This is the most fascinating country in the world. Period.
Also 10 Secrets North Korea Doesn't want you to know.
American defector to North Korean (Korean War) documentary
This is the most fascinating country in the world. Period.
Also 10 Secrets North Korea Doesn't want you to know.
American defector to North Korean (Korean War) documentary
Other urls found in this thread:
North Korea is only fascinating if you're never been there. It is the most ethnically and culturally homogenous nation on earth, ergo the most monotone and least diverse. How is that at all "fascinating" or "interesting?
The control.
I've seen the Dresnok one before. It's strange that his White sons who you see in it speak Korean as a first language in a strong Northern accent.
The simple fact that this much control is theoretically possible to exert over an entire population makes one ponder to what extent they are controlled in their own country.
The lower orders there are well-controlled and live in a sort of primitive, feudal time-warp. The elites have more freedom and do what they want, the higher the status or wealth they have. In other words, it's somewhat like the exact opposite of the US, where the elites are highly policed with "politically correct" thought control and the lower orders just fuck and engage in all manner of degeneracy, and think pretty much whatever they want without any consequence.
I wonder how aware North Koreans are of their actual situation? Do they realize they are subjected to propaganda? Because if they don't realize it, then theoretically it seems that we could all be in a similar situation.
10 things North Korea does better than the US.
The same could be said about us Americans, though.
Have you SEEN North Korean propaganda??
Indonesian Muslim and his wife getting halal street food in Pyongyang:
He has a bunch of vids.
I love watching material on North Korea, its surreal how Orwellian they are.
Anyone remember a few years ago watching their state TV broadcasts here on 4chin using the streaming links for VLC media player? Those were great.
thats not real you idiot
it's a troll video from a youtuber named Alun Hill (reposted by someone else) who makes a bunch of shitpost NK themed vids with clickbait titles
I've always been interested to visit Pyongyang someday. My family were friends with Kim Il Sung.
They probably think they live a good life and that anything that may befall them is necessary to stop the US.
i dunno
nothing there made me more interested in them. especially the american defector, jumpiing the fence isn't exactly a difficult thing to do and all it seemed he was saying was 'it wasn't so bad',
it looks like a poor SEA tier country. big fucking deal. wonder what happens when they get a leader finally too weak to keep juche together
I'd definitely be curious to visit; but if you actually wanted to see anything real instead of what your state appointed handler wanted you to see then you'd be risking your ass.
Just seeing their propagandized depiction of themselves would still be interesting though.
Clip related, one of their cartoons.
It really raises the question of what is objectively true though. What is propaganda and what is truth? Does objective truth even exist? In North Korea, they would say the truth is whatever their glorious leader says it is. I chose to say the truth is the word of God and Jesus Christ. Some atheist say objective proof is whatever science can prove.
Here's a clip from a North Korean film where American POWs play the American villains.
>What is propaganda and what is truth
well the believing your dictator to be a sun god with absolute power over life and death would be a pretty good place to start that discussion
>I chose to say the truth is the word of God and Jesus Christ
how do you find similarity in how you think and how norks think and still don't somehow realize that what you believe might actually be bullshit
Because it works for me.
>Because it works for me.
well that's pretty fucking mindless
Likewise, after watching some of this Korean propaganda, can you definitively say that we put a man on the moon?
>I wonder how aware North Koreans are of their actual situation?
Again, it depends on their social status. Party members, along with their progeny, are often able to travel outside the country, where they can access the Internet and observe alternative societies and make the inevitable comparisons.
I have been to the DPRK half a dozen times myself, by the way.
you're right fuckass, cultures can only be interesting if they're mashed together in a cramped, urban hellhole. im glad you reminded me because i almost thought for a second that I could appreciate an asian culture without it being forcibly imported by the local government and forced into a skeezy ghetto a few blocks over
>can you definitively say that we put a man on the moon?
you didn't. the USSR had you by the balls so america went with the hollywood route
What the poster said was that North Korea is "the most fascinating" country in the world, and I think that is an overly subjective and even falsifiable statement. For example, on every level I would say that Japan is far more "fascinating" than North Korea.
Are you lost, little snowflake? Fuck off back to Redbait or Huffy Poo already.
If only we'd left something on the moon that proves we were there......Oh wait, we did....
lol you just proved for me that objectively the moon landing happened
as in there's evidence for it that can be replicated even by me tonight
unlike kim jung 2nd being god or jesus ever existing
out fuckin skilled
>For example, on every level I would say that Japan is far more "fascinating" than North Korea.
