Sup Forums Pet Peeves

LOUD eaters. Holy fuck people who smack and gulp and chug what the fuck is wrong with people.

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lmfao in public i dont make any noise, actually i just normally dont

i know it pisses you off so whenever you show up i do it

also when they say mmmmmm

it's an alpha thing. You wouldn't know.



>it's a rollMike cuck


>people who add subwoofers to their car
>people who say "acrost" instead of "across"
>people who make me wait in line while they buy lottery tickets as the gas station

that shit you said OP is 100% fucking maddening and my brother does that shit. it's like we were raised in separate households. and he always fucking talks with his mouth open while he's chewing shit. what the fuck?

r a r e

White women who cut their hair in a bob. You're not Asian, it's not going to work.

I can't help it, alright?!


You guys have a medical disorder.

People that are not friends with other people because they share different views

some people cant help it man. You are not going to be chewed properly and that's how it is going to be


>everything is a medical disorder, claim disabled, reap benefits

Sounds like a gook saying I'm a phony.


i suffer as you suffer, op.

Agree 100%

>people who make me wait in line while they buy lottery tickets as the gas station

That bothers you? Compared to when they hold up the line by scratching the tickets right at the counter and having the clerk cash them out and/or buy even more if they get a winner?

Oh jeeze, those "people" are the worst.
People buying cigarettes and chew are also terrible.

What did he mean by this?

Me too, that's why I listen to music or podcasts a lot of the time when commuting and need a sound machine when I sleep.


People who post without reading the rules

Yeah I have a medical disorder of hating sub humans who can't eat properly. My ex sounded like you were dumping a bag of chunky jello in a garbage disposal housed in a 50 gallon drum

God Sally is such an ugly excuse for a lesbian. Fucking hell she could make gay woman straight, would not surprise me in the least if she got some girls back on dick.
She is equally stupid as she is ugly in the face of a true woman like Ann.

More like i can't stand disgusting people without the common decency to eat like a civilized person for a few fucking minutes under most circumstances its not like you didnt eat for a few days fuck

>Being annoyed by someone who chews with their mouth open and gulps loudly and smacks their lips when they eat is a medical disorder
>Being a humongous inconsiderate impolite barbarian at the dinner table that slurps and chugs and gulps and smacks and breathes heavily when they eat ISN'T a medical disorder
The inmates are running the asylum.