Who can explain these statistics according to evolutionary theory or psychology?
Why don't whites like to rape black women? Doesn't seem very "equal" or "fair," does it?
I mean, I thought we lived in an "egalitarian" society, after all. Confused!
Who can explain these statistics according to evolutionary theory or psychology?
Why don't whites like to rape black women? Doesn't seem very "equal" or "fair," does it?
I mean, I thought we lived in an "egalitarian" society, after all. Confused!
black women are ugly
1. There's less black women than white women.
2. Black women, esp african americans are ugly.
3. Black women have more testosterone and have larger frames so are more than likely to fight back.
4. Black women are usually morbidly obese.
5. Black women's testosterone is so high its almost like fucking another guy, you can just as easily go to a gay bar if you want to have sex with men.
You are assuming that rapists choose their victims solely according to beauty standards. This would seem to fly in the face of evolutionary mating strategies. In the case of rape, I think physical appearance is only one factor among many.
Well, I think you are talking about a certain percentage of African-American women. I have been to Ethiopia myself and slept with many fine women there. They are quite feminine, attractive and slender on the whole, and especially in comparison with African-American women.
What's wrong with African-American women, anyway? Why have they let themselves go so far?
If we white men start raping them in high numbers, will that improve the genetics of their offspring? Can rape be a kind of virtue in this day and age?
Are you a faggot chicken neck English teacher in Jakarta or are you just here to fulfill your "I'm a beyond fucking retarded Muslim" quote for the day?
In case you've never left your third world country, you have no idea how fucking pathetic and savage niggers can be. They see white people as easy victims.
Black men are raping animals either that or white women are stupid coal burners who got burned
Those white women most likely deserved it.
Pay the tole.
To rape a niggress you have to be:
>a rapist, duh
> into bestiality
>secretly (or not) gay
>willing to fight said animal until its complete submission
>having a good night-vision (unless you're acting in broad daylight, which is unlikely)
So yeah, I'm not surprised at all if stats show those numbers.
It's amusing to observe someone with such a primitive level of rhetoric and discourse offer up moral value judgments on the "savagery" of races and nations.
I'm an American on extended holiday. Carry on.
I always cite these stats. Say it to a leftie and they'll immediately block you.
I love how dindus will still argue that they are the most oppressed people in the US when it's their men who are raping black AND white women left right and centre.
does anyone have the link to FBI crime statistics rape by ethinicity?
How the fuck is there NO reported cases of white on black rapes. Sure, I'd never fuck a chimp, but you'd think that there's at least a handful of white rapists in this country with jungle fever
I distinctly remember a white police officer being convicted of personally raping like 10 black women
You disinfographic is bullshit
According to this women, rapists are men with the lowest level of SMV (Sexual Market Value). They rape because it is the only way they can propagate their genes to the next generation (because they are ugly, unintelligent, or lack resources, and thus are generally unwanted by the opposite sex):
So according to this theory, white men don't rape black women because they are evolutionarily hard-wired to not want to pass on their genes via this race. And whites who do willingly mate with black women may only be doing so because they have been socially engineered to believe it is a beneficial reproductive strategy (i.e., can improve their social status via altruistic self-sacrifice and virtue-signaling to liberal society as a whole).
Am I reading into things too much here?
Because niggers dont bitch when they breed with superior genes. when niggers rape its because they are apes, and women dont like to be raped by fucking disgusting animals.
It happens
black women just don't report it as much
Ah, yes. The asian guy passed as white for dramatic effect
ugly girl-man-ape-fakehairs looking,
better go rape a monkey in a zoo (im pointing at you germoney)
>a white police officer
Daniel Holtzclaw wasn't white you terd, he was a fucking chink mongrel who liked raping sheboons.
>I always cite these stats. Say it to a leftie and they'll immediately block you.
That's because liberalism is a religion, and contrarian facts are thus a heresy. It's like telling Christians in the medieval era that our planet is round, or that the sun orbits around the earth. You're lucky that they merely block you, instead of burning you at the stake!
He was an Asian halfu.
>How the fuck is there NO reported cases of white on black rapes.
