Americans make fun of Canadians for electing a snowboarding instructor as PM

> Americans make fun of Canadians for electing a snowboarding instructor as PM
> Americans voted for an incompetent, racist, imbecile of a failed businessman to the White House

....I have no words.

Just delete your thread.
You are embarrassing us in front of the Aussies.

Remind me how Trump is a failed businessman. Last time I checked he had 515 successfully businesses. Perhaps you're talking about the 6 that went bankrupt. Still, almost 99% success rate.

Delete your thread, then delete your life.

how dare you sully best girl with this shit thread

an hero immediately

>Canadians elected
he only got 33% of the popular vote

You left your proxy on, leaf

Mallow is not for lewd!!


Can you even back up any of your points without shitposting?

>Brown girl being the best girl.

Trump Ice, Trump Steaks, Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Anything-in-Atlantic-City, etc.

Yeah, "99%" alright!!!! Yeah!!!


For any faggots claiming this here is a list of successful business of Donald Trump.

> Be Trump
> Turn individual teams and employees into businesses

I still can't believe he can manage to trick you suckers at all aspects

save us

Billions of dollars don't come out of nowhere.

> still more than trump

What's wrong with being racist?

I wonder if we could extend the time trump spends as president elect by a couple of years or so..
Just until someone else gets elected


watch your tongue or we'll snatch it from you, nigger.

>Posting kawaii pokagirls
Oh shieettt not again dick

The nukes send them now. PLEASE

We'll send them to you instead. We need the extra land anyways for the trump empire.




I do. GTFO spic.

>Americans voted for an incompetent, racist, imbecile of a failed businessman to the White House
>....I have no words.

Maybe they just voted against having a criminal in the Whitehouse who was caught on tape telling a bunch of bankers "Ignore what I say on the campaign trail, I'm just trying to get elected".

do ppl know that trumps net worth is ~4bil?




I wish he was.


Did you just beat the most well-organized political machine in the country and secure the presidency? No?

>failed businessman

Again, billionaire.

Do CTR shills dream of electric rednecks?

Get off your proxy

I would much rather have trump running Canada than that fucking cuck trudeau. He cares more about photo ops and appearing "cool" to the sjw crowd that elected him than he cares about running a country.

You should be glad you guys elected someone with balls.

What laugh at is how people believe this.
He's turned a million bucks into billions.
The vast majority of his ventures are successful.
What businessman with as many ventures as Trump hasn't failed on a few?

>He cares more about photo ops and appearing "cool" to the sjw crowd that elected him than he cares about running a country.

Well maybe you Leafcucks should have thought twice before electing a snowboard instructor just because of who his legal daddy was (not his real daddy obviously, because mommy Trudeau had her legs open for all and sundry)

>snowboarding instructor
>anything to do with politics or economy
>lucky with daddy

>implies he has an idea about law, politics and economy

>totally irrelevant

>kill self

Get back on your side of the border Leaf

tfw when people from vp also browse pol