. Will it take long to walk?
> tell you what. My cars just there, I can drive you straight there.
> ??????? Erm nah, I'll just walk

He nearly runs down the road with a freaked out look on his face. I just gotta remember, people who have literally just arrived in NZ haven't learnt people here aren't interested in rolling, jumping or raping them. They're just 1950s nice. Weird at first, but pretty cool once you're used to it.

>Burger bro met kiwi chick
>lives there with her
>she's actually batshit
>gets big
>they fight constantly
>her friends are shameless brutal sluts
nope, you can keep your sheilas to yourselves, m8.

A 70% white utopia you mean


No, it'll end up just as every other white country. Their immigration office is a joke, any chink with a few grand can live there. And even if they close borders they're gping to be dominated by the maori in some hundreds of years.
Source: lived there for 6 months.

Some truth to that. Anything north of Hamilton is lost already. The rest of NZ needs to learn from their mistake.

> kiwi women

Yeah mate. I get you. I'm also not a fan of them.


>white utopia

Fucking kek we have a shit tonne of ching chong ping pongs

Can i live in The Shire? If not than no.

The Shire only exists in our hearts.

nah mate it's there
plenty of room, why wont you share?

Someone post wetas

Are compasses super fucked up in New Zealand?

post it in the perth thread i dare you

Stop straddling threads faggot

I thought New Zealand was wiped off the earth last month.

come straddle on my cock bitchboi

Fuck that don't move here unless you like rooting animals and listening to Australians constantly bang on about it. It's not a sheep it's a pet. Y U NO LIKE ANIMALS AUSTRALIA?

If I want to fuck sheep Wales is closer.

nice try, trying to lure some fresh meat in huh?

>maori arent equivalent to black people

go to south auckland, you will very quickly change your mind

eels are bitches bro, they wont hurt you
we do have sharks, but you never really see them on the beach
my fellow countryman was telling the truth, the only things that can hurt you here are a couple of tiny spiders
we dont even have snakes

not sure if serious but no
they still point north

LOl they're all mixed with whites.

I have a gf in New Zealand.
Moving in June, it's all set up. We will be moving back to America in a few years.

take her and don't come back here

Why don't you want me there, Kiwi friend?

No. Fuck off, were full. Don't listen to the Eternal Aussie disinformation agent.

Especially having to listen to (((retail shops))) play music about show in the blistering heat.

cause we fucking hate yanks

That's a shame, I'll come make your country better for a few years then take off with your women, pregnant with my superior American genes.

Republic piggu go hommu!

is snow during winters relatively common there?
is a temperature of 30C during summers rare?

if yes, I'd consider it, but I'm still more tempted by northern norway or finland

newzealand has a shit load of muslims. and dont pretend they dont you know they do since like 2 years ago. you fucking know. you freaked out and restricted travel between the 2 of you

i hear some one saying aloha snack bar im taking the shot. nobody in america will convict me for defending the country

>if yes, I'd consider it, but I'm still more tempted by northern norway or finland
no fuck off and move there this thread was created by an australian just to piss us off

Will someone please delet john key if he wins again
like how hard can it be

>This is what tourists actually believe

Chinks own all your homes and they want too much money.

>thinking we want spics

Wtf white homogeneous? Heard of Maoris and Samoans?

>Why haven't you moved to New Zealand?
>Don't you want to live and raise a family in a lush, rich, fertile, homogeneous white utopia?