Now that mariJUANa is legal in california

Now that mariJUANa is legal in california

What does that mean for drug tests

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nothing, just like you can fail one for alcohol and still be denied the job or violate your probation.

What this guy said
Idiot use ur head

I don't know but apparently medicinal cannabis users cannot obtain a firearm per a ruling upheld by supreme court recently??
can anyone shed a little more light on that for me please?


Doesn't exist. Chick had scoliosis.

I wish sauce existed.

Private Businesses can still ask for a drug test and refuse to hire you if they don't want their employees on illicit drugs. Since its still illegal on a federal level you'll also get rejected for a government job if you test positive.


There is a new version of the 4473 (form used for purchasing firearm/instant background check) that clarifies the state of the law regarding it. Still illegal for marijuana users of any kind to buy a weapon that requires you filling out a 4473. So any weapon from a federal firearms dealer licensee

In my state if you have a medical marijuana card your forfeit your right to get your ccw. If recreational marijuana is legal, I can't see how they would track users.

It doesn't matter in Cali, you basically can't get a ccw regardless.

a quick google search might yield the same article I saw. seemed dubious clickbait but you never know these days

You don't even have to smoke or have ever used cannabis. Simply owning a card permitting you to buy and use cannabis makes it illegal to buy and own a gun.

Imagine being prescribed an opiate and just by being prescribed, you forfeit all of your firearm rights. You never even possessed or took any.

The DEA and the courts are playing shady tricks to keep people legally prescribed an actual medication from exercising their constitutionally protected rights.

The DEA refused to reschedule marijuana from a class 1 substance, and skipped the regular input from actual medical doctors before their decision.

alcohol is our of your system within days

mariJUANa can stay in it for weeks in your fat cells

Can you explain your reasoning to me?

>Question 11’s section “e” now includes a clarification. “Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it’s been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside,” it reads.

It means that businesses know who not to hire even more so now.

state laws do not trump federal, dumbass. it is still illegal

>It doesn't matter in Cali, you basically can't get a ccw regardless.
lol I know this to be true although my county is "shall issue" but I am not looking into ccw

I was more concerned about what said. If I went to purchase a firearm my name would be flagged because I have had a mmj card before? what if I don't currently have it? that seems like some real motherfucking infringement to me considering a few of the founding fathers liked cannabis as well

okay thanks user. if this is true I have officially no faith in this god forsaken country anymore. I don't even care that Trump won and normies are pissed off. fuck this fucking faggot show

>If I went to purchase a firearm my name would be flagged because I have had a mmj card before?

I doubt it. Medical records don't get you entered into the National Criminal Instant Background Check system. Only crimes and involuntary commitments for mental health reasons do.

This is only enforceable if you willingly disclose you have a medical marijuana card, or use marijuana.

No, it is current use/possession of marijuana. to see the actual question on the form.

Everyone be sure to mention this infringement often.

Remember when Florida passed a law barring doctors from asking if their patients have guns, and the leftists called it dangerous?

The government is using our medical records directly to bar people from owning firearms. This is definite proof of that happening.

So what does that change? Yes you can more easily fail for weed, you always have been able to. Making it legal doesn't change the amount of time it takes to clean out of your system.

change as in applying for a job lol

if you test positive, do they now go "it's just w33d duuude"?


The reasoning is that companies don't want degenerate potheads or drunks, even if their last session is weeks ago.

companies operate all over the country, they're not going to have separate drug policies for different states. nothing has changed

so I simply check NO because there is literally no such thing as a marijuana "addict" and gun laws outside of the 2A are infringements by definition?

thanks a lot user. this is good to know!

They have no way of knowing if you were issued a MJ card. You can tick "No" and no one would know.

The only way you could ever be prosecuted for this is if for some reason the police raided your house and found guns and marijuana, or a marijuana card.

Even then, it wouldn't have anything to do with the sale.

So can i get still get a gun in california if i medical card??? asking for a friend


to be completely fair, marijuana is a degenerate substance, and this could be the first step in ridding the lessor races (and cucked whites) of dangerous firearms. Just saying.

Yes, if you lie on the form. You won't be found out.


Check no if you can answer the question without lying. If you're not using mj (medical or otherwise) or other banned substances currently, then you should be good.

yeah that's all well off user. I was paranoid for a moment that the prop215 system was turning over mmj users to the state via background checks or something. I would honestly feel like that is totalitarian police state shit not the soft-core 1984 shit we got going on now

>In other news the DEA and all other government organizations are corrupt and shitty

a marijuana addict doesn't exist user. has never existed. that legislation seems flawed to say the least

>Can you explain your reasoning to me?

>Want a job?
Don't do drugs.

>Want to keep your job?
Don't do drugs.

Just because something is legal doesn't mean companies won't have policies for termination revolving around use/abuse.

"I can quit anytime I want maaan, I just don't want to even though I have a job interview and drug test in a month" is addiction

Just because its legal statewide, that doesn't mean its not still illegal federally. So government jobs, cable companies, ect, can still fire you for testing positive for marijuana if they so choose.

DUI's are going to be a thing. Alcohol is nice and predictable, not to mention easily measurable through a breathalyzer. I'm sure it will adapt eventually, but it might suck for a while.

what do you do to combat lonelyness and boredom?

besides shi tpost on Sup Forums

Doesn't matter, it is use OR addiction. Don't buy a gun through an ffl if you have an mmj card

>job interview scheduled a month in advance


>Can you explain your reasoning to me?

Well clearly he's pointing out that it's up to the employer whether or not he's willing to accept a marijuana smoker as an employee or not. As the applicant you aren't entitled to the job, unless you're black.

>tfw you start your job hunt and immediately get hired
Well, not for me. It took me a while.

I prefer to be alone so this isn't an issue. My problem is I make friends incredibly easily despite my desire to be alone.

Hobbies. I find new things to learn even if there's no end goal other than I find it interesting.

>Don't buy a gun through an ffl if you have an mmj card

MMJ cards are HIPAA protected medical records. The police can't know you have one unless you say so.

>Apply for a job
>Ok candidate, come back in a month and we'll interview you
>Why not now or a week from now?

I have never once been tested for any of the jobs I have worked at. Not that that has anything to do with being addicted to a controlled substance but I wouldn't expect a europoor to know that
how about you eat my dick?

don't be vague nigga gimmie some ideas before i fall back into masturbation and video games everyday

got dank books, youtube videos to check out?

>>Apply for a job
>>Ok candidate, come back in a month and we'll interview you

No, apply for a job/some jobs and wait a month until somebody bites and says "let's have an interview in 3 days".

Yes, but still technically a felony because you would be lying on the form, just a lower chance of being caught. If he got stopped/searched/raided the police could easily charge. He can do whatever he wants though, he's a big guy

It'll be like the other places. Companies still can drug test and fire you for testing positive.

The thing I'm interested in watching, is how this plays out legally with people who are LEGALLY prescribed marijuana to treat illnesses. There was an NFL guy that got in trouble for that. Seems like there's a case for discrimination here somehow.

>If he got stopped/searched/raided the police could easily charge

Stopped and searched in public and they find marijuana, and he's in California, they're likely to do nothing if he has his card on him.

I doubt he's carrying in public in California.

You have to do something really blatant to get a search warrant for your house.

I don't have anything specific to read or watch. Just try to think of things maybe you've always wanted to do and find ways to do it.

Learn how to use GIMP or a similar program. Edit videos. Learn programming. Think of a food you enjoy and learn different ways to prepare it. Basically whatever you do, even if it ends in failure, is still something learned.