Highly educated=liberal? Why?

The high school I attend is one of the best in the nation, with incredibly high rates of spending per student, excellent facilities and a long list of successful extracurricular teams. This high school is New Trier: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Trier_High_School
My question is, the student body and the teachers are almost all left-wing. Why is is that in many prestigious and successful institutions so many of the people are liberal?
Btw its a public school...

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Because lefists have achieved hegemony in academia, popular cultural media and to an extent politics.


It's something they've working at since the 60s when they realized they couldn't attain their goals through political or violent means.

Only leftist orthodoxy is permitted in those circles, expressing dissenting opinions isn't just frowned upon, it is effectively punished.

If you have the time, listen to this Greg Johnson interview, he talks about it at some point.


So you're saying it's because the left has been able to infiltrate high ranking areas in education?

Because they go through their entire lives without facing any form of adversity. No competition=shitty every.

Communism is bad because it eliminates all form of competition. Equality of outcome breeds out competition. If everyone gets a trophy, there is no reason to try harder and challenge oneself. These millenials and liberals in the media are used to equality of outcome, they always get participation awards, nobody challenges their ideas, and they never have to grow as a person. The reason liberals suck is that they lack any and all competition in their lives to challenge their ideas.

>high school

Underaged faggot. Looks like you need a ban

Considering high school goes from ages 14-18, only some people would be underage.

obviously not the guy you're responding to, but yes it's true
also, left wing people typically take jobs that put them in different positions than right wing people in general. education is one of them. like they say, if you can't do then teach

I have a PhD and am a professor. I am conservative on everything but social medicine. I think we should have that because we end up paying for it already except a middle man is making money off us.

I'm in school to become a teacher specifically because of how disgusting teachers are.

How fucked am I?

Yeah, I have found to be true in most places.

Only in the liberal arts. Unfortunately there are a lot of people studying liberal arts.

STEM tends to be libertarian if not conservative.

You are not if you are attending a private college. Just look for your Republican student union. Another thing that helps is being in the STEM fields. Stay away from the humanities or any other shit degree.

Highest IQ field is engineering
Engineers are are all conservatives....

what a fucking surprise...

having a PHD in philosophy means you are "highly educated" .

getting a degree in Literature and writing shitty plays means you are "highly educated"

Writers, artists, psyc cucks are libs

Engineers, chemists, mathematicians, physicists, and economists are typically conservative.

Unfortunately I'm in the humanities, more demand for non-commies. But I am going to Hillsdale so I should be fine for now.

I suppose this could be true, but do have a source pls xD


As someone with BS and MS STEM degrees, and not some shitty programming degree, I can say this is true.

It's more libertarian, but that's closer to conservative these days.

Yes, I voted for Trump.

I'd take someone with 2 or 3 years of STEM studying over a liberal arts PhD.

highly educated != smart

Pretty sure the smartest field would be theoretical physics where they invent the principles that engineers number crunch.

They happen to be all left wing and sympathize with transhumanism.

Because they can afford to be unrealistically idealists

Get out of the humanities. You will have a useless degree. Or just go to a trade school

And yet most of this board is composed of NEETs and part timers.

Meanwhile professional jobs are almost entirely filled with liberals.

then you don't know shit. most liberal arts phds have to take extensive math and statistics classes. biology doesn't have any rigorous thinking.

The next question is, how do we reverse what the left has done to the institutions and re-infiltrate the institutions with paleoconservatives?

High education usually correlates with low work experience.


Its nothing to do with the education itself, moron. Parents who get their kids well educated raise their kids in secluded bubbles of comfort, this makes you weak and exposes you to liberal softie cushy play-doh ideas.

Educated people have never magically turned into liberals before. They were still very much conservative.

"Over-educated" is the better term.

Highest educated people = Democrats/liberals.
Highest wage earners = Republicans/conservatives.

Think about that for a good long while.

Democrats are the highest educated but they earn less money. They are not, generally speaking, the "doers" of the world.

A lot of them have ended up in a position where literally the only thing they are qualified to do is teach students the exact same dead end shit career path they learned.

Not true. I am a PhD Quantum Chemist. I am a conservative.

Because educated people are intelligent enough to know that liberal != the progressive fascists you see on CNN. Also because their parents are rich and they have little real-world experience and think they're in a different caste from those poor little proles.