Because the black women consider it a gift from the master race, and are happy to keep silent and enjoy the fruit of the seed they have been blessed with?
George Zimmerman was "white," too.
Hey did you guys know that black men are actually more likely to be serial killers and spree killers than whites when considering population differences?
Funny how the liberals ignore these realities.
It's not rape if they liked it.
>they are ugly, unintellegent, or lack resources
You just described niggers.
If you grew up in the hood, you'd realize most black girls have their first sexual eperience in the 9-13 years old range.
Usually with a male relative or other Nan that is 18+.
When a black man goes on a 'date' with a woman, consent for sex is considered understood at the point you do any one or more of the following:
>agreed to the date
>got in his car
>allowed him in to your home
>went in to his home
>accepted a drink
>openly flirted
>took his flirting positively
I know 3 women personally that have been gang raped by niggers (that were white). Two of them as minors (age 12 and 14).
White people can't rape black people. That's what I heard, something to do with privilege?
To be fair, the chart from the Bureau of Justice Statistics that OP's pic is taken from would lead one to those numbers, except the original data itself is questionable.
Those asterisks mean a sample size of "less than 10", from which they've extrapolated the entire population of 47000 people.
Also note that for black women, there is a much higher percentage of "don't know" answers.
I'd expect the white on black number to be lower, but I really don't think it would be zero.
White women are much more numerous than black women.
Also, I'm looking through the document right now, but I can't find that number anywhere.
Their dicks can't get hard.
Mainstream sex research--and this doesn't mean that it's necessarily correct--suggests that rape is merely a form of exertion of power and has nothing to do with reproduction.
fake stats
bestiality is gross
The video I linked to above argues that the opposite is true: That rape is a last-resort reproductive strategy of the genetically desperate. Of course, this is probably only at the subconscious level, in most cases.
Here is a study. Go to page 6 for racial breakdown.
Blacks began to outpace whites from 1990, which is to say, after the first "Great Society" generation had come of age. Is there a connection between the welfare state (increased fatherlessness in the black community) and the spike in black serial killers?
>why have AA women let themselves go
1.) Welfare checks and baby daddies.
a.) Pop out babies from jailbird dads who just want a fresh hole to fuck. No looks required, just easy-ness. Over time, breeds women who don't expect partners and men who are more animalistic and fuck and run.
b.) The state's welfare checks enable a woman to survive without a man but only if she produces more and more fodder AKA ghetto kids
2.) Poverty/nutrition as a result of 1
a.) Poverty as a result of having to take care of 20 Tyrone the nths causes weight gain due to lack of dietary requirements being met, forcing body into survival state
b.) Over time, black men see fat black women to be more capable female rearers of children (kids have food) and so the problem compounds itself
The cycle you describe seems dysgenic. Since welfarism is enabled largely by the Democrats, would you say the Democrats are intentionally trying to dumb down the black race in America and leave them as retarded and helpless as possible?
If our economy collapses, which is likely to happen soon, and the welfare state can no longer sustain itself, huge numbers of the African-American community are likely to literally die in very short order.
It's simple.
The black man's passion is mistaken for aggression. White men could be raping black women without her knowing it. ALSO, it happens wayyyy too often that a white girl gets involved in sexual stuff consensually but then gets drunk, feels degraded afterward and tries to pull the rape card. They know that they have this power. There was a time they got innocent black men killed for fun just because they had that power.
ta-da! You just figured out the Grand Scheme.
>Not Knowing that openly KKK loving Dems existed as recently as 2002 (Strom Thurmond and Robert Byrd)
that's bs, what about that cop that raped the black
So from an evolutionary perspective, a white woman in ovulation would hook up with a black man who is alpha and sexually aggressive because she is hard-wired to find such men to offer the best genetic material for her offspring, but then later on social stigma and shame would induce her to cry "rape" as a way of absolving herself. In other words, we have the classic conflict between nature (evolution) and society (nurture).
>Black women have more testosterone and have larger frames so are more than likely to fight back.
This, rapist are opportunist, no opportunity when Shaniqua beats your ass