There are newfags on this board RIGHT NOW who have never heard of let alone listened to and read Yuri Bezmenov

>there are newfags on this board RIGHT NOW who have never heard of let alone listened to and read Yuri Bezmenov
You faggots are pathetic.

Other urls found in this thread:

bump for based yuri

Thanks nigga, I mean he's not perfect but he explains how the processes work fairly well, or at least how it worked before the internet. I also didn't notice until I listened to the first link again a month ago (I haven't watched it through in about a year back when I was a civic nationalist lolbertarian modernist pleb) and I never realized that he was anti-egalitarian and a traditionalist at heart. Also his trips to India (and his love for India) tells me he might be a a reader of Julius Evola.

Self bump





Bumping the shit out of this. Everyone needs to yuri pill

When I first found him back in 2011 my mind melted out my ass because of how spot on a lot of it was.

Good reminder. Here's some Stephen Coughlin for further redpilling of newfags.

Ehhh. I mean he's right about Islam to an extent but it's a distraction. Islam wouldn't be a threat to the West if we weren't already subverted. The (((HIV))) has weakened our immune system and things like Islam are simply late stage infections with AIDS where even the common cold can kill you.

Bumping for Yuri.

Apparently he was most likely a fake KGB agent.

If you don't have any proof of that then you should probably fuck off.

Hi /leftypol/

Add this

Add to what?

>Question: How do I redpill my liberal girlfriend/dad/friend/etc?

You are stuck with them. You can't get through to them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.

In other words for these people the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible. To rid society of these people you need another 15 or 20 years to educate a new generation of patriotically minded and common sense people who would be acting in favor and in the interests of United States society.

I asked a Russian friend who's father was a big espionage guy. Apparently a lot of his stories of escape and such sound like bullshit, I'm not saying what he says isn't 100% redpill, it is, but that apparently he might not be legit.


>I know a guy whose dad worked at nintendo


Fucking Cuck Sr.!

>After studying political science at the University of Toronto for two years, Bezmenov was hired by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in 1972, broadcasting to the Soviet Union as part of the CBC's International Service. In 1976, the KGB successfully used the Soviet ambassador to Canada to persuade Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau to apply pressure to have him removed from that position,[2] and Bezmenov began free-lance journalism. He later became a consultant for Almanac Panorama of the World Information Network

It's not a distraction, it's crucial to understand how islamic leaders have taken advantage of the infection weakening of the West. I post this in Yuri threads because after watching Yuri's lectures and viewing Stephen's briefing through that frame, much of what he speaks of is related to the subversion tactics Yuri outlines.

Funny how these things all come together.

Why isn't the entire interview a requirement to view first in order to see Sup Forums? Better than captcha for a first post.

Interesting thread but need to find shorter summary videos to draw people into a discussion

I need this picture explained. So if all this SJW/feminism/BLM shit is a vessel that brings in Communism...where are the real communists? Who are these people that come out of the shadows to line them up and shoot them? Is it supposed to chip away at our morals until enough people support an openly communist candidate? I know that Hillary was a big fan of Saul Alinksy, but am I expected to believe she was going to prop up a hammer and sickle flag in the white house and commanding for people to be killed a la 1984?

I guess my real question is - if the leftists are just useful idiots, where are the REAL genocidal communists?

bumping with a touch of redpill

before I saw his videos I thought that image macro was of Milton Friedman. Was confused trying to figure out what the hell was so subversive

>> 911
kawaii desu

They're taking advantage of it but if with went full traditionalist nationalist reichmode we (the west) could glass Muzzie "civilization" back to the stone age (which to be honestly would be that far bad anyway). I agree that it's an important thing to point out. It unironically might be the saving grace, with barbarians at the gates a direct present threat might be enough to rally the west (although I don't know if the west outside of Europe will be western/European enough by then to be salvageable). I guess it is important to remember that this isn't the first time stuff like this has happened before and that it's reversible with the right energy (ask yourself how many Muslims were in the Iberian peninsula and the Balkans are left from before). I think the the country that is unironically most at threat is Russia since it has a large "native" Muslim population. You could see separatism again and that would break it apart largely along ethnic line (ie the Russian Federation would cease to exist). The big question is which goes first, America or Russia? If America goes first then China and Russia will scramble for the scraps. If Russia goes first then American and China will scramble for the scraps. Also another good source on Islam and the dangers of the ideology itself is Dr. Bill Warner and his Political Islam stuff. He is a bit of cuck for the kikes though.