Nah. The curtain over the country, limited information, zombie-like populous and constant threats of annihilation add a unique and piquant flavor to the Nork culture that is unmatched in the world. The mystique and forbidden nature absolutely add to the charm. Yes, they are just shitty gooks, however they are interesting to monitor shitty gooks.
You are also falsely equating "culture" with "country". I think that is our major disagreement here.
>number 6
>shutting down 40 websites
l33t haxorz
I think I qualified in my initial post that it is exceedingly fascinating only if you have never been there, because of the obvious allure and mystery of the "forbidden." But like I said, I have been there many times, so I can objectively compare it with other countries around the world.
For example, if you are not North Korean, it is illegal for you to have sexual relations with a North Korean woman. In contrast, Japan offers a smorgasbord of sexual delights for the visiting gaijin. So just in that one aspect, the realm of sex, Japan is objectively more "fascinating" than North Korea. Other examples could be proffered quite easily.
It's true. North Koreans kidnap women from around the world to give to westerners who are temporarily staying there or are there on business.
This woman was kidnapped from Thailand and given to an East German diplomat in Pyongyang.
You can't replicate it unless you have a photon laser.
>Thinking North Koreans don't have their own show that parallels our Myth Busters.
But my point isn't so much that the moon landing didn't happen. It may have, but it also may not have. My point is that theoretically we could be deceived on a mass scale through propaganda and indoctrination.
2013, i member
South Korea's more interesting rn to be honest.
That said, I have been with North Korean women myself. But it is extremely risky and dangerous, especially for the relatives of the woman you attempt to hook up with.
Another country where it is even more dangerous is Saudi Arabia, where fathers have no problem killing their daughters and leaving their naked bodies to rot in the dessert if they dare to even consort with a non-relative male before marriage.
So in terms of the sheer thrill and danger of illicit sex, North Korea does not even come in at first place.
>tfw there's a lot of porn of this
Not a hebe (thank god).
Most South Koreans would defect to the North:
Most DPRK "defectors" are frauds:
No evidence of death camps in the DPRK:
South Korea's death camps no one is talking about:
Are you an Asian? If so, is it true most Asian countries believe America is controlled by the Jews?
I'd like to visit NK sometime, just out of curiosity.
Yeah, I thought it would be likely that at least some of those DPRK defectors would be frauds serving the purpose of anti South Korean propaganda.
Sorry, North* Korean.
>Most South Koreans would defect to the North:
Umm, just because they might want to leave the country does not mean they would opt to live in the North. I think the US, the UK, France, Australia and The Philippines are preferred destinations.
A couple of decades ago, a few South Korean leftists may have wanted to "defect" to the North, but most are not nearly so naive or clueless these days.
Yeonmi Park is most certainly an actress. Her accent is NOT from Pyongyang but sounds 100% like a Seoul accent. She's also changed her story dozens of times.
Just don't steal a poster of the glorious leader, or else you'll end up like this guy serving 15 years of hard labor.
I'm a white boy, and I take no crap, when I lay down my, white rap.
Many Asians do believe in Jew Supremacy, because they are realists and pragmatists at the end of the day.
He should have gotten thirty years. He is an absolute embarrassment and disgrace to all Americans.
Yeah, I've heard that Asians admire Jews for their thrifty ways. Wouldn't surprise me, I've heard Jews are an asiatic race. I've also heard they sacrifice children and put them in our mcdonalds burgers. So I'm not exactly sure what to believe at this point regarding them.
Did you watch the video? Literally everything South Koreans want can be given to them by the North. Of course they're not going to say it because they could be arrested and tortured for treason.
Do you have any more conspiracy theories?
I didn't feel too bad for him. Seemed like a bit of a douche. Probably thought he was pretty funny and slick. I wish we punished people more for lack of respect in America.
The Han Chinese are often called the Jews of the East. The good point about East Asia is that Jews have yet to establish a strong presence there. They have abused the good graces of white America for long enough, and I predict another program is on the horizon. I am not joking, either.
Nope, that's pretty much my favorite one. Blood libel in general.
Yeah, he's lucky they didn't send him to one of the Concentration Camps like Camp 14. He got off easy with easy labor.
Well, I know that Jews in New York are serving as headhunters for American teachers. I almost signed up for teaching abroad in China until I did some research and found out that I would essentially be teaching illegally on a tourist visa.
You're a lying nigger. Prove it.
>this cchannel
>made the same video
Jews obiously hate best korea because communism means ultimate neutrality and the destruction of all other ideas like zionism.
really maks you think
I have many South Korean friends. They all think North Korea is a joke, on par with the most underdeveloped African nation.
