Highly educated=liberal? Why?

The high school I attend is one of the best in the nation, with incredibly high rates of spending per student, excellent facilities and a long list of successful extracurricular teams. This high school is New Trier: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Trier_High_School
My question is, the student body and the teachers are almost all left-wing. Why is is that in many prestigious and successful institutions so many of the people are liberal?
Btw its a public school...

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Because lefists have achieved hegemony in academia, popular cultural media and to an extent politics.


It's something they've working at since the 60s when they realized they couldn't attain their goals through political or violent means.

Only leftist orthodoxy is permitted in those circles, expressing dissenting opinions isn't just frowned upon, it is effectively punished.

If you have the time, listen to this Greg Johnson interview, he talks about it at some point.


So you're saying it's because the left has been able to infiltrate high ranking areas in education?

Because they go through their entire lives without facing any form of adversity. No competition=shitty every.

Communism is bad because it eliminates all form of competition. Equality of outcome breeds out competition. If everyone gets a trophy, there is no reason to try harder and challenge oneself. These millenials and liberals in the media are used to equality of outcome, they always get participation awards, nobody challenges their ideas, and they never have to grow as a person. The reason liberals suck is that they lack any and all competition in their lives to challenge their ideas.

>high school

Underaged faggot. Looks like you need a ban

Considering high school goes from ages 14-18, only some people would be underage.

obviously not the guy you're responding to, but yes it's true
also, left wing people typically take jobs that put them in different positions than right wing people in general. education is one of them. like they say, if you can't do then teach

I have a PhD and am a professor. I am conservative on everything but social medicine. I think we should have that because we end up paying for it already except a middle man is making money off us.

I'm in school to become a teacher specifically because of how disgusting teachers are.

How fucked am I?