What is better : civic or ethnic nationalism?

What is better : civic or ethnic nationalism?


>Civic for the Americas (although thats up to them and a white majority is obviously still important and very much wanted.

>Ethnic for Europe.

Civic would be preferable but Europe has been so racially diluted and destroyed the only way to save Europe races is Ethno Nationalism.

>we are so far gone we have to go either go full Hitler or become Negroid Hominids.
There is no middle ground option left

Ethnic or should i say RACIAL nationalism.

Ethnic, the civic doesn't work.

Civic nationalism. It just happens to coincidentally be the same as white nationalism.

This either we go down the path of the USA and Brazil or we stop this kikery now.

civic nationalism is a good goy version of it and it will destroy what our ancestors built. Niggers and sandniggers will never appreciate it.
Western world belongs to white people. Niggers can build their own countries in Africa and chinks in Asia.

oh shit
civic nationalism should literally be a meme like his wife's son or we wuz

It's not black and white. Some ethnicities are compatible. Others aren't.

My father employs Poles. I see nothing wrong with them. If only they weren't so stupid and could learn the language they would be fine.

This. Civic for multiracial countries without a long history, racial for others.

Ethnic disguised as civic.

>ethnic nationalism
there are literally no French or German genes
you have no way of knowing if someone is Dutch or German or North Italian by genes alone
so ethnic nationalism is literally idiotic
there was so much mixing in Europe between Europeans that you can only divide people broadly and even then Europeans form a genetic cluster so that's simply splitting hairs
screech about this all you want but that's how it is

>Civic for empires.

>Ethnic for little single-ethnicity countries.

fixed you senpai

Don't be a fag. Ethnic Nationalism will keep Europe white.

That's the real issue


but that's not ethnic, that's racial
in any case cultural and racial almost overlap so it doesn't even matter
you can't bring over millions of non-Europeans to European countries and integrate them properly

There is no example of civic nationalism,
where there is no majority ethnopopulation

Part of being an ethnic white American is always having negroes around. Don't need race-mixing though. Seriously, all the bullshit, forced interracial dating scenarios in commercials now send me into a fit of *autistic screeching.

found the shitskin

>there are literally no French or German genes

True, because that doesnt work like this and the rest of your post is misguided. There's no "french", "german", or even "african" gene.

>you have no way of knowing if someone is Dutch or German or North Italian by genes alone

Wrong. It's an analysis of a cluster of genes and now it's so precise you sometimes can know what village your ancestors were living in.

>so ethnic nationalism is literally idiotic

Agreed, race is what matters.

nation is a cultural thing, not genetic
are you seriously oblivious to the fact shitload of Germans have Slavic roots, for example?
ethnic as perceived here (basically nation=race) is a childish delusion


Also, I think you're talking about the same thing. I've always used the word "ethnicity" as a PC version of "race", while the proper scientific term for both would be subspecies.

I didn't say that there is no difference, but it's virtually splitting hairs
see Balkans, Croats, Bosniaks and Serbs are literally same, yet culture is different
Europeans as whole are a genetic cluster, and differences between Europeans have nothing to do with genetics

Sounds like you are just being pedantic with terminology when most people are at a general consensus about what Ethno Nationalism means.

The second part of what you said goes without saying. There is simply no way to integrate millions of 2nd and 3rd worlders, many of which with their own totalitarian religion they refuse to deviate from in attempts to 'assimilate'.

Civic nationalism by itself doesn't mean anything.
You could have a civic nationalist Sweden that takes in a million reffos every year because "everyone is a Swede".

You could also have a civic nationalist country that has banned refugees entirely and gives life in jail for people who house or move them.

civic nationalism is culture-based
ethnic nationalism is based on genetics
in any case both of these apply to America, Europe is literally 98% European

Well durr, gernius. If your country is mono ethnic and has very strong immigration laws, civic and ethnic nationalism overlap.