Because this board is satire XD

Fuck that shit, if we don't have a discussion that's fine, they can discuss on the next thread after they've watched the videos

bumping. newfags get in here this is required viewing

The SJW's/feminism/BLM ARE the first wave of communists to take hold. They're the ones taught by the communist (Jewish lel) professors. Mind you of course that the version of communism/socialism/marxist pushed here isn't going to be the same as else where. You adapt the ideology for the target. You're intentionally misrepresenting the argument.

>there are faggots on this board RIGHT NOW who have taken 100% of what Yuri said as a true fact

Neck yourselves.

*but if we went

You need to know about Yuri guys.

But according to him we are fucked. We can't stop the ideas. It won't stop until they destroy the system.

Marxist infestation is to deep to amputate now.

No one is claiming what he said is 100% true. No individual will ever be right let alone a group. Id say he's about 80% of point and he tailored his lectures and writings towards the target audience (which is what anyone does when making an argument that you want to win).

Bump for Yuri. I can't believe people exist who haven't seen these yet.

Bascially the real masterminds are the mega elite, people who have trillions in cash holding more assests than small countries. The plan is to destroy the west and replace it with a complient population. I guess they get a hard on by the idea of ruling an entire planet.

Israel you fool.

I wouldn't say that it's too late, as long as there are ethnic groups and identities then all else is recoverable. Remember that what he's suggesting is that these subversive elements play up tensions already there, which is true. Also as he said, if your enemy is bigger, badder, and more powerful you roll with the punches and tire him out. The key is to let them builds up ethnic tensions for example and organize yourself around those same ethnic lines. Point out to the self hating whites that once their multicultural utopia comes to fruition they'll be the ones lined up against the wall first, of course they won't believe at first either but the faster and harder things change the better it is for us. The slower and more gradual things change the more fucked we are.

israel is just one piece on the chessboard if anything its a lynchpin for the middle east

The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is put in cold water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of threats that rise gradually.

Most of those mega elite are Jews fyi, in any case though it's about creating an identity free population of complacent coffee colored consumers.

>Everything he said has slowly came true
>"It's just pure coincidence, goys! He's a plant!"

No. the Jews are the very heart. That is why they must be destroyed to the last as god spoke.

Yes. I love Yuri. Very much.

Well aware, I just don't like using that because when they actually do that with frogs the frog gets out when it gets too hot. I think a better metaphor is when you're stalking prey. You move identify your game, and stalk it slowly and quietly careful not to alert it and by the time you're in close enough to take the shot it's over for it.

>where are the real communists?
This should answer some of your questions

western civilization is the only culture that values liberty and freedom, destroy it and people forget they are born free

It's the same with the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion/The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion.
>o-oh that's fake you antisemite even though it outlines almost exactly what's going on and is able to virtually predict future actions of these people

If you think Enlightenment ideas are the pinnacle of Western Civilization and are the norm I have a bridge to sell you.

Fugg off gagfagit

We don't need to destroy the Jews, just their identity like they are trying with us.

The overt hostility of Islam (and radical leftist) may be what tips the West into a nationalist mentality, I think it's part of the reason why Trump has had so much success. While Russia and China do have to be observed closely, the biggest problem remains the fifth columns causing unrest in the country. For the US, it is coming from all parts of the world from Mexico, the Middle East, and the useful idiots. It's a cultural war that we've been losing, but it seems the enemy has become too bold and more are catching on. Do you happen to have that psyops pastebin for subverting online communities? Those same tactics can be scaled up to work on a national level as welll.

