
Welcome to /mlg/ - Marxism-Leninism general.
This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.
Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.
What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:
>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.
>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.
>To acheive such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.
ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:
It is reccomended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.

Other urls found in this thread:




Hello Comrades!

Long live the revolution.

Reminder that capitalism is obsolete and communism is the only way forward.

Capitalist swines must hang.



Seriously, go back to 8gag you goddamn petrol huffing abbo commie.

whos the 2nd guy from the left?



>ITT: ugly failures of people who want to take out their insecurity on normal, decent looking, successful people

Frederich Engels

But I have always been on Sup Forums. Probably longer than you.

>GDP goes up and fills pockets of the most richets
>wages remain stagnant

>calls us ugly

Capitalist swine.

>politically incorrect
>communism, something that is taught in the brainwashing institutions known as universities

I would like to thank you for helping fight our Nazi problem. Your threads are so fucking dumb that I don't know how anyone leaning or sympathetic to National Socialism could ever expect to make the socialism part work after reading one of these threads.

Fuck off commie

Engels, Marx's friend and collaborator who actually wrote a lot of the founding documents of Marxism. He spoke like 21 languages or something and also took part in the German revolution of 1848.

>wages remain stagnant
Thank the left for opening the borders and importing cheap labour.

Theres nothing wrong with getting educated on communist literature. It would certainly help you.

GTFOut of Sup Forums


>the left
oh remind how raegan and all the bushes were communist?

>wages remain stagnant
you probably deserve it for being such an ugly piece of shit!

wages remain stagnant
>implying you get paid


Not an argument.

>being so butthurt no one gives a shit about your political fairy tales you come to Sup Forums looking to attach you faggot ass to a successful counter culture

Yep, it's commies. When the dregs think they can take the success of others for themselves lol.



>communism politically incorrect


Thank instead the capitalist oligarchs not giving a fuck about the people and viewing them as cattle.

>not employed
communism wont fix your pathetic existence

That graph doesn't clarify on anything specific about income, which go in futher detail about education, health and socio-economies disadvantages. Try again?

> muh fully stocked shelves
pure bourshurgersoie ideology

>politically incorrect

take this commie shit to reddit where it belongs

post your face, I bet you're 5/10 tops.

It must suck being the ugly ducking, huh? Do you have a girlfriend? You betcha capitalist chad does--by definition, anyone who has a girlfriend has the means for production, and are capitalists. Maybe that's why most communists in the West are single white autistic men who live with their parents?

>not a literal ponzi scheme of monetary policy pushed by a corrupt central bank that wants to destroy national identity

Hurr, keep bitching about "rich people", while those that wield influence drag you around by the nose.

>Instead lets just throw away all our stock of surplus food, while millions are starving in the world

Daily reminder than capitalist scum only care about enriching themselves and don't care about the overall well-being of society, beyond suppressing revolutionary sentiment.

Say that to my face, bucko. Pic related me.

I'm a proud national bolshevik. What are you? A fat LARPER on a cambodian tapestry board?


>That graph doesn't clarify on anything specific about income, which go in futher detail about education, health and socio-economies disadvantages. Try again?

What does any of that have to do with the fact that you basically just want to take all the white man's money and give it to the black man?



Mods already replied and this thread is allowed to stay.

Join the right side.

Are you not aware the fawning of these character is a form of idolatry and therefore an abomination before Allahu? Is it not apparent to you that this waifuism is a practition of those who lead astray from Allahu's light? Was it not revealed to you by the prophet Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad, peace be upon him, that one does not put idols before Allahu? Is it not a fact that your own prophet said to put your worship of Allahu before any other thing, such as it was preached among Moses? It was once said by one of the prophets sent by Allahu "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.". We are the sword with which Allahu delivers his divine punishment unto the world. Through his guiding hand, we set upon a journey to spread his light to the kafir, as did prophets before Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad, peace be upon him.

Why do you live this life as a kafir, for punishment is given to those who deny the light of Allahu. Give unto yourself the change required to live the virtuous life as is intended by Allahu. Destroy this worship of false idols and give into yourself the light that is Islam.

The white man is already taking billions and billions of handouts and free bailouts from the taxpayer, like in 2008 during the financial crisis.
Most Goldman Sachs executives are white.

>being this bluepilled

Communists are against SJWs because SJWs divide the working class.

When America and an Atomic bomb cucks you so hard you lose your warrior spirit and turn into a degenerate race of pedophiles and socially inept neets arguing for the very thing that would destroy your society.

Yes good Japanese goy can't have you being independent could we


Where is that idiot australian that was pointing to Angola as a socialist success story? I have some things I want to show him.

> Let's waste astronomical amounts of fuel shipping rotten cabbage to somalia
> Let's never participate in our local community, remain completely ignorant of food sharing efforts, such as supermarkets donating their excess stock to LOCAL meals on wheels for bed ridden old ladies with dementia, homeless shelters and the disabled. No, don't read the newspaper, become a comunist!

Gettin real tired of seeing your shit on our doorstep 4+Sup Forums

Maybe 50 years ago lol. Now they teach liberalism and identpol.

That thread is over a year old.





How convienient.

b-but evil communists!!!

hahahaha sting a little close to home, huh?

>I'm a proud national bolshevik.
the fact that you identify yourself by your ideology, and not, for example, your place in society, your place in your family, your place in the workforce, speaks volumes. You probably will lead a long, lonely life, devoid of any meaning, as your ideology inevitable doesn't gain any traction in Luxembourg and the nation continues to prosper under capitalism.

