Why is Trump fighting the recount so hard?

What is going on here? If he feels secure about his victory, why would he care so much about the recount? If he deserves to win, logically it wouldn't change anything. Does he have something to hide?

The margin is already closing in Penn. Kind of interesting, huh?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because he's afraid. But it won't matter, he's far ahead in the electoral college. Even if Hillary gets Penn, she won't win.

Maybe because the dems are sneaky as fuck and there's people out there who'll stop at nothing to prevent him from taking office.

Because it will increase tensions. Both sides will think the other is trying to cheat the system

Because hillary conceded the results and now shes being a fucking indian giver. AND we know dems are capable of voter fraud on a massive scale.

Isn't it Jill Stein and not Hillary pushing for them? What have I missed?

>AND we know dems are capable of voter fraud on a massive scale.
What proof do you have of this?

That is correct. His post is immense bullshit.

I also found a good post on Sup Forums earlier.

>That was the brilliance of what the Trump campaign was doing. He refused to admit whether or not he'd accept the results of the election and flat out said that the election could be rigged to the point that he got Hillary, every establishment Democrat, the President himself and everyone who was supporting Hillary (not to mention journalists and a lot of Republicans) to come out and repudiate the idea of questioning the results of the election and saying that not accepting the results at face value was damaging to the fundamentals of Democracy. So now the shoe is on the other foot. Trump won and all of the people who were saying Trump would be killing America for questioning the results want to question the results but they aren't going to be screaming anything from the rooftops because they just spent 2 months bemoaning Trump for even considering the idea of a fraudulent election. Sure, Hillary supporters online will be cheering the idea of a recount as if it's going to be some eleventh hour saving of America from Hitler but nobody powerful in the party can really throw any weight behind the idea because they already full-throatedly attacked Trump when he said he might not accept the election results. If, on the other hand, when Trump said that they replied by saying "the default position should be to accept the results and assume that our election process worked as it should but if the election is close or something appears off then I think it's fair to ask some questions." They didn't say that though... they were sure Hillary was going to win.

The machines could have been rigged post vote. The security is not as tight after the vote. Only some one expecting a recount would secure them, and no one was.

Not true. It's tradition for the losing parties to concede once the election results come in, so Trump didn't do anything crafty or smart by not saying he would concede if he lost, Hillary was always going to concede.

Jill Sterin is working for Hillary.

That post
your head

He wanted to put the idea out there that the Dems are corrupt so he implied he wouldn't accept the results unless he won. Certainly conceding is a common thing but this baited the Dems into making a big stink about how he was the exception. So in the event that there is in fact a concern about the results, it played out in a way that made it impossible for them to complain without looking dumb. It was all a clever ruse to make it so that nobody would want to challenge the results if the Reps won but they definitely would if the Dems did.

And here's another post from another Sup Forums user that brings up another interesting point.

>Honestly, am I crazy for thinking Russia could have potentially been behind this? They're rumored to have a hand in our election, Putin hints at his fondness of Trump, Trump barely wins key swing states that he barely had any chance of winning 2 of but manages to win all 3, as soon as he wins the election Russia is already ecstatic and calling him (talking about how they can't wait to begin talks with the US), and then the report comes out that the Trump campaign had conversations with Russia throughout the election (even though he denied it). Now all of sudden we start to peak into possible foul play, and Trump is doing everything he can to stop it from going further. Does none of that sound the least bit suspicious?



Because he fears the fact that Hillary rigged the post-election ballots.

>Be Hillary
>Lose the election
>Have the ballots rigged in a few states
>only have time to rig a small number, so rig the closest wins
>have a recount via proxy Jill Stein so it doesn't look shady
>Stand behind Stein as she helps you recount the rigged votes
>win the election via rigged recount
>throw democracy and the USA into constitutional crisis

The left will blame the right for hacks the right will blame the left for post election rigging and all hell breaks loose, the only winners here are the jews (Bilderbergs) and globalists

Anti-drumpfkinfag here. He's doing it to continue his populistic strongman image and to keep to opposition at a clear distance and in the context of a fight which makes it easier for him to operate his populism and in general to deflect any issue.

Why are you anti-trump?
have you watched any of his old videos from the 80's and 90's? He has a sincere concern for America and our well being, he said some stupid things during the debates but it won him the vote. He said what he needed to say to save our country. He's not sexist or racist as you can see clear as day by researching him, so what is the reason to hate him?

>He has a sincere concern for America and our well being
>politician businessman

Either you're wrong and he's exactly like every other rat or you're right and he'll be killed before he can do anything lasting.

Sweden is cucked beyond repair, it's quite sad.

You really thought it was worthwhile to enter the discussion with this?

Im going to just leave this here.



Interesting because have you seen the latest articles? We're getting closer and closer to an automatic recount.

Russians only care about Russian interests. They don't act like the US in going out all over the world to go fuck other peoples things up just because it might benefit us down the road. The Russians only care about things within their sphere of influence. So having a president like Trump who is calling for us to focus on ourselves and our own interests instead of being the world police greatly benefits them as well. Whereas Obama kept jabbing at the Russians with a stick and Hillary will want to "Liberate" Russia from itself.

He may not get us in fight with the Russians but he's certainly doing a great job of starting a war with China right now.

Because he wants it to be big news when he wins the presidency for a second time in a month.

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And if he doesn't? Gonna look real bad for him.

>What proof do you have of this?

Have you not seen the Project Veritas videos on rigging the election? Shame on you user.

China's way too invested in us to want to start a war. They're pissed but it won't really change anything.

He butt fucked the system so hard, so hes opposing the recount, he wants pizzagate supporters lulled into a false sense of security.

Also hes trying to stop it form a world of global Jeb
No telling what that guacca bowl psycho would do with the button.