Civic nationalism never works in the long run. Just look at any multiracial empire of the past

I'm adressing people who divide Europeans based on genes

ethnic nationalism still can be in multi-ethnic countries based on old&good tribes alliance

Hairy muff mate

I think the difference between unswedish civic nationalism and ethnic nationalism is that the ethnicists would strip people who are for example 1/4 Japanese(I happen to know this sort of family) of legal rights and citizenship because of DNA.

y-you too
yep and that's idiotic

Civic. Based Black men are ok

I'm going to say civic nationalism because I'm a black guy who likes to fuck white girls.

>'fair enough sir, I have no qualms with you or your view point, good day.'

Depends on the country.

For countries like America, ethnic is difficult due to a hundred years of race mixing and immigration. Ethnic is better but civic is easier to establish and better than nothing.

For countries like Russia and Germany, ethnic is easier because of the majority of the population has always been Russian or German.

Well, Germany not so much anymore. Press F to Pay Respects

neither. modern nations were created by the rothschilds to divide and conquer all us rh positive humans.

the stats disagree with your emotional appeal to race baiting

yurope has a .0008% immigrant population
the EU has .001%

youre lying probably you are jewish yourself.

can you justify your radical stance with a fact or reason?

homogeneous culture is basically nonexistent in human history what makes you think it could be beneficial?

Yeah well, there's a margin of error and tollerance. None on this planet is 100% "racially pure", and it's unrealistic for even the most fanatic genocidal ethno-nationalistic government to wish for that.

Now 1/4 is a lot of inbreeding, and I would be against giving that person equal rights in a ethno-nationalistic state. But I'd work to prevent that in the first place, for example by removing equal rights for a citizen that marries and has kids with someone from a different race. If they love each other so much they can love each other where the alien is from. Fuck racemixing,



DNA does not adhere to racial theory you would have to send a bunch of japanese or finns or whatever country you are "cleaning" back to africa if you use blind DNA studies

multicultural egalitarianism is basically nonexistent in human history.

monocultures have never existed but if one did it would also not be egalitarian whats your point?

I'm okay with race mixing. As long as it isn't with niggers or spics. Asians might as well be honorary Whites. Their genes breed high IQs and a good work ethic. Genes and culture together are responsible for the productive countries like Japan.

As for spics and niggers, they're hardly Human. All it takes is for you to read the stories of former English colonies, specifically Afric. As soon as Whitey left, the niggers took over and literally destroyed everything they had set up there. Only a low IQ ape could be that retarded.

>love each other where the alien is from
but then isnt the other person an illegal alien?


Civic of course, its hard to be ethnic from where i am.
The blacks are us but we want whites to stay.

>race mixing is cuckolding my tiny genitals
>wtf i love race mixing now
so basically.... correct me if im wrong... you just entirely contradicted yourself


ethnic nationalism with rare exceptions (less than 10 immigrants per million citizens per year with exceptional contributions).

Without "basically".

Dafaq? 99% of human history was living in small homogeneous nomadic tribes. The successful tribes spread, multiplied and separated, etc.. the rest is history. With the exception of border regions (and even there not so much) homogeneous communities were the norm since ever. "Multiculturalism" is a suicidal fetish of the last 50 years.

You mean "what if the other person isn't an illegal alien"?

So fucking what. People have been kicked in and out of places since forever. I don't care if they have "citizenship", they have to gtfo back to their most recent ancestral country/location/whatever. Or they can be sterilized orgenocided, it's all good in my book.

As you said, no society can be 100% pure and biology requires diversity to evolve.

If we have to mix, we'd better mix with a race capable of not acting like literal monkies.

Just gotta live in Europe to too how bad the situation is Amerifat

This. Belgium would be civic since no nationalism.

I don't give a damn anymore. I just want to move to some peaceful Asia Pacific country and live out my days as a hermit in a low rent apartment by the sea. Fuck all this political shit.


Belgium has no history

of course it's an amerimixed saying this, while every other culture on earth has been fine being the same race since forever until its forced on them

Civic nationalism. And the only real way for all the races to get along is fascism. Pure, undiluted, authoritarian, corporatist, nationalist, fascism.