I made another post in this thread about it earlier and personally I think that we're too deep into the win "Culture war". Our demographics are too fucked (part of their plan) so the only saving grace will be to take their energy and redirect it how we want it. They want to go ethnically and pit non-whites against whites? Go ahead, we'll have white interests and pro-white organization figured out and at the moment, and for the next few decades, that's a war we'll be able to win.

I think we still have time, there have been two prevailing methods to battle against the subversion. Pushing (((their))) narrative so hard that the public is unable to ignore it and rallying a level-headed stand against said narrative. This two pronged attack is the most effective way to change minds. Making the enemy look absurd and divisive is easy. Making our own side more appealing to the public is harder, It's one of the reasons I have trouble with white nationalist rhetoric, there is a distinct lack of subtly. The focus needs to be on alienating marxist thoughts/gorups and bolstering nationalists who love the country.

>there are newfags on this board who don't listen to Jay Dyer

>there are newfags on this board RIGHT NOW who have never heard of let alone listened to and read Yuri Bezmenov



I go in every pro Democrat Facebook group and spam "FUCK ALL WHITE PEOPLE AND FUCK DRUMPF!!!!!"

Repeatedly. I do it deep in comments and replies to old white granny liberals etc. That way I don't get banned right away. I do it nonstop in many many different groups and social media platforms. Its highly effective at making whites and even other minorities hate the left.

>there are newfags on this board RIGHT NOW who have never heard of let alone listened to and read Yuri Bezmenov

Active measurements are required
>Rus, nephew
How do you kgb up that?

>It's one of the reasons I have trouble with white nationalist rhetoric, there is a distinct lack of subtly. The focus needs to be on alienating marxist thoughts/gorups and bolstering nationalists who love the country.
The problem is that's not a long term solution and that's not the way that the spectrum will swing back.

I like post a lot


Not here, but look at the anglos!
Sven will actually go full 33.

We're for the most part immune, our sec services as I clearly see now, mentioned by others too. They fucking did their work against the gommies in the 80ies there
>planted the seed
Python, Prima Vera, Luksus Leverpostei, Nazi Per and we can go on forever and you know it if you are of age to remember

This my flag, make no mistake, was our guys fucking off the KGB like we are fucking it off now, with extremely politicial incorrectness and bullshit. Man I want that time back even though I wuz just an anonling
>Young man! Have you bought that Pyton magazine again!
noes grandma! Donald Duck!
>I better not see no Pyton in there with the Pervo Kris and Dölle Dökk and all

>now they are feminists.....
I dunno if they play stupid, like me, very in doubt.
>Mossad was actually created here

This is crucially important for everyone to see.


>in the language of the kgb
active measurements in russian, how into

>where are the real communists?


The fallout from their subversive games is still well and very much alive.

It's tailored for the christian mind

You mean what do they mean?

It's tailored for the European Christian mind. The European form of Christianity

typings in rus and latin

Nice. Use their own tactics against them, cause division among their ranks. It's even better that some of them know that we are doing this, so they question themselves.

why wouldn't the spectrum swing back with that method? It may not be long term, but I have yet to see a solution that is.

>he belittles people that have not read his work
>he provides no means to read his work

Love Letter to America (1984) (as Tomas Schuman)

No "Novosti" is Good News (1985)

Black is Beautiful, Communism is Not (1985)

World Thought Police (1986)

We should really do some large operation to spread yuri pill to sjws/marxists/libcucks/lefties
I am sure that yuri pill is the ultimate redpill and the first redpill we need to feed these people if we want to stand a chance to convert them.
give me a (you) if you agree

>why wouldn't the spectrum swing back with that method? It may not be long term, but I have yet to see a solution that is.
Because you're arguing using the same language that allowed the commies to come about in the first place. The best way is to be counter revolutionary and be as fanatical as you can be. The reason why this shit has gotten as far as it has is because you can't fight fanaticism while essentially defending the status quo. You have to be radically traditionalist, fanatically ethno-centric, you have to have something physical and bound in blood that draws the line between "us" and "them". That is why racialized nationalism is the better solution over the same egalitarian race neutral "lets all get along and they hate us for our freedom" bulshit.

indeed as you and well us in the old west was the prime targets ofc.