For a start, South Koreans spend 18-20 hours per day on their damn smartphones. They would literally go into withdrawal and die if they had to go even a day or two without being able to mainline the Internet at all hours of the night and day.
>white rap.
North Korea might really be a utopia, and our governments are all lying about them and demonizing them so we don't defect. There is no real proof otherwise.
Look at how much our government lies to us. After something as insane as Pizzagate, can we really believe anything they say?
>then theoretically it seems that we could all be in a similar situation
quick test to find out actually matters y or n?
2.political world map is real y or n? market is real y or n?
4.organised religions are real y or n?
5.official history is accurate as much as it can be y or n?
6.we are slaves with hidden self imposed chains y or n?
More of the kid who got 15 years hard labor for stealing a poster.
Kid still doesn't understand that Asians don't give a shit if you cry and beg for forgiveness.
Funny thing though, his lawyer coached him to spin the narrative of the US government manipulating him to steal a poster. What a strange drama.
>Slaves with hidden self imposed chains
How would you know if they're hidden?
>North Korea might really be a utopia, and our governments are all lying about them and demonizing them so we don't defect. There is no real proof otherwise.
I have been there many times. You can go yourself if you have the dosh. Don't be a retard, friendo. North Korea really is a fucked-up basketcase. Yes, they have managed to stand up to "US imperialism" for many decades now, but at the cost of anally dildoing their entire society.
>implying the sanctions don't exist
He was a Christian zealot and possibly a spook. Let him rot. He earned it.
doing things you don't want to do without being forced is one of the signs
Then I would answer "yes".
You really think he was a Christian?
Someone in the Youtube comment section remarked how they thought it was possible that he was coached to offer up that prayer to prove to the North Koreans the futility of his (and my) God.
Then again, a lot of people instinctively pray with genuine care when they are faced with a stressful situation
>You really think he was a Christian?
Well, he was definitely played by Christians in the US, who offered him cash to do what he did. Many church groups are constantly trying to fuck with and destabilize North Korea. There was some leaf in Dandong, right on the border with North Korea, who had a cafe that basically served as a front for proselytizing to North Koreans in China (I met him a few times myself). The Chinese finally arrested him and tossed him in jail for "anti-state" activities. I'm not sure what happened to him, but he's probably still locked up.
Christians offered him cash to steal a poster?
I'm not following, sorry. You think they really offered him money to do that? That doesn't sound like the Christian thing to do.
Oh, wow, you're right actually. He was stealing it for an acquaintance who wanted to hang it in her church. If that's true, those people are retarded.
I can't remember the details, but I think they promised to give him a car, or pay off some loans, or some such. It's easy to find via Google, I'm sure.
>On camera, Warmbier said he stole the propaganda poster on behalf of a member of the Friendship United Methodist Church in Wyoming, Ohio, who wanted it "as a trophy." In exchange, he would receive a used car worth $10,000.
I'm sure there's more to the story. He was also connected to a secret society at his university in Virginia. I wonder if he was being "groomed" for the intelligence community.
That's the narrative, the used car bit and something to do with his sick parents.
I find it really hard to believe though. I think he was just drunk and the North Koreans just spun it to make the American government look bad. Obtaining a used car would be something that North Koreans would think is a huge deal seeing as something like 10 out of every 1000 people drive there.
Ever heard of Cultural Marxism you utter retard
Multiculturalism is an asset of Communism. Since the end goal of communism is global control.
>implying it's not a jewish-born creation
He was also connected with "Z Society," a secret society at his university. Stealing the banner may have been a test to gain entry into the group.
The way he dressed and presented himself, like a classic frat dork, he seemed to want to gain membership to the preppy or establishment elite.
At least they can sleep at night.
Anyone got a link for DPRK TV? The old one doesn't work anymore.
>North Korea has better animators than America at this point
CalArts needs a firebombing.
>American defector to North Korean (Korean War)
>the kid who got 15 years hard labor for stealing a poster.
Can't wait 'till China fucks up and tries to challenge the US military.
That will be a perfect excuse to take out these sick fucks, who would sentence a bright young man to 15 years for stealing a poster, across the first levels of conflict.
I have nothing against civilians, but it would be smart for the DPRK to return the boy before Trump takes office, or the "Glorious Leader" faggot is wormbait.
any info/video of this?
This really needs to stop
>TV broadcasts
they are on Youtube now
>18 posts
DPRK agent?
>Was he a big guy?
>Yeah, he was a real big guy