This is the best a rockefeller could get?

This is the best a rockefeller could get?

You dont marry the pretty ones Le'monjello Al-Quebeci

Even rich men should marry in the same league looks-wise. Bad things happen if you don't, as the woman feels she is basically using you for money and could do better if it weren't for your bank account.

Maybe he actually likes her for her personality


Daily reminder that some Papua New Guinea cannibals ate one of them

This is the best a rothchild could get?

>Le'monjello Al-Quebeci

she's pretty cute, dont know what you guys are on about.

they look like brother and sister

She's okay. Not a smokeshow, but not an eyesore either.

Those people always look to marry people whose families have a lot of wealth/influence

Like how one of the Rothschilds married a woman who's basically going to inherit the Guinness brewing company.

She's qt

That was some pretty insane shit desu senpai

She's cute, what's the problem? I mean she's not going to win a beauty pageant but cute is a good word for her.

She's cute

Also do you have any idea how hard it is to find a girl that's cute and is not a complete cunt

A cute girl who is a decent person is worth a million girls who are beautiful but shit people

well, you'd want a high iq woman idiot.. and this blonde does look very smart.

>You dont marry the pretty ones

this guy understands


If she was hot model the OP would be:
>Rockfeller is definitely getting KEKED by his wife!!!!

Looks like his sister. probably a cousin or something.

Good taste

it's his wife

Why do you guys advise against marrying pretty women

she looks cute tho

She probably has a huge dick.


are you an ugly chick too? is this how you know these things?

Blonde, white, smart, conservative, not Muslim, not obese... you do know this is a 1 in 1,000 shot in America these days?