Me? I have a gf, a pretty large family (my brothers are my best friends) and am getting a degree in computer science.

this, commies ruin everything

The only good commie is .. ?

Not an argument

>being this new
commie threads have been here since /new/
go back to ledddit..

hello everyone has communism actually worked yet?

What's so great about redistributing the wealth? Doesn't it tend to fall into the hands of those who use it most wisely? I've seen too many niggers with those "hoberboard" things and brand new iPhones to bekeibe everyone spends money in a responsible way and the Uber rich put their money in places where its harder to tax right?

most of them are Jews.

What you want to do is take all the white man's money and give it to da poor black man because he's so oppressed and victimized, boo hoo! You're materially even more of a cuck than any Swede or German leftist, who have only effectively redistributed a much smaller portion than equal to the average to their refugees.

You're the same vermin.
You're still not welcome here.
Take it back to your own shithole.

>Most Goldman Sachs executives are white

Thats good friend. Join the right side. We all struggle in our dialy lifes. No need to make it harder for all of us by getting divided.

Together we can reach the stars. Pic related

become a comrade.

It is a good argument tho, because its a fact that its what happened.

>(((Goldman Sachs)))

Good channel:
Post other good ML channels (MRN need not apply)

You weren't welcome here then, you aren't now. Saged

Listen up, Sup Forums. This is just the beginning. Your days of fascist/extreme-right wing dicksucking is over. The extreme left is here. We're not SJWs. We're not even necessarily Communists. We're here to destroy and replace Capitalism, the true source of all evil.

When this is all over and done, Capitalists will hang from the fucking lampposts. This board won't become ours today, or tomorrow, or a week from now, or even a month. But every day, we become stronger as more people recognize that Capitalism is failing harder and harder every day.

The next recession will be the last. The days of Capitalism are coming to an end. From its ashes a glorious new world will rise.

who cares? Thats the beauty of free speech, all ideologies are welcome. You are new.

Prove me wrong

Good post comrade.
Communism will prevail and the proletariat will inherit the earth.

Every disappointed marxist is a leninist

Every disappointed leninist is a STALINIST

And when your retarded system inevitably fails it will be not real communism so you gotta try again, right? And then you try again and your retarded system still collapses...

how are they all jews? They are white
Mot banker execs are.


>the right side
>the side of the USSR, China, Cuba
>I know, the US isn't the "right" side either, but it's more palatable by far than any commie or socialist shithole I've ever heard of.

>We all struggle in our dialy lifes. No need to make it harder for all of us by getting divided.
well as long as your ideology explicitly prohibits me from being economically productive and earning more than Tyrone, no, I'm not going to join you.

Stale pasta faggot. Mussolini is coming for your whore family, your kind always failed and will always fail. Many countries saw the filth you put them through, my parents and grandparents fought you maggots and emerged successfully. You are nothing, never had been and never will, you just kill people out of spite of being subhumans, jealous apes who can't do anything .

Explain production efficiency when there are no market-generated prices.

>"Mises had argued in a seminal article published in 1920 that productive
efficiency was contingent on knowing the real prices of the factors of production,
since without such prices it would be impossible to know how to rationally
allocate resources. With all productive resources owned by a central
authority and in the absence of market-generated prices, the calculation of
real costs would be impossible and thus render production essentially random.
To these conclusions Hayek added the notion that the market was itself essentially
a discovery process providing information that would otherwise not exist
on the relative value of goods. This information, he contended, could only
be supplied by free markets since it was impermanent and widely dispersed
among a host of individuals, many of whom were not even aware that they
possessed any relevant knowledge, knowledge that emerged only as a product
of the market process itself."

Foreward to "The Consitution of Liberty", by FA Hayek


Invasion thread from fagchan.

>Listen up, Sup Forums. This is just the beginning. Your days of fascist/extreme-right wing dicksucking is over. The extreme left is here. We're not SJWs. We're not even necessarily Communists. We're here to destroy and replace Capitalism, the true source of all evil.

>When this is all over and done, Capitalists will hang from the fucking lampposts. This board won't become ours today, or tomorrow, or a week from now, or even a month. But every day, we become stronger as more people recognize that Capitalism is failing harder and harder every day.

>The next recession will be the last. The days of Capitalism are coming to an end. From its ashes a glorious new world will rise.

No you're not welcome here nor will you ever be you commie nigger.
This is why you try to have your little group therapy sessions this early in the morning because you think you'll get away with it without any backlash.
Go back to your leftypol circlejerks you meming faggots

Yeah comrade

>when that hegelian synthesis hits you

Well said Comrade.

Remember to sage

>Mussolini is coming for your whore family

Mussolini was killed because he was a failure, just like the rest of you Fascist imbeciles. You fascists will be the first to choke on the rope when we hoist you up high, high, high.

Of the nine(9) Goldman Sachs executive officers, seven(7) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 78%. Of the twelve(12) Goldman Sachs directors, six(6) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 50%. Of the thirty-three(33) Goldman Sachs management committee members, twenty(20) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 61%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the Goldman Sachs executive officers by a factor of 39 times(3,900 percent), over-represented on the Goldman Sachs board of directors by a factor of 25 times(2,500 percent), and over-represented on the Goldman Sachs management committee by a factor of 30.5 times(3,050 percent).


Not your own personal nazi safespace echochamber.


Isnt your country about to leave the EUSSR?

musolini was huge failue and retard who deserved it.