Pushing political agenda isn't really education. Highly educated person capable of thinking, and liberals obviously aren't.

Good times produce weak people.
Hard times produce strong people.

Lefties are the best at blowing money and resources.

It's not "highly educated", these people literally enroll in 6 years of indoctrination majors and claim they're educated because they get a certificate at the end. STEM doesn't indoctrinate (as much).

>High school

Nobody cares.

If our country had more competition there wouldn't be any NEETs

Because the teachers understand that to keep themselves in money, they need a populace willing to pay huge taxes

Liberalism is THE ideology of the elite; they will not accept you as one of their own unless you conform to their strict code of conduct with regards to presentation and engagement with others within their ranks (read: virtue signaling). This is why Donald Trump, despite being a Manhattan billionaire, is considered a black sheep of the Manhattan Elite; he doesn't conform to this code of conduct and is said to have never really been accepted by them.

No one is born liberal; to become one requires indoctrination that is most often done at university (the more elite and prestigious the institution, the better). Here you are taught the "correct" values which ultimately groom you for how you engage and present yourself to high society. Any school that is considered elite is by definition liberal because you need to be liberal in order to be considered elite.

On a side note, the factory worker with only a high school degree who votes Democrat because MUH UNIONS may consider himself to be "liberal", but he is not. He doesn't know how to be since he hasn't been taught how. He doesn't understand the complexities of virtue signaling and despite what he thinks he is, he is actually nothing more than a conservative who happens to vote Democrat. The majority of Democrats are not liberal. Niggers are spics are not liberal. True liberals are almost all white and are a small percentage of the population, but they are extremely influential in all aspects of our society.

What programming languages do you know? Have any relevant comments to make about theoretical mathematics? What about early baroque classical music? What can you tell me about Byzantine history?

I also want to add that the elite's liberalism is nothing more than a facade. It's meant to put a friendly face on their extremely destructive globalist doctrine designed for monetary gain in order to make them SEEM like they care about the plight of the masses despite being the architects of their suffering (read: "liberal guilt"). It's a self-preservation strategy (a really shitty one that's already failing) used to suppress the revolutionary tendencies of the masses so they can continue to enrich themselves.

Maybe because people living behind white only conclaves can afford to be liberal when it doesn't affect them? By the way, in Texas more educated minorities voted for Trump than working class minorities.

Higher education is not education anymore. Job training, yes. Indoctrination, yes. That's all.

"educated" is a misnomer that exploits the past role of college when it was exclusive to the intellectually inclined and well off.


Med student here. Take home message is to major in STEM once you start higher ed. You avoid a lot of the PC brainwashing and you'll actually have a real job waiting for you on the other side. A major plus is that students are too busy to engage in SJW crusades. There will be a little of that going on, but it'll be a sideshow.

I never completely trusted people who found their worldviews in class. The best mentors I ever had taught me to how to find the truth on my own and motivated me to do so. I had a few professors who just attempted to indoctrinate the class though. Actual quote from a crappy gen ed class: "and men in the room, you know what I'm talking about. If she doesn't want it its 'here baby, have another drink...'"

2016 - 1969 = 47
2016 - 1949 = 67 - 20 yo at 1969

Its normal that you would have a liberal mainstream when the hippies got old.

The thing is, that means that hippie bullshit is the basis for the new contrarian ideas that will be mainstream 50 years from now.

>A major plus is that students are too busy to engage in SJW crusades
This is especially true for universities that end in the words "Polytechnic Institute" or "Institute of Technology". Those schools are like kryptonite to SJWs; they avoid them at all costs.

Dumb and violent = niggers

Why? Until leftists admit this correlation they cannot spew shit about liberals being smart

Hahahaha wtf that's where I went...

Fucking this

>Btw its a public school.
You answered your own question.

>the left has been able to infiltrate

they hired themselves, thanks to riding on a tidal wave of victimhood and egalitarian poison that's been slowly infecting people for the last two generations

the left does this in government as well as they do it in education, merit and real intelligence has no meaning to these scum

Because modern liberalism sells.

You tell minority students to come to school. In doing so the government is basically paying you to babysit them. You teach them that they're being oppressed and you're on their side. They actually defend you when you fail to get them a job. Years later they send their own little shit to do the same so the achool gets even more funding.

White guilt people are basically the same but also stupid and self defeating.

No real life experience.
Only blacks and immigrants they interact with are the elite of said groups.