Fuck Hofer Demo

The cucking has begun...


I wonder who could be behind that



Please attack the Police!
Please attack the Police!
Please attack the Police!

t. Norbert Hofer

Nadsis wadch oud

>Battle dwarfs and wood elves

Did they just assume their genders?!

>not using the superior Ordner-/innen
What year is it?!

How can I be a nationalist with people like that in my country? I want them dead.

Könnt ihr mir bitte ein paar linke ösi medien nennen? Ich möchte den arsch schmerz der linken nicht verpassen nachdem hofer gewonnen hat

>protesting in front of Humanic

Think of the children

I just put a $450 bet on Hofer he better fucking win you cunts

> "Kein Nazi"

Good goyim.


Falls Hofer gewinnt werd ich mich überwältigend freuen, denn das würd darauf hinweisen, dass die Deutschsprächigen endlich genug mit den bescheuerten Linken gehabt haben.

Did Austria became great again?

Why are Austrians so dumb they cal anything they don't like a nazi? Why aren't they proud of their history?

This could be big if we get Austria on board. Should we summon kek to make this happen drawing upon meme magic?

Shall i go back and make more photos?

how many hours until we know the results of the elections ?

It's the same all over europe.

Realistically speaking, what are the chances of Hofer winning?

Wähl eins.
Unsere """"Linken"""" sind mehr zentral als links.
Schon garnicht VdB mit seinen 72 Jahren. Ganz andere Generation.

Because after ww2 butthurt socialists finally got their chance to rule us. After decades of bering killed for tje scum they are. Pro tip: many nazis became red after ww2 sice it gave them some sort of protection.

Fuck hofer and fuck white people!

Literally zero, in fact he lost already

Hitler ruined EVERYTHING. By failing he destroyed any hope for nationalism to rise in Europe ever again and gave the jews an excuse to cuck all of us, including the palestinians. If Hitler was never born there would be no refugee crisis, there would be no importing refugees to rape your population, none of this would have happened.

Aber vergleichswerise zu anderen Ländern sind unsere Rechten auch mehr Zentral.
Also Zentral Links und Zentral Rechts.


Österreicher sind halt wie Punschkrapfen :^)

Ich schätz mal schon. Du kannst dich allgemein bei uns nicht so weit aus dem Fenster lehnen ohne die Öffentlichkeit zu verärgern.
Eines der Dinge die ich hier schhätze.

Stop blaming the victim, shitlord!

They started moving



I'm going down there today. Gotta see the cucking in first person.

Not yet. Ask again tomorrow night.

>"Klassenkampf! Klassenkampf!"

Holy shit, that looks like somebody who I went to highschool with.

Goy, don't make me....

start chanting "HOFER HOFER HOFER" and get them to assault you on camera

Will der Hofer win Austribro?

Can't wait for Geert - Hofer bromance

I can't say. All the polls I've seen are inside margin of error.

I want to see a battle between angry Austrian far-leftist and angry Hungarian far-rightist protestors. Am I a bad person?

what movie?

Two little antifa cucks just approached me and and wanted to intimidate me with a "booo". I called him a "drunk" and asked one of them "if he is looking for trouble". Both looked away and didn't dare to turn their head to me. They went away quick. I came after them. As soon as i was next to them they turned arround and went back the other direction.

They are just shouting "down with the fpö". Time to go home

Make us proud Austria ! Make Austria Great Again !