Tfw my sister went into 60k debt to be an art student and this is the best she could do

>tfw my sister went into 60k debt to be an art student and this is the best she could do.

>now trying to sell some of her "art" to pay off her debts

>upset because I or none of my family wont buy her shitty shit.

>she has only sold 2 things in 3 days, and it was the cheapest price items(im sure it was a petty purchase because they felt bad)

meanwhile im in my 3rd year of mathematics with a statistics emphasis, already started a paid internship at a auditing firm.

kek my sister is a living meme

Other urls found in this thread:


if shes a cute latina she could pay off the loan by stripping or hooking, post pics

you have to go back


My cousin came here from China to study landscape architecture, graduated, and is now pursuing a post-grad at Harvard
Breddy worried since her family doesn't have that kind of money so I hope she knows what she's doing

What is that?



She got duped for the higher education jew and you being her brother failed to protect her.

Kys my man