You and your black comrade shall be born in the same hospital. You will both go to the same type of school, where you will both be indoctrinated to love your country, love God and Christianity, and hate the enemy. You will both be put through the same trials in the military youth program, then you will both be conscripted into the army when you come of age. Boot camp will break both of you down further, molding both of you into good soldiers ready to die for each other and your country. You and your black comrade shall fight side by side killing the enemy heathens from a hostile culture, you will see whites and blacks bleeding for each other on the battlefield and you will be willing to do the same. Then, you and him will either die for your country, or you will survive and live to raise your own kids. Maybe you and him have a wife of a different race, it matters not, because your kids will be sent to the same schools and go through the same indoctrination and experiences you did.

Yeah well sorry to break this news to you but Asian countries haven't fallen for the bullshit of multiculturalism. So they don't give a fuck that your land has gone to shit and now you want to move elsewhere, and they won't let you in.

You have none but yourself to blame btw. Freeing the niggers, "saving" the (((Jews))), giving equal rights to shitskins, and spreading your bullshit all over the West. I don't hate America, but I ain't gonna shed a tear should it spiral into a civil war and/or balkanize. Hopefully such a shock will awake Europe while it still can.

>says an American

You can fuck yourself my friend

How do you expect us to become completely White? Everyone throws around that 60%~70% statistic. The only way to become completely White again is to genocide the impure. I doubt we'd be able to accomplish that again. The kikes officially fucked us with globalist intervention in politics and war.

Also, I'm not mixed with anything impure. Anglo/Aryan genes.

Of course civic nationalism, mgtow, atheism, Richard Spencer and good old BBC for every white woman.

Cutting welfare would be a genocide. If not through starvation, through the massive gang violence

>not impure

Eternal loser gene

Hopefully a Republican-controlled government is a step in the right direction.

Wouldn't have lost if our retarded government wouldn't have sided with the tea niggers and frogs. That goes for both wars.

This,but you could still say ethnic for empires if you just have segregation and Jim Crowe but unless you kept a militant stranglehold you'd have the CR chimpout all over again.

Aryans are the winner you fucking loser.

Aryans BTFOed the Germans in world war 2 for believing in racial supremacy.

Civic, of course
As in, majority white (80% minimum)

Best post ,indeed

the norwegian kind

based on those numbers, there should be 50 immigrants in Denmark total. Unlikely, considering we're taking in 20.000 refugees every year.

Nigger detected.

>Belgian nationalism
Haha haha haha haha hash ah ah ah ah ah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah


At least most Dutch citizens believe the Dutch nation is a thing

>a country


I have Dutch ancestry so your xenophobia is making me sick!

Follow your leader. Don't worry about the rest.

Civic nationalism worked well for France as long as we had an european immigration: germans, poles, russians, italians, spaniards, portuguese, etc... all integrated almost flawlessly, these people kept their names and all but noone think about them as "non french".
For example a large part of poles served under the Empire and fought every war since then, they maybe have a polish name but they are 100% french in my books.

It would be dishonest to say we didn't have a part of africans who served France very well during both world wars but the vast majority of the african in France came in the 60s and have no link to the country and no desire to be a part of it, it just doesn't work so they have to fuck off back to their shitholes.

"For there have been many cases in which a culture has collapsed even when its race has remained pure, as is especially clear in certain groups that have suffered slow, inexorable extinction despite remaining as racially isolated as if they were islands. An example quite close at hand is the case of the Swedes and the Dutch. These people are in the same racial condition today as they were two centuries ago, but there is little to be found now of the heroic disposition and the racial awareness that they once possessed. Other great cultures seem merely to have remained standing in the condition of mummies: they have long been inwardly dead, so that it takes only the slightest push to knock them down."

I mean don't get me wrong I love this country, but our nationalism is dead and we need to invent a new one if we wish to survive the coming decades.

It's almost as if.. as if ethnically European people (no gypsies, albanians, turks), despite their differences, share enough culture that they can blend in with one another, given some time - a generation at the most.

However non ethnically Europeans will never ever "intergrate", whatever the fuck that means, precisely because they are of a different race.

Shocking! Shocking I tell you!

ethnic nationalism obviously

Civic good. Reilaible and fast. Especially SI trim

>Source: Your arse
