For the many of you who are against race mixing here, I want your opinion

For the many of you who are against race mixing here, I want your opinion.

As a mulatto, who should I marry? A fellow mulatto, a black or a white?


castrate yourself and marry who the hell you want

Thought for second your pic was a blue horse cock with a shoe on the end of it by the thumbnail.

Someone you have a deep connection with....Preferably someone who is persistent in your dreams.

Marry who God gives you

Black or White, but ensure yoyr children do the same. It would be cool to have decided if your future family is black or white.

another mullato, just to see which genes become dominant.

Preferably no one. You're fucking over one race or the other.
.t hapa

No point in being married if I'm castrated

as a half "hispanic" that looks white with dark hair and green eyes, should i find another half hispanic girl (though a lot of them don't even look like me compare to a jew or italian) or a white girl (my kids would probably come out indistinguishably white)

A half Asian, half Abbo.
Create the ultimate meme child.

Find someone equally white/brown as you. Don't pollute the race anymore than it's already polluted.

The Annunaki will not be pleased....Especially El.

I think Asian/white genetic characteristics are easier to breed out. I doubt quarter-Asians would look that different from whites.


Hispanic already white, just another way of saying Spaniard gone native

Reason being

a black

return your bloodline to where it was

Whatever will have you in Africa.


a noose