Women have a harder time in the workplace than men

women have a harder time in the workplace than men

That's just not realistic, and will never happen.
Same way people can't always take sick leaves.

>we should all have the same rights!
>we should be held to different standards!

make up your minds

>what is birth control?

Seriously, there is a way to prevent periods -- if it bothers you so much just get some pills

equal opportunity calculates with disability

It's true though, but it should be forced menstrual leave

>taking the oral jew
>artificial hormone that literaly changes how you think

>hire feminists and put them all on menstrual leave
>menstrual leave is 365 days and unpaid

okay, you go ahead and take one week off per month, and to compensate for that we'll pay you 75% of what we pay men who don't take that week off. Fair?

Im so fucking thankful I work in a trade and not around a single woman.

>our ancestors let women vote, work, and "think"

How do we right these wrongs, guys?


Come on, offer them menstrual leave, paid if possible. I wonder if anyone ever hire a woman after that.

Intelligence is inherited by both parents.
Dumb women mean every generation dumbed down.

this is good maybe they will stay in the kitchen and learn to enjoy baby making and stop deluding themselves that work is something to aspire to

>Obama presses Trump on cybersecurity

FUCK THIS. Obama spent the last 8 year literally refusing to LIFT A FUCKING FINGER to do ANYTHING about cybersecurity and NOW he wants to talk some bullshit.

Fuck this asshole. He is the reason why me and 35 million other people had ALL of their personal info & fingerprints stolen by the Chinese, Russians, Iranians, and god knows who else. And that's just in the PAST YEAR. This faggot is the reason why my 70 year old mother keeps getting IRS scam calls from some fucking Pajeet. This faggot is the reason why hiring for ANY federal contractors has come to a halt, because even the fucking janitor has to go through the background check system COMPROMISED BY CHINA.

Fucking asshole. The only thing he should "press" is a fucking pistol to his own temple.


>women get menstral leave

Its like marxist clockwork.

Are you retarded? The pill doesn't stop periods.

it does if you take them constantly and don't take the fake pills.

So, we gotta stop dumb people from reproducing.

>asians with red framed glasses

my #1 fetish

next thing will be women just shouldn't work

>working at job
>trying to complete project by a deadline with a team
>female co-worker leaves work and the rest of you have to finish it yourselves while she sits at home and gets paid at least once a month

i would be fucking livid. also that's a spectacular way to make sure women are hired or paid less.