When you look at this objectively, and learn it, even play on it on people, it is amazing.
>It's not a joke
I do this on time to time, and fortutnately the people here are a bit more immune to begin with and as described above.

It only takes a small crack on the non 68-ers and their ilk. I do this, done in police in part
>Bait them in to ie some ww2 shit or muh raysist etc
Sit on cell wait after interrogation(can't say to much)
>Yes mister, so you said something about that guy could just go gas him self....

Now officer, I did some tricks on you there because of your shitty form of subversion, what I did was playing on your automated responses by XXXXX and XXXXX up your anus.

Nobody can gas them selves, even though we guys always love to brag.
I know that guy isn't a kike....... because I know h im.....
Nobody was gassed during ww2, continues to long to shitpost

>cops all strange in their face
cop or not they get the same expression
>hmmm... it's true... he isn't joking and he isn't a nuzi
I'll go home and check

later several police here, prolly lurking
>never trust nork police
Sven's are ok, they are just cucked from above

This guy fucking sucks. Just watch loads of MDE if your new. That's all you need to be red pilled.



The KGB is gone though, so no endgame for his predictions. Looking at islamophiles I bet Saudis are messing up with weak minds nowdays.

When I started learning about great Yuri here, I was amazed.

The thing is, I already knew it, that is how to do this, but faster.

Back in the days I used to move a lot of contraband, as is custom here, as everything is overtaxed or illegal. Beer, cigs, moonshine, russian, baltic, polish booze, drugs, roids everything..... Even fucking meat believe or not.

Anyways I did this to people
>Spotted one potential lieutenant or sergeant
>Part the important ones I spoke to my self
You come with an idea, the person will refuse, so you show him and gradually show what's best for him
>You make him push for you+++++ if he is worthy
So ie you come pretend you don't got what you got
>oh my contact he is very serious and just blalblabala[watch out when they say this]. I ofc knew his contacts very well and played stupid
Talks about this a lot, act stupid
Also contant take just a bit of your contraband and give it to him or so, act as you don't got
>Build up and borrow from his contact
>Sorry I don't got shekels[I do]
let them show their true face
>Take them down physical or not
So user, tell me about how just these are again?
How trust worthy?
So... I got this for you instead, it's a bit more expensive but the quality is superb, you'll not keep this long. You want brick instead? Cheaper

No worries, we won't break your legs

Bad example, but I did this when I was a shit
>I subverted people to become my lieutenants by different means after measuring them

The guy was a fake kgb """agent""" who basically told right wing campuses what they wanted to hear.

He is a capitalist to the greatest degree, it's a fake story to sell to idiots what they want to reinforce with a sort of nativist vantage point. It's just a russian guy who learned english and the game.

Bezmenov really knew what he was talking about because of his position as deputy chief of propaganda research department. Worth listening to to learn how the Russkie fucks with your head.

they didn't tho

nobody really won except the jews

>the kgb is gone
>being this new

Yet you proclaim that the language used by them has been effective, I say it can be used to our advantage. Creating the narrative is the key. By standing behind the hardline that was made to divide those with similar views you only serve to perpetuate that narrative which gives the fifth column validity. I'm not in any way advocating that we can all just get along. These groups need to be squashed. from within and that takes more brains than GTKRW.

hoho no way this is not fake
>this is what you see today

Is called the FSB now......

Also former leader of stasi is actually the leader of BfV.....

jesus christ what a slob

Kek. Which is why a former KGB agent is the president of the country, right?


I actually remember seeing the first post of that macro by the user who made it.

[spoiler] It was an Israeli Jew. [/spoiler]

The Soviets kicked the bucket, but their subversion has a life on its own. That's what's truly terrifying, the western left is dancing to the tune of a master that died decades ago.